27th September 2024


  Urban Practices (URBNG006)

This module explores and experiments with multiple ways in which urban issues, problems and experiences are identified and addressed in practice.

A series of invited speakers lead seminars outlining and reflecting on the practices they adopt.  A series of case studies or examples are presented during these seminars to highlight working interfaces and potential disjunctures between theory and practice.

These seminars are used to encourage discussion on how theory and practice intersect: what kind of practical, intellectual and political questions are raised by actually working in and on urban spaces? What are the relationships between different forms of practice including academic work? What are the strengths and limitations of academic insights into urban processes and developments? To what extent can professional practice ranging from technical and organisational issues to aesthetic and ethical concerns actually gain from engagement with intellectual discourse? And how best can we shape our own work, life experiences and career paths through these shifting and unpredictable terrains?

2021 Emergency urbanism
2020 Urban waste and wastelands
2019 Vertical urbanims

2018 The Urban Night
London Night-Time Commission Consultation Exercise: Response by students

Amy Lame at Night Views event

London's first 'Night Czar' Amy Lame at end-of-year event entitled 'Night Views'

2017 Writing the City
Student Housing     'Umight' Facebook page
2015 'Putting Urban Studies to Work'

This year's module was framed around the theme of 'making cities better'. Presenters included the-decorators, Social Life and KERB

Larry trumpBoris top trump

Selection from Top Trump game by 'the Hammers' group.

An examination of the increasing need for a broader engagement between universities and urban communities. This is set in the context of UCL’s proposed expansion into East London with a new campus in Stratford and the challenges this poses for the ongoing regeneration of existing local communities. Guest speakers have built a comprehensive picture of the actors involved in university engagement and have included academics, consultants, architects, planners, and activists, such as Jonathan Burroughs (Creative Places), Beth Perry (University of Salford), Mark Cleverly (EC Harris) and  Neil Bennett & John Letherland (Terry Farrell and Partners).

The focus was on urban mega-events and festivals. In particular there was a strong emphasis on a variety of intersecting practices relating to the 2012 London Olympic Games. A series of invited speakers led seminars outlining and reflecting on the practices they adopt. Seminars covered a range of fields including planning, cultural and artistic interventions, architecture, law, journalism, transport planning, environmental management and urban activism. Presenters included Anna Minton, Hilary Powell and Sue Parnell.

Hayley Gewer installation

Philip Comerford

Some examples of student video work from 2012:
Performing the body, 'demythicizing' the city
Dome of contrasts

Creative City Limits bus tour of East London. Photograph: Andrew Harris

Creative City Limits bus tour of East London. Photograph: Andrew Harris

Urban parking. Photo: Francesca Perry (student 2010-11)

Urban parking. Photo: Francesca Perry (student 2010-11)

Bus face, London. Photo: Natalie Kaaserer (student 2009-2013)

Bus face, London. Photo: Natalie Kaaserer (student 2009-2013)