Using Artificial Light, Photolamp or Flash

  Artificial light sources let you bring your own light with you when the sun goes down, when you photograph in a relatively dark room, or when you need just a little more light than is available  naturally. Different sources produce light of different colour balances, an important factor if you are using colour films. PDF: Using Artificial Light Photolamp or Flash  

Simple Portrait Lighting

  Many fine portraits have been made using simple lighting setups. You don’t need a complicated arrangement of lights to make a good portrait. In fact, the simpler the setup, the more comfortable and relaxed your subject is likely to be. PDF: Simple Portrait Lighting  

The Main Light, The Strongest Source of Light

  The most realistic and usually most pleasing lighting resembles daylight, the light we see most often: one main source of light from above creating a single set of shadows. Lighting seems unrealistic (though there may be times when you will want that) if it comes from below or if it comes from two or more equally strong sources that produce shadows going in different directions. PDF: The Main Light, The Strongest Source of Light  

More About Flash, How to Position It

  Light from any source – a window, a continuously burning lamp, a flash – foltows the same general rule: The light falls off (gets dimmer) the farther the light source is from an object. But light from a flash comes and goes so fast that you can’t see the effect of the flash on a scene at the time you are taking the picture. Special exposure meters are designed for use with flash; you can’t use an ordinary exposure meter to meas. PDF: More About Flash, How to Position It  

How To Calculate your own Flash Exposure

  The Inverse square Jaw The Inverse square Jaw is the basis for flash exposure calculations.  The farther the light travels, the more the light rays spread out and the dimmer the  resulting illumination. …see full text To Calculate your own Flash Exposure To calculate your own flash exposure you need to know two things: the distance that the light travels to the subject and the guide number (a rating given by the manufacturer for the flash when used with a  specific film speed) …see full text Bounce Flash Travels an Extra Distance If you are calculating a bounce flash exposure, measure the distance not from flash to subject but Read more

SLR Camera Simulator

Want to play around with SLR Camera settings and see how it affects your photo, but without actually using an SLR? Well, you can do just that with the Online SLR Camera Simulator. This simple application allows you to choose the lighting, ISO, shutter speed and aperture. A great tool to teach someone the basics of photography. Website:

Dropbox – brilliant for sharing files

Your files, anywhere Any file you save to Dropbox also instantly saves to your computers, phones, and the Dropbox website. 2GB of Dropbox for free, with subscriptions up to 100GB available. Your files are always available from the secure Dropbox website. Dropbox works with Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. Works even when offline. You always have your files, whether or not you have a connection. Dropbox transfers just the parts of a file that change (not the whole thing). Manually set bandwidth limits — Dropbox won’t hog your connection. Website: Dropbox Website: Dropbox for email address Read more

FLV players for your website

The OS FLV Player is an Open Source, embedable player for Flash native video files. The player provides a large amount of options that can be changed in the embed code. Also provided are a code generator written in javascript, a library of PHP functions and, of course, fully open source code! Website: With over one million active users, the JW Player™ is the Internet’s most popular open source video player. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF) and now supports HTML5 too. Additionally, the JW Player™ Read more

Film Processing

Processing Your First Black and White Film 1. Your darkroom (kitchen, bathroom or cupboard) needs to be completely blocked out to stop light from entering. For windows use thick card cut to shape and held in place with blade canvas tape. …see full text PDF: Processing Your First Black and White Film   Processing a Film Easy Even if you have never developed a film before, you are unlikely to find it very difficult. You do not need a specially-built darkroom, and once you have loaded the film into the developing tank, the rest of the process takes place in daylight. …see full text PDF: Processing a Film Easy   Black and Read more


Types and Technical Data It makes good sense to work with a limited range of well-chosen films. You get to know their performance  intimately – what each can contribute to your particular style of picture,  its response to different subject situations and, when  necessary, just how far you can abuse the film before results become unacceptable. … PDF: Films – types and technical data   Understanding Film …The Basics Film is, very simply, a light-sensitive emulsion on a plastic base. An easy way to think of film is to compare it with bread and butter. Think of the bread as the base, the butter as the emulsion. When you Read more

Colour Photographic Printing

  The colour processing that we shall be using is the subtractive method. Using the subtractive filters of yellow magenta and cyan. In practise you will only use two filters at any one time, as a third filter will simply reduce the effect of the other two.  In practise you will only use the filters magenta and yellow. …see full text PDF: Colour Printing   Min Test Strip  Print Size Exposure: Aperture – start at f8, First Test Strip: 5,10,20,40  sec, Adjust aperture to target 20  sec exposure… see full text A ring-around chart for neg/pos colour printing Filtration data shows what  to subtract from present filter settings Read more

Black & White Photographic Printing

  The Chemicals: There are three basic chemicals in the printing process. These are Developer, Stop and  Fix. Developer brings out the latent image, the magic part of the process. Stop does what it says, stops the image from coming out any further. Fix prevents any white light from darkening, fogging, fading or otherwise affecting the finished print i.e. fixing it. Printing Equipment and materials you’ll need Making a Contact Print Step by Step Processing a Print Step by Step Development …see full text PDF: Black  & White Photographic Printing   Photographic Paper Most black and white paper is coated on a base consisting of paper fibre sealed Read more

The View Camera

  Cameras and Accessories View cameras come in a variety of sizes, ranging in inches  from 2 1/4″ x 3 1/4″ up to 11 x 14 formats. There are larger models, but those are usually used only for special-purpose photography because of  the limits imposed  by  their massive size and weight. The two most popular sizes are 4×5  and 8 x 10. All monorail cameras are modular  in  design. These can be specifically configured in terms of bellows, monorail length, and type of back and front components to serve  a wide variety of photographic needs.  … PDF: Cameras and Accessories   Definitions The view camera is unique because its lens and back are Read more


Syphon is an open source Mac OS X technology that allows applications to share frames – full frame rate video or stills – with one another in realtime. Now you can leverage the expressive power of a plethora of tools to mix, mash, edit, sample, texture-map, synthesize, and present your imagery using the best tool for each part of the job. Syphon gives you flexibility to break out of single-app solutions and mix creative applications to suit your needs. Syphon provides an ecosystem for sharing imagery between applications and new media development environments. Syphon is designed to be efficient and will Read more

Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery (book review)

Want to learn the fundamentals of electronics in a fun, hands-on way? With Make: Electronics, you’ll start working on real projects as soon as you crack open the book. Explore all of the key components and essential principles through a series of fascinating experiments. You’ll build the circuits first, then learn the theory behind them! Build working devices, from simple to complex You’ll start with the basics and then move on to more complicated projects. Go from switching circuits to integrated circuits, and from simple alarms to programmable microcontrollers. Step-by-step instructions and more than 500 full-color photographs and illustrations will Read more

Self Publishing resource guide

Self publishing is not a new phenomenon. It is the publishing of all media by the author/artists of those works rather than by established, third party publishers. Although self publishing has been around since the beginning of publishing [5], it has seen a huge increase in activity with the advancement of publishing technology and the World Wide Web…….. Website:

Epson inkjet cartridge recycling

The only way to recycle EPSON inkjet cartridges is to return them to EPSON. None of the reuse schemes accept EPSON. Slade Digital Print are part of the EPSON Recycling Scheme and have a large blue box in the Digital Print are to collect them in. All students and staff are welcome to take advantage of this box for EPSON inkjet cartridge recycling. (But, please do not use the Epson box for any other manufacturer or compatible cartridges as these will end up in landfill.)

The Ultimate Dropbox Toolkit & Guide

Dropbox, the app we all (at least many of us) know and love, has a plethora of advanced uses to make life so much easier in managing data between multiple computers and online. We’ve posted several roundups of tips and tricks for Dropbox and now we present our ultimate toolkit and guide. We’ve pulled all our tips and tricks together and added quite a few more. Additionally, share your Dropbox tips and tricks and we’ll update the list to share the fun with everyone. Dropbox? Not familiar with Dropbox? Let me start out by simply saying, Dropbox is awesome. I Read more

Free alternative to Microsoft Office

The Document Foundation, which coordinates development of LibreOffice, a new, free and open office suite, has reached an important development milestone significantly ahead of schedule. LibreOffice 3.3 shipped this week; it’s the first, stable, road-ready version of the suite. A large, 100+ community of developers has been attracted to the project, and while it’s still clearly under construction, it’s an impressive showing in a short time. Website:

Create custom or global shortcuts that perform more complicated tasks on Mac

Macs have some great built-in keyboard shortcuts, but if you want to create custom or global shortcuts that perform more complicated tasks, you’ll need to do a little extra legwork. Here’s how to turn virtually any action into a keyboard shortcut Website:

Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property

At the end of the twentieth century, intellectual property rights collided with everyday life. Expansive copyright laws and digital rights management technologies sought to shut down new forms of copying and remixing made possible by the Internet. International laws expanding patent rights threatened the lives of millions of people around the world living with HIV/AIDS by limiting their access to cheap generic medicines. For decades, governments have tightened the grip of intellectual property law at the bidding of information industries; but recently, groups have emerged around the world to challenge this wave of enclosure with a new counter-politics of “access Read more

Xpert Media Search and Attribution service

One of the main barriers to publishing and using open resources is copyright and particularly the use of third party images where the copyright status is uncertain. To help with overcoming this problem the Open Nottingham team created the Xpert Media Search and Attribution service, which is a ground-breaking website helping users to find creative commons or public domain media and automatically incorporate licence information into the resource. Routinely embedding open licences simplifies OER development, removes barriers to repurposing and publishing OER, and substantially increases the usability and accessibility of course materials. For the first time, broad audiences of OER Read more

Open Street Block – lat/lon coordinate convertor

OpenStreetBlock is a web service for turning a given lat/lon coordinate (e.g. 40.737813,-73.997887) into a textual description of the actual city block to which the coordinate points (e.g. “West 14th Street bet. 6th Ave. & 7th Ave”) using OpenStreetMap data. There are likely many applications for such a service. It should be quite useful any time you might need to succinctly describe a given location without using a map. Website:

Camera Movements

What are camera movements? Essentially, they are controlled independent movements of lens or film plane which enable us to form a more usefull image under a particular set of conditions. They enable us, for instance, to increase depth of field over important parts of the subject, change image shape, and use images of subjects well above, below or to the side of the lens. Camera movements offer us all sorts of image controls, from simple square-on views of mirrors without the camera showing, to a complete change in the appar­ent perspective of a building. Here, indeed, is valuable ‘professional magic.’ Read more

Single-Lens Reflex (SLR) Camera

The 35mm Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera is fundamentally a 45° hinged mirror set behind a lens which reflects the image up to a focusing screen on the camera top. As the shutter release is pressed the mirror flips up to: i) Form a seal under the focusing screen to prevent light from entering the camera through the viewing lens. ii) Move out of the way of the lens and film. When the mirror reaches the horizontal position it fires a focal plane shutter just in front of the film to make an exposure. Distances are arranged so that the Read more

Medium Format: introduction

Format refers to the size of film that you are using. Medium format mostly refers to 120 film which will be 6cm wide but depending on the camera you are using can be 4.5,6, or 7cm long and even longer which would go on to a large format camera. Our cameras produce negative that are 6 X 6cm and 6 X 7cm. We would advice that you do not use 220 film as it doesn’t have a paper back and can rip and is difficult to load, also some of our cameras are not designed for this longer film, So Read more

Shutter speed and aperture

Controlling the exposure. Both shutter speed and aperture affect the amount of light reaching the film. To get a correctly exposed negative, one that is neither too light nor too dark, you need to find a combination of shutter speed and aperture that will let in the right amount of light for a particular scene and film. PDF: Shutter speed and aperture

Glazes: an introduction

Glazes can be classified into two simple groups, which are earthenware and stoneware. These groups can also be classified by firing ranges for individual glazes. Earthenware glazes mature in the range 950°C to 1190°C, where as stoneware glazes fire in the range 1200-1300°C. Some crossover can occur between the high earthenware and low stoneware temperatures. For ease of selection sub-groups are arranged within these groups based on temperatures ranges. Other methods of grouping are based on colour or finish (e.g gloss, opaque, matt etc) or even speciality (e.g. raku). At Clayman we also include a third large group called Brush-on. Read more

Clay: an introduction

Clay is one of the most satisfying and seductive materials to work with. It is made up of millions of tiny plate shaped particles. When water is present in the correct proportion these particles will slide easily over each other without breaking. When the clay body contains approximately 20% water it can be easily moulded or shaped. From the earliest times man has used the qualities of clay to form functional and decorative artefacts. We can arrange clay bodies into five general groups: RAKU The word raku has Chinese origins and describes a specalist type of firing where the pots Read more

Arduino starting points

Digital Bookmaking Tools: A Roundup

For those of us who aren’t code slingers, what’s the easiest way to build a digital book? I’ve noticed a small but growing number of tools, ranging from big guns like those on offer from Adobe to iPad-based efforts that aim to make publishing a touch and drag affair. Below is a list I’ve been compiling over the past few weeks. Some of these solutions get you an iPad app, some get you ePub, some are for web-based books. Website:

booru WebCam software

booru WebCam 2.0 will assist you in capturing images from your web camera, publishing them on your homepage, archiving them on your harddrive or storing them on the Internet. The program makes it easy to apply effects such as picture and text overlays to the camera image. The main purpose of booru Webcam is to increase the fun factor and usefulness of webcams! Party Cam: Use your web camera as a party cam, documenting the party to your local hard drive. You can later on look through the archive to find all the highlights from yesterday’s party. Or why not Read more

Thesis & Dissertation Printing & Binding

Bookbinders of London Ltd is a fourth generation family run business located in Highbury, North London. We work for individual members of the public, students from all of the top London Universities and Colleges plus a wide variety of companies operating in fields such as print, publishing, design, construction, banking, television; modelling etc. We carry out work to your individual specifications and help you in choosing materials and styles of bindings to suit your requirements and budget. We are happy to bind one book or thousands; large or small and will complete your job to a high standard on time. Read more

FLOSS manuals

FLOSS Manuals is a collection of manuals about free and open source software together with the tools used to create them and the community that uses those tools. They include authors, editors, artists, software developers, activists, and many others. There are manuals that explain how to install and use a range of free and open source softwares, about how to do things (like design) with open source software, and manuals about free culture services that use or support free software and formats. Anyone can contribute to a manual – to fix a spelling mistake, to add a more detailed explanation, Read more

Introduction to web browers

Many of us these days depend on the World Wide Web to bring the world’s information to our fingertips, and put us in touch with people and events across the globe instantaneously. These powerful online experiences are possible thanks to an open web that can be accessed by anyone through a web browser, on any Internet-connected device in the world. But how do our browsers and the web actually work? How has the World Wide Web evolved into what we know and love today? And what do we need to know to navigate the web safely and efficiently? PDF: 20 Read more

Make your own fonts is an online font generator that allows you to create your own OpenType fonts within a couple of minutes.


Details about copyright are available from The Patent Office’s website  

Binding Styles

Cased and limp books may be unsewn, notched or sewn (unsewn and notched binding are the same price, but notched binding is not available for books printed on our digital presses). A sewn book is more durable and expensive, than an unsewn book and is only usually necessary for publications referred to regularly, such as dictionaries or high extent titles, where the sewing adds additional strength to the binding. Limp binding – also called softback or paperback binding. Cased binding – (also called hardback or cloth binding) There are two main case binding styles: i) With a printed paper cover pasted down to the Read more

Final Cut Pro – Killer Secrets

Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets is a collection of tips, techniques and reference material that I’ve learnt, discovered or stumbled upon since 2003. The book is written primarily for Final Cut Pro 6 but virtually all the tips will work in earlier versions. Whether you’ve been working with Final Cut Pro for five months or five years. PDF: Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets  

Mounting and Framing – London

Jack Carvosso Studio Unit 27 Penarth Centre, Penarth Street, London, SE15 1TR 07540101145   Peter Watkins Framing Studio 1.08, Limehouse Arts Foundation Towcester Road E3 3ND   Metro Imaging (Framing)Metro Imaging 32 Great Sutton Street London, EC1V ONB 020 7865 0000   Canonbury Arts: 65 Halliford Street Islington London N1 3HF tel. 020 7226 4652 email Google Maps: Lock & Davies 89 Goldsmiths Row London E2 8QR Speak to Martin (at Lock & Davis). This place is good for smaller work. Good prices 020 7684 7390   Simon Beaugié Picture Framers ltd Manor Farm Workshops, Hamstreet Read more

Photographic Processing and Printing – London

Staff top recommendation: Tapestry 254-258 Goswell Road London EC1V 7EB digital C-type (Lambda up to 48”/125cm wide) and Giclee inkjet printing. Print Mounting 020 7250 1700 Other places in London: Michael Dyers Associates Now located at: Bayeux 78 Newman Street LONDON W1T 3EP Contact Steve Vallis on 020 7836 8354 or Terry Hack on 020 7436 1066 Large scale colour and black and white hand prints from negatives. Some digital services including giclee printing   Metro Imaging 32 Great Sutton Street London EC1V 0NB Monday to Friday 8am-7pm Digital and analogue printing & processing for colour and black and white. Read more

Darkroom & studio hire

Four Corners Darkroom 121 Roman Road Tower Hamlets Greater London E2 0QN 020 8981 6111 Rapid Eye 79 Leonard Street London EC2A 4QS Phone 0871 873 1257 Photofusion 17a Electric Lane London SW9 8LA digital Scanning, studio hire, gallery, darkroom hire 020 77385774

Epson inkjet papers

BuyEpson (direct from Epson, whole range including rolls) 7dayshop (online, cheaper if you plan in advance) PC World, Tottenham Court Road opp Warren St or Ryman’s near Goodge St (closest) Jessops or Jacobs on New Oxford Street (south end of Gower St)