Welcome to the list of recent publications of the UCL Director of Scholarly Communication, please select one of the following:

FRIEND, F.J. New intermediaries, or the old intermediaries in a new guise? Serials, Vol. 14 no.1 (2001), 41-45.

BALL, D. and FRIEND, F.J. Library purchasing consortia in the UK, LIBER Quarterly, Vol. 11 no. 1 (2000), 98-102.

FRIEND, F.J. Libraries of one world: librarians look across the oceans, Collection Management, Vol. 24 nos. 3/4 (2000), 281-287. [Also published in "Creating new strategies for cooperative collection development", ed. M.T.Wolf and M.E.Bloss, Haworth Information Press, 2000, pp. 281-287.]

FRIEND, F.J. Policy: politics, power and people, In: International Yearbook of Library and Information Management 2000/2001: Collection Management, edited by Gary Gorman, Library Association Publishing, 2000, 45-58

FRIEND, F.J. Keeping your head in a revolution, Journal of Electronic Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2000.

FRIEND, F.J. New wine in a new bottle: purchasing by library consortia in the United Kingdom, Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 18 (1999), 145-148.

FRIEND, F.J. Forme di cooperazione in Gran Bretagna per l'acquisto di pubblicazioni elettroniche, Bollettino AIB: rivista italiana di biblioteconomia scienze dell'informazione, Vol. 39 (1999), 235-243. [An English version of this text can be found here.]

FRIEND, F.J., Licensing of Digital Publications: Peace of Mind for Research Libraries or an Expensive Nightmare?, Synopsis, Vol. 3, 128-139.

FRIEND, F.J., Changing the Financial Model for Libraries, Serial, Vol. 12 (1999) 7-11.

FRIEND, F.J., UK theses online?, Interlending & Document Supply Vol. 26 (1998), 175-177.

NESLI : Offering You All You Can Eat Without Counting The Calories (Or Watching The Pounds)

Copyright : Will It Strangle Information?

FRIEND, F.J. LAMDA: so what is so exciting about LAMDA? Ariadne: the Web version, Issue 14 (1998).

FRIEND, F.J. Alternatives to commercial publishing for scholarly communication. Serials, vol. 11 (1998), 163-166.

FRIEND, F.J. The relationship between international and UK licensing initiatives. LIBER Quarterly, vol. 8 (1998), 401-409.

FRIEND, F.J. New mission? Or old mission with a new face? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Missions of Academic Libraries, Oct.25-28 1998, Beijing, 17-20. Beijing, Peking University Press, 1998.

FRIEND, F.J. UK theses online? Interlending and Document Supply, vol. 26 (1998), 175-177.

FRIEND, F.J. Libraries: turmoil and renaissance. In: Electronic publishing;how will it work? Edited proceedings of a forum held on 13 May 1997, organised by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, edited by P. Secker, 1997, 59-63.

FRIEND, F.J. Interlibrary loan, fair dealing and the electronic environment. Serials, vol. 10 (1997), 321-324.

FRIEND, F.J. Fair use and fair dealing. [Conference organised by the University of Southampton on] Electronic Publications: Rights and Restrictions for Libraries and Their Users, London, July 1997.

FRIEND, F.J. Marcia Tuttle: a tribute on her retirement. Serials Review, vol.23 (1997, 10.

FRIEND, F.J. Annual General Conference of LIBER 1997 reviewed. Journal of Information, Law and Technology, 1997, [Web-based article].

FRIEND, F.J. UK Theses On-Line? Third International Conference on Grey Literature, Luxembourg, November 1997.