
Sustainable UCL


Sustainability Contacts at UCL

The UCL Sustainability Team drives forward the university's key sustainability aims. We work with the UCL community to embed sustainability into research, buildings and behaviours at UCL, and beyond. Contact us at Sustainableucl@ucl.ac.uk for generic enquires.

Sustainability Team


Jason Clarke 
Assistant Director 
Email Jason

Image of Jo

Joanna Marshall-Cook 
Head of Sustainable Programmes  Email Joanna


Ben Stubbs

Ben Stubbs
Head of Sustainable Built Environment
Email Ben

Image of Hannah

Hannah Biggs 
Senior Sustainability Manager (Education, Nature & Engagement) 


Evan Landy
Sustainability Manager (ESMS & Procurement)
Email Evan

Andrea smiling

Andrea Hodgetts
Sustainable Research Manager (LEAF)
Email Andrea

eleanor 180x200

Eleanor Lee
Senior Sustainability Engagement & Communications Officer
Email Elli

Image of Ciaran

Ciaran Jebb
Assistant Sustainability Manager (Data & Carbon)
Email Ciaran

Indie Smiling

Indie Channa
Assistant Sustainability Manager (Built Environment)
Email Indie

Judith smiling

Judith Wong 
Sustainability Communications Intern 
Email Judith


Dan hall smiling

Dan Hall 
Sustainability Engagement Officer (Green Impact)   Email Dan 

Hong smiling

Hong Zhang
Sustainability Laboratories Administrator (LEAF) Email Hong

Sustainability Professionals Across UCL

Image of Pip
Pip Jackson
Head of Inclusive Environments 
Email Pip
Image of Kat
Kat Aedy
Access and Inclusive Design Specialist
Email Kat
John Burgess

John Burgess
Building Performance and Efficiency Manager 
Email John

Image of Erin

Erin Squires
Head of Treasury Management & Sustainable Finance
Email Erin

Image of Simon
Simon Knowles
Head of SDG's Initiative
Email Simon
Image of Charlotte

Charlotte Thwaite
Sustainability Manager (CH& CO, UCL Food Contractor)
Email Charlotte

Image of Jo
Joanna Socha
Students Union Strategic Projects Coordinator
Email Joanna
Imge of Grace
Grace Yang
Student Sustainability Officer
Email Grace
Image of Paul Monk
Paul Monk
Head of Soft Services 
(Waste, Gardening and Cleaning)
Email Paul 

Sustainability Action on Campus

Sustainable Business Partners

Partner icon hands shaking.
Each Faculty or PS team is allocated a Sustainable UCL colleague for support in enhancing sustainability. 

> Find your Business Partner.


Faculty Leads

Pledge icon
Each Faculty has a Lead Green Champion to support departmental champions in completing the Green Impact workbook to help make offices more sustainable.

> Find your Faculty Lead Green Champion.