
Reading Recovery Europe


FAQs about RRED

The following pages are for RRED users. They supplement the advice given in the RRED User Manual that registered Reading Recovery teachers will have received at the beginning of the year.

 The Frequently Asked Questions are organised thematically and should be users’ first port of call if you encounter problems using RRED.

Access to RRED

Who can use RRED?
RRED is a cohort-based, survey-driven system of data collection which is used to monitor, evaluate and research the effectiveness of the Reading Recovery programme.  Only Reading Recovery teachers registered with Reading Recovery Europe can use RRED.

I’m a registered Reading Recovery teacher.  How do I access the survey to input children’s data? 
Registered Reading Recovery teachers will be sent an invitation to RRED, using the email address you supplied us with. That web link will be the entry point to the survey, used each time further data are ready to input. We recommend that you bookmark or save the link as a favourite in your browser for quick access on returning to the survey.

What if my email address has changed? 
It is important to provide an up-to-date email address when we ask for programme details in early autumn.  If you change your email address after the list was collected, please check the old email address inbox for the email inviting you to register with RRED.  If you need to change the email address for communication from RRED, please contact ioe.rred@ucl.ac.uk with your name, centre, school and the new email address.

I am a Reading Recovery teacher, but haven’t received anything asking me to register with RRED, what should I do?
If no invitation to register arrives from RRED within 5 days of the welcome email check your spam mail box.  If that doesn’t help and you have heard from colleagues that they have received their invitation to register, please contact ioe.RRED@ucl.ac.uk

Will I require a password? 
When you click on the link to access RRED, you will be asked to set up your own 4 digit PIN (personal identification number.) This will give you secure access to the database and the dedicated part of the system that collects information on your pupils.

What if I forget my PIN? 
Choose a memorable 4 digit PIN and store it securely – the ILC will not be able to retrieve it for you.  Passwords will not be issued and reissued as they were in IDEC.

I’ve registered with RRED and made my PIN.  How do I access the surveys later in the year? 
Bookmark the link / save it as a favourite so that you can access it whenever you are ready to enter data. You will need your PIN to re-enter your survey. The link is specific to you, and will bring up your pupil data when you click on it.

What do I do to get started?
To start using RRED, read through the user manual, collect the information you need for the survey you intend to answer, and get going. You should find the survey easy to navigate. If you do encounter any problems, or are uncertain how to answer any questions, check with the manual first.  Come back to the FAQs here.  Speak with your TL about any questions that relate to Reading Recovery assessment and pupil selection. If you are still unable to find an answer you may email us at ioe.RRED@ucl.ac.uk Note: there is usually a 10 day turnaround for responding to queries sent to this email address.

I've finished entering data and want to leave the site.  How do I do so securely?  I can't find a log out button.
There isn’t a log out button on RRED.  To log out securely, click SUBMIT and close the page once you have finished entering data.  This will terminate the connection to the server.   To re-enter RRED, go to the personalised link you bookmarked on registration.  Or find the email sent to you on registration and follow the link from there.

Where can Reading Recovery professionals find more information about using RRED?
Further information is available on this website in other FAQs. Teachers can also refer questions to their Teacher Leader. Teacher Leaders can access further information and relevant documents on Moodle. Any other queries about technical aspects of using RRED should be directed by email to ioe.RRED@ucl.ac.uk Note: there is a 10 day turnaround for responding to queries sent to this email address.

What do I do if I have a specific problem with data entry?

Issues can now be reported directly from within RRED. To report an issue, click on the ‘report the issue using this form’ link on the pupil survey page.

What can I do if I have not received a registration email?
Please check your junk/spam folder. You can email ioe.rred@ucl.ac.uk and we can check whether your email was sent and/or resend a registration email.  If the email provided to us was incorrect and bounced we will have contacted your teacher leader to ask for a correction. Please include your name and school name in your email enquiry.

What is my User ID?
From September 2019, your RRED survey will be pre-populated with your RRED user ID for users who are continuing from the previous year. New users will be allocated a RRED User ID ahead of their registration on RRED. The reports on your students’ outcomes will indicate the User ID of their teacher. The user ID will also help RRED to respond to your queries.

Gaining consent for data collection in RRED

Why is consent necessary?
GDPR legislation asks those who collect personal and potentially sensitive data about individuals to seek consent to do so. Reading Recovery Europe (RRE) has updated procedures and advice for gaining consent from parents, schools and teachers for collecting and storing personal information including children’s data in RRED.  This is to ensure full compliance with GDPR. 
RRED asks those entering data to confirm they have elicited informed consent from parents, and have a hard copy of the consent form in their possession.  Please check that the consent forms have been returned before starting to enter pupil data into RRED.

How should I seek permission for data entry?
Schools will have in place procedures for asking parents’ consent for their child to enter the Reading Recovery programme.  This process needs to include consent for collecting data on their child on the terms set out in our Privacy notice which explains the kinds of data we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and the rights of individuals in respect of that data. We have updated our consent forms in this light.  These are available from Teacher Leaders.

Should teachers obtain retrospective consent for ‘carry over’ students and those awaiting 3 and 6 month follow up tests? 
No. They have consented already to data being collected and stored.

Is the consent form available in other languages?
At this point, consent forms are also available in Polish and Maltese. For any other parents with little English, or those who might struggle for other reasons to understand the form, please read or paraphrase it, so that you have explained it sufficiently for parents/carers to give their consent.

Should the consent form be signed in the presence of the Reading Recovery teacher, Headteacher or Principal?
No. That is not necessary.

The consent form states that children will receive a Reading Recovery lesson every day but that does not take into account absence of teacher due to illness, bereavement, EPV days etc.
Reading Recovery is a daily one to one programme.  Of course if the teacher is absent the child will not have a lesson. If there is concern about parent’s understanding of this aspect it could be discussed at the point of gaining consent.

The consent form also contains the phrasing ‘take a few minutes each day to read with your child’. What if parents with low literacy skills feel uncomfortable about an expectation of being able to ‘read with’?
It would be expected that teachers would mediate and discuss the form with parents. Reading with the child can take many forms including listening to the child read and discussing the book.

The form also tells the parent/carers that they will be kept up to date on their child's progress. What would be expected re informing parents about progress?
The school and the teacher should decide, following the school’s normal procedures for feedback about progress.

What happens if a parent/carer doesn’t consent to their child’s data being entered on RRED?
Without consent, data cannot be entered on RRED. A teacher could enter that the programme slot exists but should not enter anything about that particular child. If the child has been selected for Reading Recovery, they should nevertheless have access to the programme, even though their data is not collected.

Why does RRED include a school address?

This is to avoid confusion between schools with similar names. The school address should be pre-populated in your survey – if it is incorrect, please notify ioe.rred@ucl.ac.uk .The school address is for management purposes within RRED and cannot be used to identify individual children.

Data entry in RRED

How do I prepare for data entry?
A RRED user manual has been sent to all Reading Recovery teachers and Teachers Leaders. Please read it carefully before you start entering data.  It will take you through the whole sequence of data entry, and help explain how to answer each question

When should data be entered?
Effective data entry will happen at a number of points during the year – at entry of children to Reading Recovery, at the point of discontinuing and then later at 3 and 6 month checks and after national assessment points. When you log onto the system you will see your own survey queue and it will show the outstanding tasks for each pupil you have entered on the system.

How do I enter data?
The survey forms work partly on drop down menus and partly with spaces for typing in data entry. Before beginning each survey form, make sure you have all the school and pupil information you will need. Read each question carefully, and review the data summary for each child before you submit each form.  Remember you will not be able to alter data once it has been sent to the UCL data safe haven.

How can I find my school and teacher leader?
Because Reading Recovery operates in different countries and regions, the survey has been set up to filter by context.  When you first go into the system you will be able to choose your country, your region, and your teacher leader from the drop down menus.  Each choice you make filters the results you see.  Choosing country and region should provide you with an accurate list of schools including yours.
If you can’t find your school or teacher leader on the list email ioe.rred@ucl.ac.uk with details of your country, region and school name.  We will endeavour to update lists as soon as possible, if required.

What if I make errors in data entry?
RRED survey forms cannot be retrieved once they are submitted.  Although the form has been designed to minimise errors and has built in opportunities to check that the data is accurate, it is important to check the data carefully before submitting the survey.  Teacher Leaders will no longer review the data after submission. The data cannot be retrieved once it has been submitted to the UCL data safe haven.  If you realise you have made a mistake on a pupil’s Date of Birth (DoB), then email ioe.rred@ucl.ac.uk explaining the error and giving the correct DoB. Errors with dates of birth and programme entry are the most significant errors made by teachers – please check dates very carefully to make sure you have selected them accurately.

Why can’t I see a place to enter stanines?
Although stanines remain important in comparing progress in Reading Recovery, the survey is only using raw scores. Check carefully to ensure that you have entered raw scores, not stanines for each registered pupil.

What happens to data for ‘carry over’ children?
RRED is a cohort-based system of data collection.  Children belong to the academic year in which they joined the programme.  Data for 'carry over' children who first joined Reading Recovery in 2017-18 or 2018-19 will therefore be collected in a separate survey from data for children who join the programme in 2018-19.

How do I access a pupil's record to add programme exit, 3 or 6 month check data?
Go to your survey queue. To see pupil lists or add a pupil, click EDIT RESPONSE. Then you will see the list of pupils and any entry, exit, 3 or 6 month surveys awaiting completion. You will also see a reminder about how many days there are before the follow-up data is due.

What do I do about 3 and 6 month progress checks on carry-over children?
You will be able to enter them in the appropriate survey for their year of entry to Reading Recovery (2017-2018, 2018-2019 or 2019-20).

Tracking progress in RRED

Will I be able to use RRED to check on pupil progress?
To enable you to monitor progress and inform your school on how well the implementation is running, the system will generate annual reports from the data that will be returned to each registered teacher and teacher leader.  This means that together you can monitor the quality of the implementation of Reading Recovery in your school/area.  

Can I see a summary of the results I have entered for a child?
Yes. The RRED survey indicates a summary of a pupil’s results once you have entered them. Check the summary carefully before you press to SUBMIT.

I used to use the book graph facility in IDEC but I can’t find that in RRED so how can I track change in book levels?
Keeping a record of progress in book levels is very helpful. You could continue to use the paper-based system to create a graph for each child. If you would prefer to use an electronic version, your TL can send you a link to create book graphs using an app for Excel.