


Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)

What is Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)?

Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) is a support grant to help cover costs you may incur to ensure you have the right support for your disability or long-term health condition during your studies. The grant is available to undergraduate and postgraduate students who are UK residents and is awarded differently depending on your course and other funding you may receive.

On this page we will introduce some basic information such as eligibility, what areas the DSA covers, and how the Disability team supports your application.

What kind of support can I get with a DSA?

DSA can pay for disability-related support, including:

  • Assistive technology and specialist equipment, such as a laptop, note-taking software or specialist furniture.
  • Human support (non-medical helpers), such as sign language interpreters, study skills tutors, mentoring, and Assistive Technology training.
  • Taxis to get to and from campus if you experience difficulty travelling on public transport.
  • Other disability related support such as enhanced printing allowance.

Extensive list of possible support.

How much could I receive and how is it paid?

  • Student Finance adjust the amount of DSA funding every academic year.
  • Money is usually paid directly to the organisation providing the service or equipment.
  • You’ll find out how your support will be paid after your needs assessment.

Find out how much funding you may be entitled to.

£200 contribution towards your DSA laptop

UCL can offer some funding towards the £200 contribution which students must make towards the cost of their DSA funded laptop. This funding is offered as a reimbursement, so you must pay upfront and take delivery of the equipment before you can make your claim.

This funding is opened to all eligible undergraduate students. To find out more or apply for the reimbursement, contact us via askUCL. 

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvVlOzS-8FA

[Video: DSA Find Your Way. 4 mins 24 secs. Captions and website alternative available.] 

Applying for DSA 

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Eligibility depends on who you are applying for DSA with.

*Students applying for SF England or Wales must provide evidence that shows you meet the Equality Act (2010) definition of a disabled person.

Depending on any other funding you receive, you may not be eligible for DSA or at all.

Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs)

The JCQ Form 8 is not accepted as evidence and you will need to obtain a full diagnostic assessment or an academic screening via UCL.

Find out more about SpLD screenings at UCL.

Step 2: Fill in the application form

Depending on your situation, you can either apply for DSA via the online form or will need to fill in the 'DSA1' application form.

Different ways to apply for DSA.

Step 3: Get university declaration confirming your studies

When applying for DSA, the DSA team will request you receive confirmation from UCL regarding your studies.

After submitting your application form to Student Finance:

  • Notify us via askUCL quoting your DSA customer reference number (CRN).
  • State your course title and dates.

We will then email the DSA team to confirm your current/anticipated enrolment at UCL. You will be copied in.

Step 4: Your application is processed

You’ll receive confirmation from the funding body of whether your application is successful within 6 weeks. Then, it can take up to 14 weeks to get your DSA support in place as this is done separately.

If you're not eligible for DSA

If you are still unsure about your eligibility or have any other questions regarding DSA, please book a same day appointment and speak to one of our advisers.

Find out more about alternative funding options available to disabled students.

More DSA information