UCL Learning Portfolio


DSD: Scripting Stata's new Tables and Collections (Campus-based)
Course Description:
A face-to-face Stata session for experienced researchers only. This session takes place on the Bloomsbury campus and will cover the latest software updates released.

This is a three-hour course delivered face to face on campus.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • create simple tabulations using the table command
  • examine the collections created by the table
  • create standalone collections from Stata commands
  • do as much as possible by scripting do files
  • arrange the contents of your table to your liking
  • add detail such as statistics
  • add custom formatting and use collection styles
  • save and export tables to file and to Microsoft Word.

Once you have enrolled, please check that you have received a confirmation email from MyLearning. You will also receive an email with location details at least one day before the session.

Please arrive 10 - 15 minutes prior to the start of the course to allow time for logging in and downloading resources.

For more details on how to book, cancel and join sessions please visit our practical course information page .


After this workshop you will be able to:

  • select data from the output of Stata descriptive and modelling commands
  • specify how data should be laid out in Stata tables
  • export custom tables to Microsoft Word and to HTML

Intended Audience:
Current Stata users who are familiar with basic scripting techniques.
Target Audience: All
Course Contact: Digital Skills Development isd-digiskills@ucl.ac.uk
Further Information: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/learning-teaching/learning-teaching-services/digital-skills-development/digital-skills
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