Digital Studio – New G5’s

Ready for the start of term, the New Digital Studio has eight shiny new Mac Pro’s 64-bit Dual-Core Intel Xeon “Clovertown” processors at up to 3GHz speed. [These machines have two internal hard drives one named temporary work. As an experiment Michael’s weekly maintenance will not erase work folders from temporary work, this will instead occur at the beginning of each calender month. Any files or folders found anywhere other than in temporary work will as usual be expunged and terminated. In the electronic Media Studio the G5’s do not have as much internal HD space so the weekly clean up will still happen. However the external drives attached to each machine will not be cleared until the beginning of each month]. Do remember that your work is at risk of loss in a multi user environment. Always back up your files.

We will be experimenting with other improvements over the next few months including RIP for the large format printers (improves colour and print quality), an easier way to pay for printing with online credits, and a distributed computing network for Final Cut Studio and Maya; making rendering faster.

Hz Journal #11

I Wanted to See All of the News From Today

Martin’s I Wanted to See All of the News From Today, is included in Hz Journal #11 from Fylkingen

Fylkingen’s journal Hz started as a non-virtual journal after its predecessor Fylkingen Bulletin from ’60s. Since 2000, Hz moved to the Internet and has become an Internet journal, one of the few in Sweden. From the second issue in 2003 it also includes Net Gallery, where international Internet art works are presented.

Fylkingen is a non-profit art organization in Stockholm. Established in 1933, it is the oldest forum for experimental music and intermedia art in Sweden. Throughout its history Fylkingen has been the driving force in the Swedish art scene to introduce and promote unestablished art forms, the examples of which include the music of Bartók and the video works of Nam June Paik as well as electro-acoustic music during the ’50s. Our members today consist of leading composers/musicians, performance artists/dancers, visual artists, etc.

Utilizing possibilities the Internet brings, Hz intends to be an international web journal. By dealing with aesthetic discussions relevant to our time through Hz, Fylkingen is hoping to continue its tradition of playing the role of cutting-edge interface between the artists of Sweden and those abroad. Hz also fulfils informative source of Fylkingen’s activities to none-members both nationally and internationally, thus contributing to increasing interests to Swedish culture and art activities abroad.

Pixxelpoint Slovenia

Martin John Callanan’s Sonification of You will be at 8th Pixxelpoint Festival, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 7-15 December 2007. Also an artist’s talk. [PDF: Festival Program, includes translation of Sonification of You into both Slovenian and Italian]

Pixxelpoint is one of the most successful and renowned festivals of new media art in Slovenia and also abroad. Its purpose is firstly, to bring the information technology and new media art closer to the general public, and secondly, to raise awareness about a different potential to use computer among the young. In previous editions the festival had a big media response and over 3000 visitors visited it every year, so this is a challenge for the organizers to further expand it and trespass the boundaries of the gallery space which has become too small for all the projects which are to be carried out. The exhibition of new media art projects, as the central event of the festival will be mounted at City Gallery Nova Gorica but will include also other locations (Mostovna, Kulturni dom Gorica (Italy) and DAMS (Italy)), besides we will also include a symposium on the given topic, as well as workshops run by guest-lecturers. Accompanying activities will include numerous concerts by well-known music performers.

Glow ’07 Newcastle Gateshead

Photo © fisher hart

Chaser by Susan Collins is one of a series of contemporary artworks and illuminations commissioned for the GLOW ’07 festival Newcastle Gateshead.
Chaser transforms the top windows of the Tyne Bridge Tower in Gateshead into a rapidly moving light circuit of intense colour. Visible across the river Tyne in Newcastle, Gateshead and beyond, the animation will continually ‘chase’ around the building as the colours gradually shift over time.

Tuesday 4 – Monday 17 December 2007
Every evening 5pm – late
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Trampoline Year 10

Surveillance City
Thursday 29th November 2007
Broadway Media Centre
7pm- late

Low Brow Trash | Michael Pinchbeck | Caspar Below | Barbara Agreste| Satellite Bureau

Trampoline, the East Midlands’ platform event for new media art celebrates its tenth anniversary on Thursday 29 November at Broadway, Nottingham. Looking back on this decade of new media art, it is clear that digital technologies have become integrated into almost every aspect of everyday life. The theme Surveillance City highlights the critical awareness necessary to cope with an environment where every movement is traceable, recordable and identifiable.

Featuring a dynamic mix of work by regional and international artists including performances, video screenings and installations.

Performance / Installations
Frank Abbott / Martin John Callanan / Sean Clark / Satellite Bureau / Cormac Faulkner / Low Brow Trash / Michael Pinchbeck

Caspar Below/ Thilo Frobel/ Max Crow & Aaron Bradbury/ Rich Broomhall/ Rick Niebe/ Johanna Reich/ Blaffert Wamhof/ Tilman Kuntzel/ Sean Raynard/ Nicole Arendt/ Miles Chalcraft/ Jeroen Offerman/ Rafael/ Ralph Meiling/ Jo Kelly/ Barbara Agreste/ KH Jeron/ Marek Brandt…

Performance / Installations
Low Brow Trash/ Michael Pinchbeck/ Frank Abbott/ Sean Clark/ Satellite Bureau/ Cormac Faulkner/ Martin John Callanan

The Nature of Systems

Technological systems create, fragment and transform landscapes: a long
video monitor stream, digitally mutated coastlines and strange urban
microclimates introduce fascinating artificial worlds, blurring the
boundaries between natural and constructed landscapes. Starting with
documentation of Chris Meigh-Andrews’ video installation Stream Line and
passing through a variety of spellbinding single-screen film and video
environments, the programme finishes with a presentation of Susan
Collins’ internet transmitted, real-time reconstruction of Loch
Faskally in Perthshire, Glenlandia.

Saturday 10 November 2007, at 8:40pm in NFT2
BFI Southbank

This is part of a series of Systems of Nature
screenings and conversation events
7-10 November 2007 at BFI Southbank
which accompany Chris Welsby’s Systems of Nature exhibition at the Lethaby Gallery, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (6 Nov – 13 Dec).
The series has been curated by Steven Ball, Mark Webber and Maxa Zoller for the British Artists’ Film and Video Study Collection at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design.

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Video Vortex at Montevideo, Amsterdam

Susan Collins will be exhibiting The Spectrascope as part of Video Vortex at Montevideo/The Netherlands Media Art Institute in Amsterdam from 20th October until 2nd December 2007.
The exhibition also features Collins’s Fenlandia in the form of a large format digital archive print and a 6 hour screening of the 4000 images which comprise the Fenlandia archive.

The exhibition Video Vortex is The Netherlands Media Art Institute’s response to the Web2.0 phenomenon. Artists featured include: Beatrice Valentine Amrhein; Giselle Beiguelman; Susan Collins; Jonathan Harris & Sepandar Kamvar; Graham Harwood, Mediashed / Mongrel; MW2MW (Marek Walczak & Martin Wattenberg) and Sonic()ject. Video Vortex is curated by Annet Dekker.

Velocity Arts Festival

For one day only – Saturday 13th October:

Martin John Callanan will travel around the Velocity festival, sending information about his whereabouts to an online map in our Lancaster map room. Visit the map room at the station and help us to track the artist’s location throughout the day. Interact with Martin through text messages, photography and drawing as he visits towns, stations and landmarks around the bay.

A Big Draw event.

Venue: Map Room, Platform 3, Lancaster Station.

The TurntablistPC spins again!

Surfing gains a whole new dimension with TurntablistPC by Danish
artist Mogens Jacobsen. Featured in the WEBSCAPE exhibition at The
Art Museum of West Sealand in Denmark, TurntablistPC reacts to online
traffic by playing a record in the exhibition space every time a
participating website is visited.

Take part in this “global DJ” project and make a record spin miles
away every time someone visits your website!

Please join: All you have to do to participate is place a small piece
of html code on your website. The code does not interfere in any way
with the experience of your website. However, it WILL make the record
spin physically miles away at the museum. Please find the code and
further details below.

TurntablistPC is on show from September 21 until November 25 2007. We
need your participation already!

We are looking for people maintaining websites anywhere in the world,
so please forward this message to other relevant parties.

Participants are kindly asked to send an email to WEBSCAPE curator
Andreas Broegger ( stating the address of the web
page to which you have uploaded the code.

The Art Museum of West Sealand will list your site among the
participating websites in the museum space and on the WEBSCAPE
exhibition website. (If you prefer not to be credited, please state
this in your email).

All we need from your website is a so-called “counter-hit”. This is
automatically generated when someone visits your website if you place
the following line of HTML-code on your site (preferably at the
bottom of your most visited page). This is the code:

<img src=””; width=”1″

Please note: ONLY use the above code if your position is EAST of

If your position is WEST of Soroe, Denmark please use this code instead:

<img src=””; width=”1″

This is the exact code to be included, depending on your position. If
in doubt the city of Soroe is at 11.5561 East / +11 degrees 33′ 21.96″.

Your position will decide whether the TurntablistPC will spin the
record clockwise or counter-clockwise. If you are near the
TurntablistPC, it will only scratch the vinyl. If you are far away,
it will play a whole section of the record.

On a projected world map visitors to the museum space will be able to
follow the online traffic triggering the sound.

We ask that the code remain on your site throughout the exhibition
period (until November 25 2007).

What does the html code do? The above code places a tiny “invisible”
image (a transparent GIF-image) on your website when someone visits.
Neither the image nor the html code will interfere with the
appearance of your website nor with the visitor’s experience. The
code and the image are a mere 700 bytes (0.7Kb) in total.
Participation does not pose any security risk whatsoever, nor is any
personal or otherwise sensitive information stored.

If you have any doubts about technical issues, please contact
WEBSCAPE curator Andreas Broegger at

TurntablistPC is a telematic hybrid of a turntable (a grammophone)
and an old personal computer. Installed in the museum space, the
TurntablistPC will play a vinyl record whenever someone visits one of
the participating websites around the world. A video projection of a
world map will show where the participating website is from, thus
generating a map of global participation for the visitors in the
local museum space.

More info and pictures of TurntablistPC are available at http://

Mogens Jacobsen is a Danish artist who has exhibited widely in
Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Japan, Brazil. More
info at

an exhibition of web-based art installations at the Art Museum of
West Zealand 2007. The exhibition features work by artists Tomas
Thøfner, Mogens Jacobsen (, Bosch &
Fjord (, and Susan Collins (http://

Immediacy, Archive, and Life: Two Works by Martin John Callanan

An interesting text about two of Martin’s works, I am Still Alive and I Wanted to See All of the News From Today

… in choosing “I am still alive” as the message sent to unwitting participants, Callanan has brilliantly honed the basic sentiment in every message that we send or profile update we make. Every message may as well say “I am still alive” since that message is the function of all such communication. Not just an odd phrase to rouse curiosity, the message is crafted to make the recipients aware of the medium itself…

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The Soul of Manchester: David Blandy at Cornerhouse and on

David Blandy on Art Radio, Cornerhouse, Manchester, 12-6pm Tuesday-Sunday,

10th August to 26th August

Cornerhouse Gallery 1 has been transformed into a radio production and broadcasting studio, offering up its airwaves to three resident artists: David Blandy, Open Music Archive and reboot. fm. Blandy will be broadcasting from the 10-26 August 12-6pm (Tues-Sun), taking on the guise of The Barefoot Lone Pilgrim.

Blandy, will be searching for the ‘Soul of Manchester’. The Pilgrim’s broadcasts will include: Soul Power; Dusty Soul and Soul Picnic: a mix and match ragbag of eccentrics, fanatics, rappers, buskers, alongside artists’ sound work and many more soul-filled sessions.

The Barefoot Lone Pilgrim will be featuring works by Jordan Baseman, Lucienne Cole, Colin Crockatt, S Mark Gubb, Susannah Hewlett, Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, Laure Provost and Michael Shamberg amongst others.

In addition, Manchester music scene legend C P Lee will be reading sections of his book charting the history of Manchester music, Shake, Rattle and Rain, as well as playing live with his band, the Salford Sheiks.

Every day at 4pm, Live Bands from Manchester will be performing upstairs in gallery 2, please come up to see their live sessions or listen online at

Thursday 16th August, Netting Smoke with Implicasphere. Cathy Haynes and Sally O’Reilly – co-editors of the mini-publication Implicasphere, will be pursuing their current obsession, Smoke. Implicasphere seeks to unearth curious ideas on a single theme by trailing its tangles of association in fields as diverse as folk craft, nuclear physics and film noir. For this event the co-editors ask specialist speakers and the audience to help chase all things smoky from the collective mental thicket into Implicasphere’s nets. Three speakers will offer smoke-oriented insights from their very different fields. Come along with images, texts, ideas for leads or simply vague thoughts on the theme of smoke to add to possible content!

The event will start at 19:00 with drinks from 18:00

British Academy Research Development Awards

The British Academy has introduced a new scheme for mid-career scholars to enable them to develop a significant research project. The British Academy Research Development Awards (BARDA) scheme replaces the previous programmes for Research Leave Fellowships and Larger Research Grants. Applications are particularly encouraged from scholars who can demonstrate that they are developing an innovative line of research, with the potential to make a significant difference to their field and to their career profile.
