June Gems

One of the delights for a University teacher in June, when the examination papers have to be marked (and medical clases are in excess of 340, so there are a lot of scripts to mark) is seeing how students remember what they thought we said in lectures, and how they express themselves under the stressful conditions of the exam room.

Just occasionally we get a chance to see what students make of our lectures before the exams - some years ago a student came up to me at the end of a lecture on collagen synthesis and gave me these two copies of the handout for the lecture, saying shyly "me and Mady done this".

My late father started me collecting these "June gems", and indeed some of what follows comes from his collection. From time to time we would phone each other, read out a choice morsel from an exam script, and ask the other one what the question might have been.

Some novel diseases I have learnt about include: divetoseclerosis; photophobia (fear of life); metalablastic anaemia; obesiety

I am grateful to the many students whose work I have marked over the years, and those I have seen in oral examinations, for the enjoyment the following (sometimes mysterious) quotations have given me:


Some definitions of medical terms


Pregnancy, mother and infant nutrition



General physiology, cell biology and metabolism

Diet and health

Nutrition through the life cycle

Deficiency diseases

Dietary treatment of disease

Public health nutrition, policy and planning

Food science and technology