
Click on any title to read the corresponding abstract.

Carolyn A. Graves-Brown
The religious meaning within Egyptian Dynastic lithics
Todd Whitelaw
Alternative archives in clay: reconciling palatial documents with the excavated ceramic record from Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Pylos, in Greece
Sally-Ann Ashton
Memphis as a centre of production in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
Frédéric Davidovits
Vitruvius's recipe for the manufacture of the pigment 'Egyptian blue'
Ian C. Freestone
Pliny and the manufacture of raw glass
Andrew Shortland
Cuneiform glass texts: a question of meaning?
Alex Bayliss
Medieval English Bell-founding: validating multivariate models in archaeology using written and iconographic sources
Tim M. Mighall, Peter Crew, D. Thomas, C. Brookes and P. Denne
The environmental impact of Medieval iron bloomeries in north-west Wales
Justine Bayley
Medieval precious metal refining: evidence from archaeological finds and contemporary texts.
Marcos Martinón-Torres and Thilo Rehren
'From A to Z': Agricola's guidelines and Zwickau's practice of brass making
Anna Badcock and David Crossley
Archives and Urban Archaeology: the Fairbank surveyors' papers and work on brown-field sites in Sheffield

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