
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research


Dr Nicholas Sofroniew

WIBR Seminar

'Neural coding underlying tactile navigation'

Dr Nicholas Sofroniew 

nick sofroniew photo

(Janelia Research Campus, USA)
Host: Prof William D. Richardson

Nicholas Sofroniew is currently a Postdoctoral Associate in the lab of Karel Svoboda at the Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn USA. He obtained his Bachelors Degree (2005-2008) and Masters Degree (2009) in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, UK, where he specialized in Analysis and Combinatorics. He then completed his PhD in Neuroscience as part of a joint graduate program between the University of Cambridge and the Janelia Research Campus (2009-2013). He spent the first year of this program doing molecular neuroscience research using C. elegans in the lab of Howard Baylis at Cambridge, before moving to Janelia to do systems neuroscience research in the lab of Karel Svoboda. 

His current work is directed at probing cortical processing across multiple areas during complex navigation behavior.

Date: Monday 20th July 2015
Time: 5pm (please arrive 15 mins before start)  NOTE TIME CHANGE TO 5PM
Venue: Cruciform Café, 1st Floor Cruciform Building, Gower Street, UCL, WC1E 6BT
Refreshments will be provided
Website: http://www.janelia.org/people/nick-sofroniew

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