UCL Learning Portfolio


DSD: In a Nutshell: Git version control
Course Description:

Version control tools are not restricted to software gurus! Learn the ease of version control and its benefits for your work, study and research.

This session shows setting up Git version control on your computer.. You will learn how to maintain repositories, manage version changes, and retrieve specific version ("commit").

While version control is used extensively in computer programming, this session uses text documents. If dealing with version changes is important for you, perhaps project planning, documentation, food recipes, or CVs, this session might be suitable for you.

Prior to attending this session, participants are encouraged to set up their computers for command line using Linux. Further information on what you need to do will be sent to you about a week before the session. Participants are welcome to observe the hands-on.

The command line interface (in contrast to Graphical User Interface, GUI) will be used to understand key functions of Git.

This "In a nutshell" session is introduction to the DSD: Dive into Git version control". Together they cover essential topics for use of Git.

This is a one-hour workshop session delivered remotely.




Once you have enrolled, please check that you have received a confirmation email from MyLearning. You will also receive an email with location details at least one day before the session.

Please arrive 10 - 15 minutes prior to the start of the course to allow time for logging in and downloading resources.

For more details on how to book, cancel and join sessions please visit our practical course information page.

At the end of this course you will be able to:
  • manage text files
  • describe the benefits of Git version control
  • use, add and commit commands to manage file versions
  • retrieve previous file versions
  • recognise differences between previous versions
  • decide on suitable commit messages for outline history of a file.

Intended Audience:
This session is aimed at those new to Git version control who are interested to find out more about its benefits for their research, study and work.
Target Audience: All
Course Contact: Digital Skills Development isd-digiskills@ucl.ac.uk
Further Information: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/learning-teaching/learning-teaching-services/digital-skills-development/digital-skills
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