Google Photography Prize – Your Votes needed


Current Slade School Fine Art Media undergraduate student William Saunders has been shortlisted for the Google Photography Prize, being run in collaboration with the Saatchi Gallery. 

The shortlist is comprised of 36 students selected from some thousands, on the basis of their artistic merit, and creativity. From this 36, a final 6 are to be chosen by public vote, and they will be exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery London. If you would like to vote please click here

William’s entry is the bottom right hand box.

Slade BA Fine Art Show ’09 from 23–28 May

Saturday 23, Sunday 24 May 10am–5pm / Monday 25–Thursday 28 May 10am–8pm

Tomoko Aoki, Hazel A. Atashroo, Helen Carmel Benigson, Anna Cronin, Thomas Dawson, Mélanie de Quincey, Benjamin Doherty, Sophie Eagle, Jacob Farrell, Aaron Fickling, Lewis Fox, Luey Graves, Amy Howard, Will Hurt, Oscar Jamieson, Natasha Malherbe, Georgina Nettell, Francesca Owen, Ethan Pollock,
Candida Powell-Williams, Matthew Richardson, Jennifer Rush, Lias Saoudi, Nick Spiers, James Taylor, Zak Yeo Zhixiong, Thomas Yeomans, Esther Yuan

The Slade School of Fine Art
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Tel +44 (0)20 7679 2313

A Planetary Order – Extraordinary Clouds

The UCL Environment Institute, Slade School of Fine Art, and David & Charles Publishers invite you to an evening reception to celebrate

the unveiling of Martin John Callanan’s A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Globe)

and the publication of Richard Hamblyn’s Extraordinary Clouds

on Tuesday 30th June 2009, 6:30-9:00pm
at the Main Quadrangle, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Eye of the Storm

This two-day symposium brings together scientists, artists, social scientists and policy-makers to explore scientific controversy from an interdisciplinary perspective. From esoteric arguments over the structure of the universe to highly charged public controversies around the use of stem cells, Eye of the Storm will touch on brilliance and ego, dissent and whistle-blowing, big science, high finance, deviant science, the reliability of knowledge and the legislation of uncertainty.

Martin John Callanan as Artist in Residence at UCL Environment Institute, alongside Richard Hamblyn the Writer in Residence, will be presenting.

Organised in collaboration with and supported by The Arts Catalyst and Tate Britain in association with Leonardo/OLATS

Tate Britain Auditorium (booking required)
Friday 19 June 2009, 10.00–19.30
Saturday 20 June 2009, 10.00–17.30

Seascape book

Charting the span of Susan Collins’ Seascape, from its earliest online manifestations to its gallery exhibition at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill, a publication on the Seascape project has been produced by Film and Video Umbrella. The book features newly commissioned essays by Sean Cubitt and Nicholas Alfrey and includes an extensive colour plate section of archive seascape images.
The book is now available from the De La Warr Pavilion shop and other art bookshops. To order a copy online email

photo of Seascape bookphoto of Seascape bookphoto of Seascape book
ISBN 978-1-904270-30-0
visit for further details

Fourth Door Review no.8

front page of Fourth Door Review
Susan Collins in conversation with Sean Cubitt in the new issue of Fourth Door Review no 8 Hall of Risk.
Also features on artists, Chris Drury and Jem Finer; musicians David Sylvian and Harold Budd, and a special feature on the Alpine regional architectural culture of Graubunden, Switzerland and Vorarlberg, Austria; with Peter Zumthor, Valerio Olgiati, Dietmar Eberle, and Hermann Kauffmann. Also Juhani Pallasmaa interviewed, essays by architecture critic Jay Merrick and writer Jay Griffiths.

For further information please visit the Fourth Door website

Slade Technology Fayre

Slade Research Centre, Woburn Square, Thursday 7th May 5-9pm

Loosely modeled around a science fayre, Slade Technology Fayre is an informal event, seeking to gather skills and experience informing the conversation around work that makes use of computer technology.

At the Fayre all participants become both learners and teachers. For people used to presenting work in a critical context this is an opportunity to share information about the often-invisible activities happening in the computer. For those less engaged with a critical sphere, the Fayre is an opportunity to get involved in a discussion about how the work is operating critically as well as technically.

more on the website


folkestone seascape

A solo show presenting a new body of work by Susan Collins

opens on Saturday 4th April at the

De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea
and continues until 14 June 2009

SEASCAPE consists of a series of gradually unfolding digital seascapes created using imagery captured by webcams installed at five key coastal vantage points between Margate and Portsmouth. Sited at each location for up to a year before the start of the show, the webcams record the endless fluctuations in the light that are a characteristic feature of the English coastline and whose ever-changing nature has attracted painters for generations.
Read more


Here’s what we’re up to in the next few weeks:

+ FRIENDS OF THE DIVIDED MIND. Royal College of Art, London, UK.
11am – 6pm Daily, 18th – 29th March 2009.
Private View 7 – 9pm Tuesday March 17th 2009

Works by: Juliette Blightman, Ruth Buchanan & Andreas Müller, Celine Condorelli & Gavin Wade, Simon Fujiwara, Dora Garcia, Jacob Kirkegaard, Celia Pym, Mandla Reuter, Thomson & Craighead. Salons hosted by Betsey’s Salon and Jon Wozencroft amongst others. We will be showing our railway flap sign version of BEACON as part of this exhibition organised by the graduating students of the Curating MA at Royal College of Art. More info here

+ ENGLISH LOUNGE, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China.
16th March – 26th April 2009. Curator: Dr. Katie Hill

A Group Show of British Contemporary Art with works by: Adam Chodzko, Airside, Anthony Key, Corby & Baily, Langlands & Bell, Little Artists (John Cake & Darren Neave), Mad For Real(Cai Yuan & Xi Jian Jun), Martin Creed, Thomson & Craighead. We will be showing our documentary, ‘Flat Earth’ as an installation. A few pics here

+ FLICKER, British Council, Damascus, Syria
25th March – 25th April 2009

A British Council group exhibition of works in the collection at diferent venues across Damascus. Including works by: Tacita Dean, Susan Hiller, Wood & Harrison, Rachel Lowe, Rosalind Nashashibi and Thomson & Craighead. We will be showing a special version of ‘Decorative Newsfeeds’ we made especially for the British Council Collection. We will also be giving a lecture on our work in Damascus on March 30th 2009. More here

Migrating Reality

Location of I text by Martin John Callanan published in Migrating Reality book and conference.

Migrating Reality
ISBN 978-9955-834-01-4

Electronic and digital systems generate completely new forms of migration. In the creative arts, new phenomena related to migration and the synergies of disparate systems are emerging. Artistic products evolve from traditional forms into hybrid digital forms. Analog products are being digitized; data spaces are trans-located from one data storage system to another; existing sounds, images, and texts are remixed and fused into new datasets.

The book is based on international conference and exhibition Migrating Reality which took place on April 4-5, 2008 in Galerie der Künste, Berlin, Germany, and on material submitted to the online magazine As with the conference, the exhibition, and the on-line projects, the book is an overview of the migration topic from various perspectives, not excluding the use of a variety of languages. For example, we offer the reader an interview with Žilvinas Lilas “Bastymasis man būtų daug priimtinesnis žodis” conducted by Vytautas Michelkevičius in Lithuanian and the text “Kulturtransfer in der Frühen Neuzeit – eine andere Realität der Migration” by Philipp Zitzlsperger – an essay on migration from a historians perspective. The ideas presented textually in the book shift back and forth from essays and articles to projects and back to essays. The territories shift from social space to virtual space and eventually land us back in a realm of physical, political, economical, and historical reality.

KHM – Kunsthochschule für Medien
Verein zur Förderung kultureller Praxis e.V.
VšĮ Mene

Editorial board
Mindaugas Gapševičius, John Hopkins, Žilvinas Lilas, Vytautas Michelkevičius



Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead will be showing a new gallery work called, ‘Horizon’ and their mechanical railway sign version of, ‘BEACON’ as part of the exhibition, ‘Timecode’ opening on 17th January 2009 at Dundee Contemporary Arts, Scotland. They have also made a limited edition print for the exhibition.

Here’s some more information about Timecode:

Timecode / Dundee Contemporary Arts
17 January 2009 – 8 March 2009
Private View: 16th January 7pm – 9pm

Ross Birrell, Graham Dolphin, Ceal Floyer, Douglas Gordon, Ilana Halperin, On Kawara, David Lamelas, Kelly Mark, Tatsuo Miyajima, Ugo Rondinone, Christian Stock, Thomson & Craighead

Each artist in the exhibition has an obsession with marking time but have very different ways of expressing this – live web streams, wallpaper, lumps of coal, lava medallions, digital code alongside more traditional, yet still idiosyncratic and highly personal approaches – graphite, watercolour and oil paint.

More info and downloadable press release here:

More about our work here:
