
Fancy sharing photos, but don't want any hassle at all? Then this is the program for you!

I want to get photos from my camera and with no effort have them available for friends and family to view, and this program achives that.
Once it has been set up, you should not need to touch it again!

* Resizes pictures as required for viewing, while still having the ability to download the originals for printing.
* Auto-thumbnails folders of pictures on request, which can be cached if required
* Works in all major browsers - tested on IE, Firefox, Opera and Safari.
* New folders indicated
* Auto-creates RSS Feed for new photos (tested with GoogleReader and Bloglines)
* Easily prevent folders from being shared
* Folders can be password protected
* Customisable log format - the default is the standard "combined log format" which can used by web server log analysers
* Easy to change log and feel with seperate CSS and front page files.



When I'm happy its finished - prerelease versions on request


If you have a firewall, allow connections.
If you have a NAT router, forward ports.
No idea what this means? can help you.



18/03/06 v0.01
+First version

20/03/06 v0.02
+Frames version (old version still available for older browsers)

21/03/06 v0.03
+JPEG resizing with quality & size settings

23/03/06 v0.04
+Icon for New Folders (folders created within last 7 days)
+title attrib on thumb (as well as alt)

25/03/06 v0.05
+added a 'magic' folder - last 7 days page
!Prevent small pictures from being enlarged

26/03/06 v0.06
+Ini file for settings
+User definable log output - default now follows "combined log format" as used by many webservers.

27/03/06 v0.07
+Last Month Magic folder
!return a 404 for non-existent folder requests

01/04/06 v0.08
+logging to text file (and tested with commmon web log analysers)

11/04/06 v0.09
+Option to exclude file logging of requests from localhost (still shown in window log)
+Option to exclude fp30reg.dll attempt at frontpage attacks from file log (still shown in window log)

16/04/06 v0.10
*New URL construction for easier web logging analysis
!Fixed minor issue with magic folder links
!localhost logging enabled logic was incorrect - fixed.

20/04/06 v0.11
+RSS feed (tested with GoogleReader and Bloglines)

21/04/06 v0.12
+jump straight to folder (for emailing details of new folder)
+Tray Icon menu
+Exclude xmlrpc.php requests from file log
!Fixed fp30reg.dll file logging
!Fixed javascript error that meant some browsers didn't work

23/04/06 v0.13
+Prev/Next Buttons (finally!)
+Sleep Mode
+AutoSleep option
*Feed linked from front page and to allow live bookmarks
*Main Form autohides at start
*Clicking tray icon when window visible hides it
*dropdowns activate immediately
*First image of folder automatically shown

24/04/06 v0.14 - All initially planned features implemented!
+persistent image quality settings (within session)
+favicon.ico (to stop 404s in log!)
*New Icon
*Click Thumbnails sets position for prev & next buttons

04/05/06 v0.15 - The first round of bug chasing & general tidying
*Better font size for headings
*Separated CSS into own file for ease of customisation

06/05/06 v0.16 - Performance Improvement
+Thumbnail caching
*Separated front page text into own file
!Fixed an issues with thumbnails of tiny images
!GUI checkbox anchoring issues
!Fixed issue with ?startpage back option in IE

18/05/06 v0.17
!Fixed issues with title when using Prev and Next buttons
*Disabled Magic folders (for now, due to javascript fluctuation always breaking them)

10/07/06 v0.20 - Fixing those outstanding issues from feedback
*New improved scaling method means much better quality images
!Fixed problem with Prev and Next button in IE

11/07/06 v0.21
+Basic authorisation of folder listing, through use of _access.txt file in folder

29/07/06 v0.3
+Navigation bar, means controls more conveniently located under picture.
!Fixed minor css error