week 5 29.05.2003

Crankbunny / Norma V Toraya

Norma V Toraya / Crankbunny
NotTV - Being There- May 2003
Showings, Gallery Events, Festivals, Internet:
BoringArt - Boring Event - April 2003
Light Plays Tricks 6 Short Film Festival - April 2003
Whalelane - Online Screening - March 2003
StreamingCinema - Screening - March 2003
Sterile Cowboys - TV Screening - Feb 2003
Xanimate - Xfest - Feb 2003
Wartime - Online Event: Ongoing - Jan 2003
DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network - October Main Collection- 2002
CCA - Hypogogia: two waking dreams. Netart exhibition with 6amHoover, Music
by Stuart Braithwaite and John Cummings of Mogwai - Glasgow, Scotland - 2002
Glasgow Art Fair - CCA Digital Portion - Glasgow, Scotland - 2002
Time Based Practice Live Web Cast - University of Wales Institute - Wales,
UK - 2002
IMMA - The Open Museum Online - Dublin, Ireland - 2002
Khyber digital media center - Halifax, Nova Scotia - Closet Gallery - 2001
Enarrative2 Hypertext Conference - Boston - 2001
Liteshow Festival -- Boston - 2001
Online Flash Film Festival - Finalist - Barcelona - 2001
Ocularis - OpenZone5 -- NYC - 2001
Digital Dumbo Festival - Mastel + Mastel Gallery, NYC -- 2001
Streaming Cinema 2.0 - festival showing in Philadelphia, New York,
Copenhagen, Paris, London, Independent Film Channel (www.ifctv.com), Ars
Electronica - 2000
Seoul Net Festival (SeNef) - Seoul - 2001
Hell.com- since 2001 (ongoing)
Books :
Masters of Photoshop. Chapter 14, "Obsession". Friends of Ed; ISBN: 1903450624 2001
Education :
BFA : Sculpture - Syracuse University Visual & Performing Arts College -
Syracuse, NY US -