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Registration of New IS Computer Accounts

In order to use any IS facilities, you must be a registered IS computer user with a unique user identifier (userid), which you need to specify along with your password whenever you use an IS computer. This is known as your ‘account’ although the word does NOT imply any charges.

Your password should be kept secret in order to safeguard your work and prevent misuse of your account. You should keep your userid and password separately in the same way that you keep your bank card and PIN number separate. Most users are allocated an initial password - a random string of letters and numbers which may be hard to remember. You can set your password to something of your own choice, but it must not be based on a dictionary word.

New Students

All new students should come to the IS Helpdesk in the Lewis’s building to collect their sealed Computer Registration Slips. In the first 2 weeks of term special collection desks are staffed by members of IS in Lewis's Workrooms 1 and 2.

Students will need to present their College ID and a valid session card or provisional enrolment form prior to collection. Along with their Computer Registration Slips, students will also be given a starter pack - a purpose printed folder containing a set of initial documentation.

Enrolling after 24th September

Students must notify the Helpdesk as soon as possible after they have enrolled. If we are notified by 4pm we will normally be able to register students and have their details ready for collection by 10am the next working day. Any notifications received after 4pm will take 2 working days to process.

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Returning Students

Returning students who are already registered with IS do not need to re-register unless they change departments or change from undergraduate to postgraduate. Any returning students who have not registered with IS or who need to re-register should be go to the Helpdesk.

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Society Accounts

If your society is recognised by the Students Union it is eligible for a Society Account.  You need to obtain an 'S' form from the Helpdesk.  One of the societies officers must complete the form and get it counter-signed by the current Student Union Computer Representative.  Once returned to IS registration will take a few days.

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UCL Staff

Staff should register for a computer account via their departmental computer representative. Most registrations can be submitted electronically by departmental computer reps and will normally be processed on the day they are submitted. Those submitted via paper forms may take several days. A sealed Computer Registration Slip and starter pack (containing an set of initial documentation) will be sent to your department via internal mail. If you do not know who the computer rep is in your department contact the IS Helpdesk.

Your computer account will allow you to use e-mail and the internet and give you access to Staff WTS which allows users to access a desktop based on Windows NT 4.0 and use of Microsoft Office 97 and other software.

Other Staff

Members of certain associated institutions may be eligible to get an IS account, if you are unsure please contact our User Services section on 020 7679 7359 or e-mail userservices@ucl.ac.uk

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Departmental Web Account

You should create your HTML files in the normal way.

To get a Departmental Web account you should obtain a 'W' form from the UCL Web Office part of the Registrar's Division Research, Web & Disability Services section: web-support@ucl.ac.uk

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This page last modified September 17, 2003 by Brian Alston

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