Faculty Gallery
Faculty of Art & Design (G-Building)
Caulfield Campus
Monash University

The exhibition runs from 11 – 16 December 2008.
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm and Saturday 1 – 5pm.

A catalogue of associated material is available online at my new

The artist acknowledges the support of the Faculty of Art & Design and
the Outside Studies Program (OSP) of Monash University.

Silicon Fen – the book

cover of Silicon Fen book
Silicon Fen
With texts by Iain Sinclair, Simon Willmoth, Steven Bode, Sean Cubitt and Tom Williamson
ISBN  978-1-904270-27-0

A record of a long-running visual arts project that took place at venues across the east of England between 2004 and 2007, Silicon Fen considers how landscape in general (and the East Anglian landscape in particular) has been both affected and reflected by technology.
Including documentation on works for Silicon Fen by artists Suky Best, Susan Collins, Dalziel + Scullion, Annabel Howland, Stephen Hughes and TNWK

For further information please visit the Film and Video Umbrella website

Art Forum critics’ choice

Last Chance to see Untethered, at Eyebeam; 540 West 21st Street, New York. September 25–October 25. This week it is one of Artforum’s critics’ choice.

Tethered is cyber-law expert Jonathan Zittrain’s term for objects hardwired to perform a single act; “Untethered” presents artworks by artists who unlock items from this proprietary use and redirect them toward aesthetic purposes. Organized by Eyebeam curatorial fellow Sarah Cook, the show includes Eyebeam residents and international artists who playfully transform everyday objects into participatory, otherworldly experiences through technology. The exhibition opens with Thomson & Craighead’s Unprepared Piano, 2004, a glossy… more

A Close up on Thomson & Craighead

Published yesterday on swedish artsite (meaning

Om en konstnär som Kurt Schwitters hade haft tillgång till Internet så hade han sluppit att bli klibbig om fingrarna när han satt och klippte och klistrade ihop sina collage. Han kunde i stället ha använt sig av ett dataprogram som hämtade texter och bilder från nätet och satte ihop dem till nya konstverk. När den brittiska konstnärsduon Thomson & Craighead ställer ut verket ”Decorative Newsfeed” på Studion på Moderna Museet är det i princip det man gör. Läs mer…


Work by:
Danya Vasiliev [RU]
Nicola Unger [DE]
Michelle Teran [CAN] & Isabelle Jenniches [NL]
Nathan Menglef [USA]
Nancy Mauro-Flude [AUS]
Walter Langelaar [NL]
Jesse Darlin’ [UK]
Scot Cotterell [AUS]
Martin John Callanan [UK]

“Casting Away” by Francesca da Rimini,
“GOD LISTENS TO SLAYER” by Andrew Harper

Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts,
University of Tasmania, Hunter St, Hobart.

Exhibition: 10 October – 31 October, 12:00- 17:00 daily EST.
Exhibition Opening: Friday 10 October, 17:30 EST.

encoding_experience/10_October_2008_18:00_EST.* is the first of a series of exhibitions
inspired by the ways in which artists are embracing critical, hands on interventive
strategies towards the understanding of, and experimentation with technology.
The artists in the show open up issues of privacy, piracy and control,
paradigms that are deeply embedded into technology and the way technology
is designed.

Most of the artists favour a collaborative, socio-centric approach to their work,
they have an agenda about thinking through questions such as;
Where does the technology come from? What is the real use of a computer?
What are the social issues around regular access to domestic machines
i.e. game consoles, home stereos and digital cameras.
How do we use and question systems that tirelessly reproduce and augment environments,
image and sound?

Actively engaging with conceptual concerns, DaDa-esque notions of performance,
hacking and intellectual property; encoding_experience presents an insight into
how electronic media and craft knowledge operates in current art practice, not only
in terms of its functionality, but also in regards to artists who have a critical
approach towards the politics, aesthetics and economies coded into these systems.
The concept for this show was initiated and developed by Nancy Mauro-Flude,
in collaboration with Scot Cotterell.
More info

Slow Fields, Susan Collins and Tim Head
at Osterwalder’s Art Office, Hamburg

Opening Friday, 12. September 2008 at 7 p.m.
Duration: 13. September – 1. November 2008
Opening Hours: Tue – Fri 2 – 6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m – 2 p.m

Osterwalder´s Art Office
Isestrasse 37, 20144 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. ++ 040 486109

Tim Head Dust FlowersFenlandia 25th March 2005

above left, Tim Head ‘Dust Flowers’, 2008; above right, Susan Collins ‘Fenlandia, 25th March 2005’

On Saturday 6th September 2008 from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. as part of the „Rote Punkt“ Gallery Tours Osterwalders Art Office will be showing Susan Collins’ „Glenlandia“ 2 years archive, 12 hrs of moving image projection and Tim Head’s „Wildfire 2004“ Realtime Computer program and LCD Screen.)

Through their parallel working practices Tim Head and Susan Collins explore the properties of digital media in distinct and inventive ways. Susan Collins’ recent work employs transmission, networking and time as primary materials creating digital representations of landscape where each pixel represents a unit of time. Tim Head bypasses image as representation by using solely the prime physical elements of the medium to form the work.

For Tim Head, the elusive and contrary nature of the digital medium and its unsettled relationship with both ourselves and with the physical world forms the basis for recent work. Computer programs are written to generate unique events in ‘real time’ on screens, projections and inkjet prints that focus on the intrinsic properties of these digital media. The programs operate at the primary scale of the medium’s smallest visual element (the pixel or inkjet dot) by treating each element as a separate individual entity. The medium is no longer transparent but opaque.

Susan Collins‘ gradually unfolding, classically romantic landscape images are harvested and archived over the course of the year. They encode the landscape over time, with different tonal horizontal bands recording fluctuations in light and movement throughout the day and with broad bands of black depicting night-time. Stray pixels appear in the image where the moon passes through or a bird, person, car or other unidentifiable object passes in front of the webcam as the pixel is captured. The work is intended to be slow, a reflection on the ever increasing speeds we demand from the internet. Poised between the still and the moving image, the lens and the pixel, the prints explore how images can be coded and decoded using both light and time as building blocks for the work.

Slow Fields is the first time these two bodies of work will be shown together.

Summer at Haus am Waldsee: Sculptures in the Park

Haus am Waldsee

10.08.2008 to 28.09.2008

Under the theme of “Sculptures in the Park“, Haus am Waldsee presents until the end of September sculptures by the artists Peter Ablinger, Simon Faithfull, Gregor Hildebrandt, Olav Christopher Jenssen and Francis Zeischegg.

Simon Faithfull – Shy Fountain
For the first time the british artist Simon Faithfull (1966) realises at Waldsee lake his project “Shy Fountain“ – a fountain in the lake that has to be observed very quietly.

Urban Screens Melbourne 08

Urban Screens Melbourne

Martin John Callanan’s Eleven will be screened at Urban Screens Melbourne, 6-8 October 2008

The event will promote a lateral trans-disciplinary approach to exploring the growing appearance of moving images in urban space and the global transformation of public culture in the context of large new multi media precincts such as Federation Square and various networked forms of urban screens. It will build on the successful events held in Amsterdam in 2005 and Manchester in 2007 and will be the first Urban Screens held in the Asia-Pacific region.

Through an integrated program of keynote lectures, panel sessions, workshops, curated screenings and multimedia projects, it will bring together leading Australian and international artists and curators, architects and urban planners, screen operators and content providers, technology manufacturers, software designers and public intellectuals.

Work and Play, Harewood House

New work by Susan Collins in “Work & Play”
The Terrace Gallery and Grounds, Harewood House

09 August 2008 – 02 November 2008


In June 2008 a new Susan Collins pixel webcam was installed overlooking Harewood’s classical ‘Capability’ Brown landscape. The webcam is programmed to record images of the landscape over the course of a year and a series of digital prints have been produced with each image made up of pixels collected over 21.33 hours. The work plays on parallels between these constructed pixel landscapes and the construct of this composed picturesque idyll.

The exhibition Work & Play explores Harewood House and its estate in the wider landscape. A few prints from this new Harewood series will be on display alongside other images of Harewood including watercolours, architectural plans, historic maps and photographs from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

Read more

FILE 2008 Electronic Language International Festival

File Festival
I Wanted to See all the News From Today

I Wanted To See All the News From Today, by Martin John Callanan, currently at:

FILE 2008 Electronic Language International Festival happens this August at the Fiesp Cultural Center. FILE, the major art and technology festival in Brazil and Latin America, as well as one of the most renowned events in the world in this area, for nine years has inserted the country in the global context of art and technology, or media art, performing a compilation of the artistic productions in the fields of electronic and digital arts, and working as an indicator of those productions’ plurality.

Given the diversity of digital culture, FILE is an event that nests several festivals, which occur simultaneously and this year include: electronic art festival, games festival, digital movies festival, documental film festival, electronic music festival, innovations festival, electronic graffiti festival. Moreover, FILE offers an international symposium, an archive with more than 2,000 works and a laboratory for the production and development of new works, FILE Labo.

Summer Update – Nancy

Nancy Mauro-Flude will be showing her work and giving workshops at various places over the summer:

Paraphernalia will be shown at: GENRATECH 19-20 July at Hangar in Barcelona, FILE Hipersônica on 5th August and at The House of Natural Fiber, Indonesia. International Yogyakarta New Media Art Festival, 11-20 August.

Nancy will also be giving a 3 day workshop on ‘Bricolage: local and emergent technologies, custom built interfaces in Performance at Critical Path, Sydney, 20 – 22 August.
