
Sustainable UCL


Meet our next Bike Buddy: Fernanda Fenn Torrente

26 August 2020

Our Bike Buddy scheme aims to help staff and students cycle to UCL. We team experienced cyclists with people who are new to cycling or would like some support in getting to and from UCL. Bike Buddies can assist with knowledge on local routes, and can take people into campus.

Girl in Graduation Gown

What do you do at UCL?

I am a student going into my fifth year of medicine at UCL. I’ve been part of UCLs cycling club for the last few years, enjoying trips out of London with them every now and again.

What made you want to be a bike buddy?

I think cycling is a brilliant way to get around London: it’s free, good for the environment and good for our health. I think a lot of people are scared of cycling in London (I was too when I started) so I want to help others overcome the fear by supporting them in taking those first steps onto the road.

What’s your route?

I cycle from Royal Victoria Dock in East London, close to Canning Town into the main UCL campus in Bloomsbury. It sounds like a long way but it’s surprisingly quick and it’s flat all the way which helps. I take the CS3 from my house all the way to Blackfriars and then the CS6 which takes me straight to UCL. 

What’s your favourite thing about cycling?/ How did you get into cycling?

I got into cycling in my second year of university when I lived in Finsbury Park and bought a cheap town bike to cycle to UCL. I also did a few cycling holidays with a borrowed road bike and decided to invest in one myself two years ago. What I enjoy most about cycling is the freedom and flexibility it gives you in a city and how much I have learnt about London from cycling around it for the last few years.  

Do you have any top tips for cycling? / Are there any cycling myths you’d like to bust?

My top tip is to learn where the shower and locker facilities are on campus, there are many and knowing where they are can speed up your morning*. I would also recommend using the Cycle Superhighways and cycle routes already established as they mostly avoid busy roads and have segregated lanes for cyclists, which is good for when you are starting out.


*Please note that the UCL showering facilities are not available at this time.