4 Linear algebra

4.14 Kernel and image

4.14.1 Definition of kernel and image

To every linear transformation we associate two important subspaces.

Definition 4.14.1.

let T:VW be linear.

  1. 1.

    the kernel of T, written kerT, is {𝐯V:T(𝐯)=𝟎W}

  2. 2.

    the image of T, written imT, is {T(𝐯):𝐯V}

In other words, the image is what we normally mean by the image of a function.

An important family of examples are the linear maps TA:𝔽n𝔽m defined by left-multiplication by an m×n matrix A with entries from the field 𝔽. In that case the image imTA is equal to the column space C(A) by Proposition 3.2.1, and the kernel kerTA is the nullspace N(A).

4.14.2 A property of all linear maps

Lemma 4.14.1.

Let T:VW be a linear map. Then T(𝟎V)=𝟎W.

T(𝟎V) =T(𝟎V+𝟎V)

by the second part of the definition of linearity. Now add T(𝟎V) to both sides:

T(𝟎V)T(𝟎V) =T(𝟎V)+T(𝟎V)T(𝟎V)
𝟎W =T(𝟎V)

4.14.3 Kernels and images are subspaces

Lemma 4.14.2.

Let T:VW be linear. Then kerTV and imTW.


To show something is a subspace you must check the three conditions: it contains the zero vector, it is closed under addition, it is closed under scalar multiplication.

First, the kernel.

  1. 1.

    To show that the kernel contains 𝟎V, we must show that T(𝟎V)=𝟎W. That’s exactly Lemma 4.14.1.

  2. 2.

    If 𝐯,𝐰kerT then T(𝐯+𝐰)=T(𝐯)+T(𝐰)=𝟎W+𝟎W=𝟎W, so 𝐯+𝐰kerT.

  3. 3.

    If 𝐯kerT and λ𝔽 then T(λ𝐯)=λT(𝐯) by the second part of the definition of linearity, and this is λ𝟎W which equals 𝟎W. Since T(λ𝐯)=𝟎W, we have λ𝐯kerT.

Next, the image.

  1. 1.

    We know from Lemma 4.14.1 that T(𝟎V)=𝟎W, so 𝟎WimT.

  2. 2.

    Any two elements of imT have the form T(𝐮),T(𝐯) some 𝐮,𝐯V. Then T(𝐮)+T(𝐯)=T(𝐮+𝐯) (second part of the linearity definition), which is an element if imT, so imT is closed under addition.

  3. 3.

    If T(𝐮)imT and λ𝔽 then λT(𝐮)=T(λ𝐮) by the second part of the definition of linearity, and this is an element of imT as it is T applied to something, so imT is closed under scalar multiplication.

Example 4.14.1.

Let A=(0100) so that we have a linear map TA:22 given by TA(𝐱)=A𝐱. We will find imTA and kerTA.

imTA ={TA(xy):x,y}

Another way to write this is that imTA=span(10), and so dimimTA=1.

Now we’ll do the kernel.

kerTA ={(xy)2:TA(xy)=(00)}

Again we could write this as kerTA=span(10). The kernel and image are equal in this case.

Example 4.14.2.

Let D:n[x]n[x] be D(f)=dfdx. We will describe kerD and imD.

A polynomial has derivative zero if and only if it is constant, so kerD is the set of all constant polynomials. This is spanned by any (nonzero) constant polynomial, so it has dimension one.

Next consider imD. Let Sn[x] be the subspace spanned by 1,x,,xn1, that is, the subspace consisting of all polynomials of degree at most n1. Certainly imDS, since when you differentiate a polynomial of degree at most n you get a polynomial of degree at most n1. But if s(x)S then s(x) has an indefinite integral t(x) in n[x] and D(t)=s, so every sS is in imD, so imD=S.

A useful property of the kernel of a linear map is that it tells you whether or not the map is injective.

Proposition 4.14.3.

Let T be a linear map T:UV.

  1. 1.

    T is injective if and only if kerT={𝟎U}.

  2. 2.

    T is surjective if and only if dimimT=dimV.

  1. 1.

    Suppose T is injective. By Lemma 4.14.1, T(𝟎U)=𝟎V, so 𝟎UkerT. Now if 𝐮kerT then T(𝐮)=𝟎V so T(𝐮)=T(𝟎U), so by injectivity 𝐮=𝟎U. It follows kerT={𝟎U}.

    Conversely suppose kerT={𝟎U} and that T(𝐱)=T(𝐲). By linearity T(𝐱𝐲)=𝟎V, so 𝐱𝐲kerT, so 𝐱𝐲=𝟎U, so 𝐱=𝐲 and T is injective.

  2. 2.

    If T is surjective then imT=V so certainly dimimT=dimV.

    Conversely, suppose dimimT=dimV. The image imT is a subspace of V by Lemma 4.14.2. It has the same dimension as V so it equals V by Proposition 4.12.3. We have shown imT=V, so T is surjective.