
Research and Innovation Portal


Project set up process

Find information on the steps you need to take once your funding has been awarded.

    Find your Award Services contact

    Award Services has a range of support staff available to support your project as well as contract and finance specialists.

    Or try the Pre-Award drop-in Sessions for staff looking for support on any aspect of the Pre-Award process, including how to submit a research application/project for approval.

    Accept your award and activate your research project

    Award Services provide information on the steps you need to take to activate your research project once you have funding approval, including:

    • Securing ethical review
    • Due diligence
    • Accepting the award
    • Agreeing on authorship and contributions
    • Arranging contract and collaboration agreements
    • Recruiting staff
    • Arranging and procuring equipment.

    For support and advice, we recommend you visit the Award Services website.

    Where to store your data

    If you’re obtaining data under licence or contract (usually via a data-sharing agreement) it’s likely there will be specific requirements for where this data can be stored. In most cases, the UCL Data Safe Haven will meet these requirements.

    For data not obtained under licence, other UCL systems can be used, though you’ll need to determine whether these meet your project’s requirements for confidentiality, integrity and availability.

    Be aware that data sharing agreements often include a requirement for secure data destruction. You should check that the system you plan to use will be able to meet this requirement.

    The Information Governance (IG) Advisory Service can help you decide which system is suitable for your data. For advice, contact them at: infogov@ucl.ac.uk

    Data Safe Haven Access

    You will need to complete the Information Governance assurance process to get access to the Data Safe Haven.