LMS/EPSRC Short Course

Organiser: Prof. J.K. Truss

This page gives information about the week-long short course on Set Theory and Analysis at the University of Leeds between 11th--16th September 2000

Originating in the work of Cantor over 100 years ago, set theory has blossomed during the twentieth century. The most famous results have been Gödel's and Cohen's classic solution of Cantor's continuum problem (using constructible sets and forcing respectively) followed by more recent work on iterated forcing, cardinal arithmetic, determinacy and large cardinal axioms. Particularly striking has been the impact on certain parts of analysis.

The meeting is aimed at research students working in logic, analysis and allied areas, and all those postgraduate students who want to broaden their knowledge of modern developments in mathematics. It will introduce them to some of the main ideas of contemporary set theory, and help them to understand the impact of these on certain parts of analysis (and vice versa). Three main lecture series will be supplemented by two lectures on a more specialized application to analysis.

Lectures will be supplemented by tutorials and discussion.

The registration fee is £60 which, for UK-based research students, includes the cost of course accommodation and meals. Participants must pay their own travel costs. EPSRC-supported students can expect that their registration fees and travel costs will be met by their departments from the EPSRC Research Training and Support Grant that is paid to universities with each studentship award.

Application forms may be obtained from: Helen Woodward, London Mathematical Society, De Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HP.

Numbers will be limited and those interested are advised to make an early application. The closing date for applications will be 23 June 2000.