
Sustainable UCL


Help Switch UCL Off

4 March 2020

As teaching has been suspended and staff are working remotely, please utilise our 'Easter Switch Off' resources to help UCL shut down appropriately.

Easter Switch Off Poster with bunny

Win prizes whilst helping us switch off to reduce energy waste at this time.

UCL has committed to reducing it's energy consumption by 40% by 2024. Whilst we have switched to 100% renewable energy, and reduced the need for electrical equipment such as heating, cooling and lighting, the best way to reduce our carbon footprint is to reduce our energy use. This is because if we do not reduce energy use across the UK, we will not be able to generate enough energy from renewable sources to replace fossil fuels.

We need your help to reduce energy during the closures. Over the Christmas period you helped us save 284 tonnes of carbon through switching off items that would have otherwise been left on. That’s equivalent to planting 4,696 trees. It also saved UCL £110,000, helping UCL to improve the student experience.

Without your help in promoting the Easter Switch Off, vast amounts of appliances will be left on. We need you!

How can I help?

Switch off & win prizes!

Help reduce UCL’s carbon footprint by switching off before you leave for the Easter holidays!


We’ll be giving a £20 voucher to one lucky person to spend at the UCL shop. All you have to do is comment on our Easter Switch Off posts on social media and tell us WHY you’ll be switching off this Easter and which bunny you are! If your answer is our favourite comment, we will contact you to organise your prize. You have until 3rd April, the last day of term. Hop to it!


Comment on Facebook

Comment on Instagram


We’ll also be rewarding one department with £100 to spend on plants (or an approved sustainability initiative). All you have to do is make sure your department gains the highest proportion of sustainability pledges from students and staff. Use our resources to encourage pledges, and to find out what you can do to switch off this Easter!  


Pledge to Switch Off

Download Switch Off Resources


Easter switch off banner with speech bubble 'Hop to it!'