


Support for Black and minority ethnic students

At UCL we are committed to providing equal opportunities for all, including our black and minority ethnic (BME) community. Below are BME-specific support available to you.

A UCL and Anna Freud study found that black, mixed-race and Asian young people are more than twice as likely to be referred to mental health services by social care or youth justice, rather than the more expected primary care pathways, than their white peers. Read more about the findings of this study.

On this page are a range of resources which can help to assist our BME students with mental health and more generalist issues. 

Access and Widening Participation Office

The Access and Widening Participation Office provides various opportunities for UCL students to get involved in the great work they do. Their projects work specifically with school students from under-represented groups. In particular, they work with students from state schools, those from low socio-economic backgrounds and from neighbourhoods with low rates of participation in higher education.

This also includes school students from ethnic minority backgrounds. The Access and Widening Participation Office particularly welcome applications from current UCL students from similar backgrounds to these school students, as it is felt you can act as powerful role models.

Working as one of their ambassadors can help you to further develop your transferable skills such as communication, leadership and self-confidence and as a result of your work, you'll get to work more closely with the local community.

Find out more about the roles available to you.

BME Students' Network

UCL has a People of Colour (POC) Students' Officer who lead the Student Union’s POC Network. The Network strives to create an engaging, dynamic, and rewarding community of POC students at UCL. Working alongside the Equity & Inclusion Officer, the POC Students' Officer represents the collective interests and needs of POC students to decision-making bodies within the Union

Meet your Sabbatical Officers.

UCL Students' Union clubs and societies

Joining a club or society is one of the best ways of getting more out of your time at UCL. If you like drama, sports, art, or politics, fancy meeting other students who share your nationality, or are just interested in finding out more about other nationalities, student clubs and societies offer opportunities to meet new people and to share experiences and passions. 

Find out more about the Students' Union UCL clubs and societies.

Other resources

All our students have access to a range of resources to help them look after themselves and address specific issues related to mental health and wellbeing. Many of these can be accessed off campus, including apps, websites and videos.

Access other resources to help support mental health and wellbeing.

Support from London councils 

Camden and Islington Councils

Below are just a few of the specialist BME related support services promoted by both Camden and Islington Councils.

Read Camden's full list of BME mental health services and organisations.

Read Islington's full list of BME mental health services and organisations.

External BME specific mental health support

The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network has collated a directory of services available throughout the UK which offer free counselling specifically set up to service the BME community

Accept Consortium provides free psychotherapy and counselling services to Islington BME residents.

 Support tools

Racial and xenophobic harassment

If you have experienced or witnessed racial, xenophobic or any other kind of harassment on campus, there are ways to report it and numerous sources of support. Our policy pages also outline our stance on such behaviours.

Read our UCL policy on harassment and bullying pages

Report + Support 

UCL has launched an online reporting tool – ‘Report + Support’ for students and staff to report issues of unacceptable behaviour including bullying, harassment, racism and sexual misconduct. UCL maintains that unacceptable behaviour exists within our learning, working and living environments. While cases of unacceptable behaviour may not have always been dealt with effectively in the past, UCL is committed to making things better.

We shall remove the barriers to reporting, providing improved support to those affected and reviewing policies and procedures, to ensure these are fair and transparent for all parties involved. ‘Report + Support' provides staff and students with the opportunity to report anonymously or contact an advisor to make an informed decision about their support options.

Access UCL's Report + Support 

You can also report a hate crime through the Students' Union UCL Hate Crime Reporting Centre. It provides a confidential platform for hate crimes to be reported, as well as an opportunity to access support.

Access the Hate Crime Reporting Centre

Active bystander strategies

We ask all members of our community to stand together at this time and be exemplars of the inclusive ethos that UCL was founded on. We've put together a handy article explaining how to be an active bystander. Please do not let bullying or harassment go unchallenged. We are all responsible for ensuring that UCL is a safe, supportive environment for our staff and students.

Students' Union UCL provide more information and even run workshops on being an active bystander.

Find out more about the Students' Union support.


Hope not Hate facilitated talks

UCL are in contact with Hope not Hate, a politically neutral community organisation, who have offered to come and run some facilitated discussions for staff and students on tolerance and combating racism.

Please email to register your interest.