
UCL School of Pharmacy


Information for disabled users

The UCL School of Pharmacy Library is committed to ensuring that UCL SoP students and staff with disabilities are able to take full advantage of our services and facilities.  We try to make as many of our services available as possible to visitors but we cannot offer access to some electronic resources to non-UCL SoP students and staff.

Access to the building and the Library

There is ramp access to the building.  The Library is located on the first floor of the building in Brunswick Square and access to this is via stairs, although there is a lift that can be used by people with mobility issues.  The life has a capacity of 825kg and is wheelchair-accessible.  If you wish to use the lift, please contact the Registry department if you are a UCL School of Pharmacy student, otherwise the Library and a member of library staff will assist you in operating the lift.

Additional Library services for readers with disabilities

We tailor services to individual needs and the range of additional services that we offer UCL SoP students and staff with disabilities include:

  • The Library will issue 7-day and normal loan books for longer than the usual loan period to students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia.  Please note that overdue fines still apply if items are returned later than the due date of the items. Please note that this service is only available to current UCL staff and students. Readers must register with the UCL Disability Centre and agree for them to release the information to the Library.
  • Staff can provide demonstrations on how to use the printers, including how to enlarge text which may be useful for visually-impaired persons or people with dyslexia, and can also assist if the reader has difficulty using the machine.
  • Alternative-format versions of all UCL Library's guides (large print, braille and MS Word) are available on request from the UCL Library Disability Officer Matthew Reynolds.
  • If a readers has a visual impairment or are dyslexic, the Library may be able to help obtain materials in alternative formats upon request.
  • Access for carers or helpers can also be arranged - they would be given free access and a registered staff card if they were attending lectures or tutorials for the majority of the term.  If they only attended occassionally, they would be able to sign in as a visitor at the Issue Desk.
  • Items can be retrieved for students and staff to collect from the Issue Desk by library staff if readers have difficulty reaching or carrying items, or if the items are in an inaccessible part of the Library.
  • Library induction tour and training sessions - staff can provide one-to-one sessions of the library facilities and readers should contact the Library if they would like to take up this offer.
  • If a reader's disability means that they have difficulty using the Library catalogue iLink or our electronic resources, library staff can check the Library's catalogue with or for our readers and also provide assistance with the searching of the electronic resources we have access to.

It would help the Library to provide a better service for readers if they are able to contact us in advance about their requirements.  Please contact Vicky Robertson (Reader Services Librarian) to discuss your individual library requirements:

Telephone: 0207 753 5833
Email us

For general information about UCL Library Services facilities for disabled users please click here.

Access to library resources and services from home

Many of the Library's services can be accessed electronically from home.  Our online catalogue is in Explore and allows readers to search for resources, reserve items that are on loan and renew your books so long as they are not overdue. Select Library Catalogue from the drop-down menu in the In Resource field.

Many library resources can also be accessed remotely, for example full-text electronic journals, various databases and electronic books.  The majority of these resources are restricted to UCL SoP students and staff and readers normally need to log in to them with their UCL userid and password.

Readers can get help over the telephone or via email, and send us feedback about the Library Service via email.

Safety evacuation procedures in the UCL School of Pharmacy Library

The emergency alarm is a continuous ringing bell.  There are no visual alarms.  During a fire alarm the lifts should never be used.  If a reader uses a wheelchair or has mobility restrictions which means they can only evacuate the building by means of a lift, they should make their way to the safety area of the first floor East landing and Evacuation chair and await emergency services personnel.

If the reader's disability may delay recognition of or response to a fire alarm, they should contact the School's Safety Officer Adrian Rodgers on 020 7753 5882 or by email to discuss a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP).