
UCL School of Pharmacy


Study Booth

Study Booth Booking

The Library Study Booth is very popular, so to enable as many students as possible to take advantage of this study space and to ensure a good working environment for all students, in booking and using the Booth users agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.

What you need to know before booking

  • The Study Booth may be booked by UCL School of Pharmacy students only.
  • To book, simply write your name(s) on the booking sheet attached to the door of the Study Booth.
  • You can make one booking lasting up to 2 hours per group, per day.
  • A group must have no more that 4 members.
  • You can book up to 2 weeks in advance.
  • If the Booth is not occupied within 15 minutes of the start of a booking it may be re-booked to another group.
  • Please note that after 18:00 and on Saturdays the Booth is not bookable in advance and is available on a first-come first-served basis. However, you will still need to register at the Issue/Enquiry Desk before using the Booth and all terms and conditions still apply.

Using the Study Booth

  • Please do not leave personal belongings in the Booth.
  • The Booth should be cleared promptly at the end of the booking period.
  • Furniture should not be moved in or out of the Booth.
  • As with all areas of the Library, food and drink may not be taken into the Booth other than bottled water.
  • Please keep noise to a minimum in fairness to other Library users.
  • You will be held liable for any damage caused to the equipment, furniture etc. in the Booth.
  • If you encounter a fault with the computer equipment or software, please report this immediately to the Issue/Enquiry Desk.