


Natalie Wood and Ellen Forde

Natalie and Ellen are your Student Advisers for the Faculty of Laws. Scroll down for more information about events and to learn about Natalie and Ellen.

Student Adviser Natalie Wood
What I do

Hi, I’m Natalie. I am a Student Adviser for the Faculty of Laws and I am here for you as a key point of contact during the first year of your undergraduate studies. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support, and student experience matters.

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment


Working within the Student Support and Wellbeing team, I will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below.  

Term 1: September 25th - December 15th 2023

More information coming soon.

Term 2: January 8th - March 22nd 2024

More information coming soon.

Term 3: April 22nd - June 7th 2024

More information coming soon.

Who am I?

About Natalie

What was your experience of further or higher education like?

I was a late starter to Higher Education, having had a fairly disjointed secondary education growing up in a rural area in the 90s, with the main source of employment being tourism.  After I turned 21 I completed an Access course and then started my university journey at 25.  I studied Film at Anglia Ruskin University and found an environment that let me tap into my artistic and cultural interests in a beautiful university city with a rich student experience.  The film course was largely theory-based, so I found myself studying the medium from all sorts of angles like Art History, Psychology and Sociology. I became a Student Ambassador and would work closely with Faculty members on outreach events and the Film Society. I worked part-time at the Cambridge Arts Picture House and contributed articles to the Student Arts newspaper. I was selected from the student body of the School of Communication, Film and Media to deliver the Vote of Thanks speech at my graduation, where Stephen Fry was supposed to be the keynote speaker but cancelled at the last minute.  

Who or what made the biggest positive impact on you when you were studying? And how did they support you?

From day one of my university journey I made myself known to the Student Support Services who helped me many times throughout my studies; from problems with the Student Loans Company to advice about job searches and counselling for mental health. Without that support I wouldn’t have made it through, and I think these kinds of services have only improved since then. My Head of Department was also a great source of advice and inspiration, and we are still in touch today. 

What working achievements or initiatives are you most proud of?

On the strength of my work as a Student Ambassador I was hired by the Universities recruitment team upon graduation and began working in outreach, since then I have been lucky enough to work for lots of different kinds of universities before coming to UCL and joining Student Support and Wellbeing.  

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

To not be afraid to seek advice when I became aware I was struggling, to stand up for myself when I felt I wasn’t being treated fairly, and to remember that things are never as bad as I first believed. 

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

I have lived in South East Asia, the Middle East, Canada and Germany. I have an Irish Terrier named Nancy (after my dearly departed Irish Nan) and I’m obsessed with Espionage fiction. 


Ellen Forde Student Adviser
What I do

Hi, I’m Ellen. I am a Student Adviser for the Faculty of Laws, and I am here for you as a key point of contact for the second year of undergraduate studies. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support, and student experience matters.

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment


Working within the Student Support and Wellbeing team, I will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below.  

Term 1: September 25th - December 15th 2023 

More information coming soon.

Term 2: January 8th - March 22nd 2024

More information coming soon.

Term 3: April 22nd - June 7th 2024

More information coming soon.

Who am I?

About Ellen

What was your experience of Further/Higher education like?

My experience on my Law degree was a mixture of the initial fear of being at a new educational institution and feeling nervous about how and if I would fit in. I did not have to worry though as I soon settled in, and made new friends who I am still in touch with 16 years later. My degree enabled me to improve my skills in terms of collating and understanding large chunks of information, organisation and time management, presenting arguments and pre-empting scenarios, and research using a wide range of resources in both my written assignments and during exams.

What do you like most about your work as a Student Adviser?

Some of the things I most like about being a Student Adviser range from being able to support my department and faculty by providing student wellbeing support and a listening ear. I enjoy witnessing the student journey from Year 1 to graduation and how hopefully the support I provide in the first year, will assist a student's journey, and finally I would say I love seeing a student realise their own inner strength and to be empowered to succeed not only academically, but in terms of recognising the importance of their wellbeing and how this plays a pivotal role alongside their studies.

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

Most people are surprised to learn that I am an avid Ice Hockey fan since my teenage years. I follow the NHL Ice Hockey League and travel to watch games across Europe during the year. My goal is to own a pair of Bauer pro hockey skates one day, when I can justify the £400 price tag.

The other thing people are surprised to find out is that I have a very famous relative in the music industry.