

I use my ipod in drive mode, and not through itunes. This means it's necessary to manually eject the disk to ensure a safe and successful removal (and to get rid of the warning message on screen). This is a program designed to live in your quick launch bar to speed up the rapid removal of your ipod


There's no user interface (at least for version 2) but the screen on the ipod changes after the program is run:


Version 2

Version 1


Version 2: Run the program. That's it!

Version 1: Run the program and select your ipod. In the future this setting is remembered. Hold down shift as you start the program if you need to change it. Be warned: This stopped working, possibly due to windows updates or new ipod firmware. I didnt figure out the reason (hence the rewrite, which uses a different method). It is provided here in case it is useful to someone - maybe you'll have more luck!


Version 2, 28th October 2006 Complete rewrite, Automatically disconnects ipods (and other players including usb keys, but not other non-storage devices) when run, no configuration needed

Version 1, 15th November 2004 Initial Version