UCL Information Systems
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Unix services

IS Unix services run the Solaris operating system. Services include:

Timesharing service: Socrates

Socrates supports many users concurrently and can be accessed from any IS computer as well as from other networked computers in departments and from outside UCL. It is also accessible from WTS via software called Exceed. Software provided on Socrates includes mathematical and statistical packages, text editing and formatting programs, and a variety of programming languages.

Research computing service: Plato

Plato is a more powerful Unix system intended for non-interactive number crunching and medium-scale computationally intensive work. Only staff and postgraduates who can demonstrate a particular need may be registered to use Plato - for more information e-mail plato-registrations@ucl.ac.uk

Unix/Graphics workstations

Powerful workstations with high specification graphics cards are housed in a room on the top floor of the Chadwick building. They are particularly suited to sophisticated graphical and mathematical work and support the use of 24-bit colour.

You can see a full list of software available on Unix services.

This page last modified October 8, 2003 by Sally Lynch

Related links:

Software on IS systems


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