UCL Learning Portfolio


DSD: Format your Thesis (Windows) - Managing long documents in Word
Course Description:

Don't waste time struggling with formatting in Word. Instead, learn the essential techniques for pain free writing!

This course is designed to help you to use Microsoft Word to write and format long documents, whether that be a dissertation, thesis or other long document. This course is suitable for creating any long document which requires the use of heading styles, table of contents, cross-references etc. including reports and other documentation. Although the course does not apply to solely academic writing, UCL regulations for the submission of postgraduate work will be included for those who may find it useful.


Once you have enrolled, please check that you have received a confirmation email from MyLearning. You will also receive an email with a joining link at least one day before the session.

Courses start on the hour but please join during the 5 minutes prior to this to download resources and test out your connection/audio.

For more details on how to book, cancel and join sessions please visit our practical course information page.


At the end of this course you will be able to:
  • understand and use styles
  • use automatic heading numbering
  • add captions to images
  • create cross-references
  • understand and use page breaks and section breaks
  • insert headers, footers and page numbers
  • create an automatic a table of contents
  • format a document in line with UCL regulations for the submission of postgraduate work.
Intended Audience:
This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to create a well-structured long document with features such as numbered headings, table of contents, cross-referencing etc.
Target Audience: All
Course Contact: Digital Skills Development isd-digiskills@ucl.ac.uk
Further Information: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/learning-teaching/learning-teaching-services/digital-skills-development/practical-course
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