Whistle Jam | Dante Rendle Traynor

Whistle Jam excerpt 1, ‘Oi G’ (0’40”)

Whistle Jam excerpt 2, Choral Chanting (1’38”)

Whistle Jam excerpt 3, ‘Audience participation’ (0’34”)

Whistle Jam excerpt 4, ‘Look over the edge’ (2’15”)

Whistle Jam excerpt 5, ‘Wayne joins in’ (2’16”)

Whistle Jam excerpt 6, ‘Choral Chanting’ (4’27”)

The work consisted of Dante and collaborator, Guthrie, positioned at the top and bottom of the stairwell at Woburn, each with an amplifier and microphone. The two artists attempted to have first a musical then simply a normal conversation across the space, the massive amount of reverb confounding any attempts of coherence!

This piece was made as a performance/installation for The Voice and Nothing More, Slade Research Centre, January 2010.
Dante is currently studying Undergraduate Fine Art at the Slade, look out for more from him soon.

, Friday, 15 January 2010
Events, Works

Historical Speech | Junko Otake

Martin Luther King 28.08.1963 (Extract)

Adolf Hitler 1934 (Extract)

Hirohito (Emperor Showa) 15.08.1945 (Extract)

Mahatma Gandhi 17.10.1931 (Extract)

Diana Frances Spencer 09.08.1993

Mixed Media / Sound Installation

, Friday, 18 December 2009

Bridge String Melon | Melis van den Berg


Bridge, String, Melon
watermelon, string, bridge, valley

Site-specific installation: Watermelon suspended on a string from a road bridge near Rethymnon, Crete.
The traffic on the road over the bridge, and the wind blowing through the valley made the string vibrate and sing.

This work was made whilst on the Slade Utopia Residency in Crete.
E75 road bridge and valley, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, July 2009

Melis graduated from the Slade MFA in 2009. Degree Show website.
For further information and work see http://www.melisvandenberg.com/.

, Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Travel, Works

It Was Gravity Which Pulled Us Down | Holly Slingsbury

It Was Gravity Which Pulled Us Down – performance documentation from Holly Slingsby on Vimeo.

‘It Was Gravity Which Pulled Us Down’ was a performance made especially for Christ Church Spitalfields in 2009. The work juxtaposes live and videoed action. The live performance consisted of gestures of lifting deflated balloons. This was contradicted by the videoed gesture seen with it, of dropping a handful of ash. The naively hopeful act of lifting the balloons – as if they might float again – is in direct disagreement with the melancholy release of the ash.

Holly is a currently completing her MFA in Media, look out for her degree show this summer.

, Thursday, 11 June 2009

Her Voice | Patricia Delgado


Her Voice

‘Her Voice’ is an aural response to the print entitled: Sheet of Nineteen Heads in Small Circles (c. 1530-40) and was inspired by Julia Kristeva’s writings on the semiotic and the female voice. The sound-piece is a vocal progression that starts with word and symbolic language, moves into non-verbal sounds and the semiotic, and finally culminates in song.

While making this piece, I was concerned with the articulation of the female I-voice over the he/him of the male subject and the frustration at the constant return to the latter. Is the female ‘I’ only possible to formulate as the ‘I’ of difference, the ‘I’ of the other? I took refuge in song, but again encountered the problematic ambiguity of the singing voice: fetishised object for pleasure or the consuming self-enjoyment of feminine jouissance? Despite its theoretical struggles, I hope that ‘Her Voice’ retains an emotive impact and a refreshing intimacy.

This piece was made through collaboration with UCL Art Collections.
Patricia is a final year undergraduate at the Slade, look out for her degree show in May 2010.

, Monday, 30 March 2009

Magnificent Tits | Dante Rendle Traynor

Sound installation consisting of muzak soundtrack from 1980s porn flick, ‘Magnificent Tits’ (groans removed) playing in the lift shaft of the Slade Research Center.

Dante is in the undergraduate Media department at the Slade.

, Thursday, 12 March 2009

Dolls / Orgasmo 3 | Tim Long


Orgasmo 3


Dolls and Orgasmo 3 were shown as an installation for the Slade / BBC event ‘The View from Here’ at BBC Bush House 20/02/2009.

For more information on this event please see The View from Here at UCL.

, Friday, 20 February 2009
Events, Works

Cheek to Cheek (A Family Portrait) | Allison Maletz

Cheek to Cheek

I had each of my six family members (and myself) sing Irving Berlin’s song “Cheek To Cheek,” from the 1935 film Top Hat. I recorded each of us separately singing the song to completion at our own paces.  Then I overlapped the seven tracks so that we are all singing it together, as a family unit, made up of individuals. It perfectly demonstrates the push and pull affect I am trying to create within my art, of the subjects being so happy together that they are in heavenly bliss, while at the same time there is something unbearably uncomfortable, out of sync, and wrong. The installation of this sound work exists within a domestic setting, and all of the tracks are played simultaneously out of one Gramophone horn.

Allison graduated from the Slade MFA in 2009. Degree Show website.
For further information and work see allisonmaletz.com.

, Wednesday, 12 November 2008

1st Light Zagora | Joe Clark

1st Light Zagora from Joe Clark on Vimeo.

Shot and edited in the desert town of Zagora, Morroco on a residency in the summer of 2008, this animation creates an oblique narrative using available light. Composed of a series of static shots; the edit traverses the town, revealing an uncanny and escalating rhythm which is apparently common to all the lights in the town. The soundtrack made up of a mix of field recordings and designed sounds shifts between foley and music, mirroring our shifting perception of the space: pulsing with an Otherness which fails to make itself known, in a work which is both formally playful and ambivalent about its message.

, Friday, 13 June 2008
Travel, Works

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