Kunst aus Bits und Bytes (ISEA 2010)

Harald Welzer on WDR Fernsehen talking about ISEA and Callanan’s work A Planetary Order

Elektronische Visionen in Dortmund broadcast on
Dienstag, 31. August 2010, 22.30 – 23.10 Uhr
Montag, 06. September 2010, 10.50 – 11.30 Uhr (Wdh.)

A quick translation of Harald Welzer talking about A Planetary Order:

I find this piece of work very fine actually because it represents very simply, that is to say in the classical shape of the globe, what is in reality an unbelievably complex process. Normally of course one sees only the sky and the prevailing weather conditions over the place where one is at that time. That this is a complete and forever changing global system is quite wonderfully depicted with this very simple and, in my opinion, beautiful artwork. The worldwide interconnecting system, which Callanan has recorded in miniature, is subdivided in Marko Peljhan’s “Arctic Perspectives” into umpteen individual projects…

ISEA2010 RUHR Exhibition

20 August – 5 September 2010
Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund, Dortmunder Kunstverein, RWE Galerie, Dortmunder U, PACT Zollverein Essen and Duisburg-Ruhrort
Opening: 19 August 2010, 19:00

More than thirty international artists and artist groups urge visitors to the exhibition into new perspectives on environmental issues, questions of identity and discussions about the ever-present social-media. What does a human hair sound like? Which sight will capture your imagination? Who sets the rules in the digital world?

The ISEA2010 RUHR presents outstanding contemporary works of international media art and the current position of artistic entanglements with science and technology. It offers an overview of the most pressing issues and topics in media art. Divided between the cities of Dortmund, Duisburg and Essen are shown 29 works from 37 artists representing 16 countries in total.

Most of these works will be presented in the Dortmund Museum for Art and Cultural History. The works engage with topical themes such as climate change and the deconstruction of identity concepts, and revel in alchemical experiments.

With works by Siegrun Appelt (at), Eve Arpo & Riin Rõõs (ee), Lucas Bambozzi (br), Aram Bartholl (de), BCL (at/jp), Natalie Bewernitz & Marek Goldowski (de), Daniel Bisig (ch) & Tatsuo Unemi (jp), Juliana Borinski (br/de), Martin John Callanan (uk), Işil Eğrikavuk (tk), Verena Friedrich (de), Terike Haapoja (fi), Aernoudt Jacobs (be), Márton András Juhász & Gergely Kovács & Melinda Matúz & Barbara Sterk (hu), Yunchul Kim (kr), Thomas Köner (de), Mariana Manhães (br), Soichiro Mihara (jp) & Kazuki Saita & Hiroko Mugibayashi (jp), Krists Pudzens (lv), Christopher Salter (qc/ca), Bill Seaman (us), Saso Sedlacek (si), Mark Shepard (us), Charles Stankievech (qc/ca), Vladimir Todorovic (rs/sg), Bruno Vianna (br), Ei Wada (jp), Herwig Weiser (at), Norah Zuniga Shaw (us).

FILE 11 – I wanted to see all the news from today

The 11th edition of FILE – Electronic Language International Festival – takes place this year at centro cultural fiesp – ruth cardoso, Brasil, from july 27th to august 29th, 2010. The programme occupies the art gallery of sesi-sp, the fiesp space, the theater and the mezzanine of the cultural center that hosts the exhibition with interactive installations, games, machinimas, internet artworks, performances and workshops.

Media Art shows how to “soften” the rigidity of technology functionality and to create an environment of creativity and artistic thinking.

The World in 100 Years

The World in 100 Years
Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria
June 16th – September 19th 2010

“Everyone will have his own pocket telephone that will enable him to get in touch with anyone he wishes. People living in the Wireless Age will be able to go everywhere with their transceivers, which they will be able to affix wherever they like— to their hat, for instance …“
Robert Sloss: “The Wireless Century,” in: “The World in 100 Years,” Berlin, 1910

The new exhibition in the Ars Electronica Center Linz pays tribute to the creativity, courage and inventiveness of those men and women who have totally committed their energies, abilities and knowledge to a vision of the future. This exhibition surveys a 200-year time span: looking back at what people about a century ago anticipated for this day and age, and showcasing what contemporary thinkers foresee 100 years from now.

As proxies standing for all the visionaries and trailblazers who have worked on their respective „futures“ over the course of humankind‘s history, French writer, illustrator and caricaturist Albert Robida (1848–1926) and Belgian visionary Paul Otlet (1868–1944) occupy this exhibition‘s spotlight.

Bruce Herr, Katy Borner (USA), Wikipedia Visualization
Marjolin Dijkman (BE, NL), Wandering through the Future
Frederik De Wilde (BE), Hostage
Bruce Baikie (USA), Intelligent Solar Powered 3G-WiFi Broadband Access
Hans Frei (CH), Marc Böhlen (USA), Micro Public Places
Teresa Maria Buscemi (USA), electroStatic Architecture
Catherine Kramer (UK), Community Meat Lab
Ken Banks (UK), Frontline SMS
Open Sailing Crew with Cesar Harada (UK), Open Sailing
Tatsuya Narita (JP), Toaster to understand today’s weather
Doug Fritz (USA), Sajid Sadi (USA), Engaze
Brigitte Hadlich (DE), c.50p – 50. Breitengrad
Jonas Burki (CH), Sun_D
Takayuki Nakamura (JP), Wonderful World
Josh Schiller, James Tunick, Carrie Elston (USA), City of the Future
Martin John Callanan (UK), Location of I
Himanshu Khatri (IN), Aquaplay
shiftspace.org (USA). ShiftSpace
Martin Mairinger (AT), USED Clothing
Akio Kamisato, Satoshi Shibata, Takehisa Mashimo (JP), Moony

How We Became Metadata

You are invited to the Private View of the exhibition inaugurating The Gallery at 309 Regent Street on: Tuesday 8th June, 6:30-8:30pm

9 June 2010 – 5 September 2010, 9:00 – 17:00

Martin John Callanan
Corby & Baily
Eunju Han
Eduardo Kac
susan pui san lok
Ruth Maclennan and Uriel Orlow
Thomson & Craighead
Curated by Marquard Smith

University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London W1 2UW

FutureEverything – Serendipity City

FutureEverything, taking place 12-15 May in Manchester UK. Expect world premieres of astonishing artworks, an explosive citywide music programme, visionary thinkers from around the world, and awards for outstanding innovations.

Serendipity City: The FutureEverything 2010 main exhibition, featuring architecture-inspired art, a curated selection of city-drifting iPhone and Android apps, jaw-dropping data visualisations including Martin John Callanan’s A Planetary Order, and a selection of FutureEverything 2010 Award nominees. The venue is The Hive (47 Lever Street, Manchester M1 1FN), a spanking new Northern Quarter location.

Furtherfield on ResonanceFm

THOMSON & CRAIGHEAD are being interviewed on Resonance FM this Tuesday evening by Marc Garrett and Charlotte Frost. As far as we know it’s a live program, so that should add a certain unpredictability to proceedings especially as we have no idea what they’ll be asking us! The other guest on the show is Corrado Morgana and if you’re not near a radio for the live show then the podcast can be downloaded here later on in the week.

Liverpool to Liverpool: Chronicles of an Aimless Journey

Liverpool to Liverpool tells the story of an epic journey by Simon Faithfull from Liverpool, UK, to Liverpool, Novia Scotia. Faithfull made about six drawings a day throughout his journey, documenting the minutiae of daily life on land and sea, from Liverpool to Liverpool, with his Palm Pilot. This book includes 181 digital drawings, and Faithfull’s often wry, imagist commentary on the landscapes he was passing through and the humans he encountered – from English Liverpudlians crouched under umbrellas to Canadian Liverpudlians with moustachioed lips and pick-up trucks – as he drew them. The book serves as a reminder of Liverpool’s maritime past, its historical dependence on the shipbuilding industry and transatlantic trade, and the survival of these global connections today. Both the words and images in this fascinating book attest to the survival of the texture and detail of individual everyday lives even in our restlessly mobile world.

FILE Prix Lux – Voting now open

Martin John Callanan needs your vote… his work ‘I Wanted To See All the News From Today’ is a finalist in the first FILE Lux Prix for electronic and digital art.

To vote simply select the work ‘I Wanted To See All the News From Today’, enter your email address to vote, then verify your vote by clicking on the link you receive to your inbox.

FILE PRIX LUX has the intent of rewarding, motivating and stimulating the emergence of new talents in the area of electronic and digital languages. Since 2000, FILE – Electronic Language International Festival constitutes an international interdisciplinary platform for the development of innovative and creative projects in the area of arts and technologies. FILE is a cultural, nonprofit organization that promotes a reflection on the main themes of the global contemporary electronic-digital context, always in a transdisciplinary vision in the political complexity of our time’s cultural universe. For ten years now, FILE has collaborated, through exhibitions and symposiums, with the aesthetic-technological development that the new electronic-digital languages offer to contemporary cultures, as well as it has positioned Brazil in the world context of those new trends. In 2010, FILE will accomplish a long-awaited objective: to award to some of the projects an international prize in money.

Thank you!

Field Broadcast 8 – 16 May 2010



Thirty-three artists will send live broadcasts from fields direct to your desktop. All works, whether video, animation, performance, sculpture or live data will be created in the field with no editing or post-production. Each broadcast will be viewed by a dispersed international audience, at office desks, in cafes, on trains and at kitchen tables.

To receive the field broadcasts go to www.fieldbroadcast.org and follow the instructions. Once you have installed the viewer application each broadcast will arrive directly to your desktop, through your internet connection, opening in a pop-up window.

Field Broadcast will be live for 24 hours a day from May 8th to May 16th. Times of individual broadcasts will not be published in advance. All broadcasts are live and will not be repeated.

Artists: Bram Thomas Arnold, Ed Atkins, Dave Ball, Christopher Bassford and Jonathan Ryall, Richard Bevan, Sara Bjarland, Martin John Callanan, Susan Collins, Dan Coopey, Alexander Costello, David Cotterrell, Michael Cousin, Juan Cruz, Sean Edwards, Simon Faithfull, Florencia Guillen, Hamilton, Southern and St Armand, Toby Huddlestone, Fritha Jenkins, David Kefford, Olivier Leger, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt, Neil Luck, Revati Mann, Elizabeth McTernan, Alex Pearl, Eric Rosoman, Jennie Savage, Rob Smith, Dan Walwin, Ian Whittlesea, Luke Williams, Laura Wilson.

Curated by Rebecca Birch and Rob Smith for PROJECKT in conjunction with Wysing Arts Contemporary Presents



A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Globe)

A Planetary Order

A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Globe), a work made by Martin John Callanan while Artist in Residence at UCL Environment Institute will be at a number of exhibitions and conferences this summer.

ISEA2010 RUHR Exhibition, 20 August – 5 September, Dortmund, Germany

FutureEverything 2010, 12-15 May, Manchester, UK

7th International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, Sydney, Australia

14th International Conference Information Visualization iV 2010, London

Computational Aesthetics 2010, London

Off the Shelf

SLADE WORD/IMAGE FORUM will present OFF THE SHELF: PERFORMANCE, FILM, VIDEO, POETRY, MUSIC: an evening of live-events staged by the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, to take place in the Wilkins North and South Cloisters plus the Old Refectory, March 22nd 2010, 6.00-10.30pm.

Taking as its theme a re-examination of the Small Press Collection of rare magazines housed at UCL, this event will give you the chance to engage with the spirit of the alternative ‘avant-garde’ press, re-visiting early texts that straddle the divide between art and poetry – including artists and writers Vito Acconci, Sol Le Witt, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Derek Jarman and Bob Cobbing. These texts will be explored through various forms of performance and accompanied by film, video and documentation of the period. The evening will also stage new creative works by contemporary visual artists, writers and musicians, and students, and a ‘speaker’s corner’ with short talks by members of the Slade Word/Image Research Forum.

Photos from the event will be added to the special Off the Shelf Flickr group

A short film about War / Animate Projects

Writer and curator Lisa Le Feuvre has written an essay about A short film about War. This was commissioned by Animate Projects and you can see a streaming version alongside Lisa’s essay here:


A Short film about War is a narrative documentary artwork made entirely from information found on the worldwide web. In ten minutes this two screen gallery installation takes viewers around the world to a variety of war zones as seen through the collective eyes of the online photo sharing community Flickr, and as witnessed by a variety of existing military and civilian bloggers.
