What happens when my Mac is stolen?

Undercover aids in recovering a stolen Mac by transmitting its location, photos of the thief and screenshots revealing what he is up to.   What happens when my Mac is stolen?   Accurately locate your stolen Mac Undercover uses advanced technology developed by Skyhook Wireless to locate your Mac based on Wi-Fi positioning. In addition, Undercover transmits network information, enabling our recovery center to accurately track and locate your stolen Mac within a range of 10-20 meters. See what happens on your Mac Undercover is the world’s first theft-recovery software that will send screenshots of your stolen Mac at regular Read more

Glazes: an introduction

Glazes can be classified into two simple groups, which are earthenware and stoneware. These groups can also be classified by firing ranges for individual glazes. Earthenware glazes mature in the range 950°C to 1190°C, where as stoneware glazes fire in the range 1200-1300°C. Some crossover can occur between the high earthenware and low stoneware temperatures. For ease of selection sub-groups are arranged within these groups based on temperatures ranges. Other methods of grouping are based on colour or finish (e.g gloss, opaque, matt etc) or even speciality (e.g. raku). At Clayman we also include a third large group called Brush-on. Read more