Caroline Coyer

Meet Caroline Coyer. Caroline is from the US, and she studied Creative Documentary by Practice MFA. Caroline is working as a writer, editor, workshop leader, and content creator.

UCL has been a treasure trove of opportunities and networking; you simply need to immerse yourself in what you love and seize those opportunities.

Profile picture of Caroline Coyer.

Caroline Coyer

Creative Documentary by Practice MFA

A treasure trove of opportunities

All of the professional opportunities I've experienced in London came through UCL. For instance, I landed a role with the English National Ballet after an email was sent out to the anthropology department seeking a student videographer.  

While covering a story for UCL News, I met my future boss, Sarah Maxwell, during a lunchtime talk at the Queen's Gallery by Hiroko Imada, a Slade alumni and renowned Japanese artist in London. Sarah and I were the only people recording the talk, and she asked me about my work.

I explained that I was a master's student focusing on multimedia, which led to an interview and a part-time role transforming her written magazine into video content. After a year, Sarah entrusted me with creating a podcast from scratch, resulting in the successful launch of "Bored Meeting," now with 40 episodes and counting.  

Similarly, I secured a position with the Bloomsbury Festival after discovering a promotional booklet on campus and learning they were looking for young trainees. Although overqualified for the traineeship, they offered me the chance to direct their festival review video. UCL has been a treasure trove of opportunities and networking; you simply need to immerse yourself in what you love and seize those opportunities. 

Studying in London has been, hands down, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

The opportunities, adventures, and friendships I’ve made here have far surpassed my expectations. What started as a two-year Master’s program in Creative Documentary, evolved into a longer stay because my career and life have flourished in ways I never imagined.

I found myself invigorated by the city’s creative pulse. London is an absolute goldmine for anyone who’s curious and loves to learn. It’s filled with world-class museums, exhibitions, cinemas, and endless live music and theater, and UCL’s central location puts you right at the heart of it all.

Whether you’re a short walk, cycle, or tube ride away, the sheer number of cultural institutions at your doorstep offers unmatched opportunities for academic and professional growth. Not to mention the genuinely welcoming people.

Gain knowledge. Gain advantage. Make your Master’s matter.
