
Sustainable Building Design


UCL Royal Academy of Engineering, Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design


These pages act as a pointer for activity related to Sustainable Building Design within UCL. These pages were created after the award to create a joint centre between The Bartlett, UCL's Faculty of the Built Environment, and the UCL Engineering faculty, with the aim of closer integration between the two faculties, and to produce a new stream of carbon literate graduates who understand and can employ skills and knowledge from both engineering and architecture to produce sustainable low carbon buildings. This activity builds on existing education for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

As a consequence of these actions, we developed, and since 2018 we have been running, the brand new M.Eng Engineering and Architectural Design between the two faculties, more information on this programme can be found here. This programme is uniquely accredited by ARB/RIBA, CIBSE and we hope for JBM also, so graduates are both engineers and architects.

This Centre of Excellence is focussed on the department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, (CEGE) within the Engineering faculty and three parts of The Bartlett; The Bartlett School of ArchitectureUCL Energy Institute and UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering, within UCL.

    Venlo Town Hall


    The aims of the Centre and some further background can be found here

    Students at graduation


    We teach several programmes and modules related to the centre, click here to find out more.


    Network of Centres

    The UCL centre is one of four, others are at Heriot Watt University, Loughborough University and the University of Sheffield.