Curriculum vitae


Present appointment

2009 - Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry, University College London

1998 - Sub-Dean (Education) University College London Medical School.

Education and Qualifications

1965 - 1968 Student at the University of Birmingham:
Honours BSc [Class 2(i)] in Biochemistry

1971 PhD, Biochemistry: University of London (Faculty of Science): Enzymic studies on the decarboxylation of aromatic amino acids in mammalian tissue

1991 Admitted to the Register of Accredited Nutritionists
1995 Elected to membership of the European Academy of Nutritional Sciences
2000 Elected to membership of the Institute of Teaching and Learning (now the Higher Education Academy)

Professional History

1968 - 1970 Research Assistant, The Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London
1970 - 1994 Lecturer in Biochemistry, The Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London (now University College London)
1994 - 2009 Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, University College London
2009 - Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry, University College London

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Professional activities

University of London

1977 - 1979, 1981 - 1983, 1984 - 1986 Elected representative of the Recognised Teachers Group on the Academic Board of The Middlesex Hospital Medical School
1973 - 96 Member of the Board of Studies in Biochemistry, University of London
1982 - 96 Member of the Board of Studies in Nutrition and Food Science, University of London
1988 - 95 Representative of the Board of Studies in Nutrition and Food Science on the Special Advisory Committee in Health Studies, University of London
1992 - 96 Chairman, Board of Studies in Nutrition and Food Science, University of London
1996 - Member of the Subject Area Panel on Nutrition of the University of London
1998 - 2006 Member of the Subject Area Panel on Health Sciences of the University of London

Professional Societies

1969 Elected to membership of the Biochemical Society
1975 - 1978 Committee member of the Neurochemical Group of the Biochemical Society
1977 - 1978 Secretary of the Neurochemical Group of the Biochemical Society
1995 - Member of the London Regional Group Committee of the Biochemical Society
1997- Chairman, London Regional Group Committee of the Biochemical Society and member of Professional and Educational Committee of the Biochemical Society
1973 Elected to membership of the Nutrition Society
1991 - 95 Committee member, Micronutrient Group of the Nutrition Society
1981 - 92 Committee member of the British Study Group on Tryptophan
1983 Appointed a member of the local organising committee and Treasurer, for the 5th meeting of ISTRY, the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, 1986
2007 - Honorary Publications Officer of the Nutrition Society.

Visiting Lectureships

1983 British Council Short Term Visiting Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, University of Ghana Medical School (1 month)
1984 IUB-sponsored Visiting Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Khartoum Medical School, Sudan (1 month)
1985 British Council Short Term Visiting Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, University of Khartoum Medical School, Sudan (1 month)
1987 British Council Short Term Visiting Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Kenya (1 month)
2006 Visiting Professor, St George’s University Medical School, Grenada (1 week)

External examining

1998 - 2000 External examiner for first and second year MBBS, BDS and BSc Biomedical Sciences, Queen Mary Westfield College, London
2000 - 2004 External examiner for Part 1 MBBS, University of Leeds
2001 - 2004 External examiner for Part 1 MBBS, University of Birmingham
2003 - 2006 External examiner for final year honours BSc Nutrition and Dietetics, King’s College London
2005 - 2008 External examiner for first year MBBS course at Queen Mary University of London
2005 - External examiner for various MSc theses from the Dept of Biochemistry of Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya (all by post, no oral examinations involved)
2009 - External examiner for first year BDS, University of Birmingham

I have acted as (internal) examiner to some 12 PhD students (mainly in Nutrition) from other departments within UCL and other Colleges of the University of London.

Membership of Advisory Bodies and Editorial Boards

1988 - 1991 Member of the Vitamins Panel of the Working Party on Reference Nutrient Intakes of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Nutrition (COMA) of the Department of Health / Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
1989 Member of the ILSI-Europe Working Party on Recommended Daily Amounts of Vitamins.
1990 - 1992 Ad hoc expert, Working Party on Recommended Daily Amounts of Nutrients of the Scientific Committee for Food of the Commission of the European Communities.
1998 - 2000 Member of the Department of Health COMA Panel on folic acid dietary reference values
1999 - 2007 Member of the editorial board of Nutrition Research Reviews, Editor-in-Chief from January 2003
2003 – 2004 Member of HEA working party on external examining
2004 - Member of executive editorial board of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.

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1983 Awarded the Agnes Ogden Memorial Prize of the Middlesex Hospital Medical School
2008 UCL Provost’s Teaching Award

Invited participation in scientific meetings

1974 Invited speaker at the Linderström-Lang conference on neurotransmitter metabolism in Oslo, Norway, speaking on Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
1977 Invited speaker at a national meeting of the Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain, in London, speaking on Tryptophan and serotonin in schizophrenia.
1977 Invited speaker at a Nutrition Society meeting on nutrition and the brain, in London, speaking on Regulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis.
1981 Invited participant and session chairman, International Congress of Nutrition, San Diego, California.
1983 Invited participant and session chairman, 4th meeting of ISTRY (International Study Group on Tryptophan Research), Munich, Germany.
1984 Invited speaker at a Biochemical Society meeting in Galway, Ireland, speaking on Regulation of kynurenine hydroxylase.
1986 Invited speaker at a meeting of the Group of European Nutritionists in Bonn, Germany, speaking on Uptake of tryptophan into the brain and dietary influences on serotoninergic function.
1989 Invited participant at the 6th meeting of ISTRY (International Study Group on Tryptophan Research), Baltimore, USA.
1992 Invited speaker at the 7th meeting of ISTRY (International Study Group on Tryptophan Research), Nagoya, Japan, speaking on Tryptophan metabolism in vitamin B6 deficiency.
1993 Invited speaker at a Nutrition Society meeting on new functions of nutrients in Cork, Ireland, speaking on Novel functions of vitamin B6.
1994 Invited speaker at the IUPAC-IUB meeting on vitamin B6 and carbonyl catalysis, in Capri, Italy, speaking on Nutritional aspects of vitamin B6.
1994 Invited participant and discussant at a meeting of ISFE, the International Foundation for Nutrition Education and Nutrition Research, on recommended intakes of nutrients, in Bonn, Germany.
1995 Invited speaker at the 7th meeting of ISTRY (International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, in Padua, Italy, speaking on Tryptophan and niacin nutrition.
1998 Invited speaker at a Nutrition Society meeting on Optimum Nutrition, in Cork, Ireland, speaking on Thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid.
2002 Invited speaker at International Congress on vitamin B6 and carbonyl catalysts, Southampton, speaking on Vitamin B6 requirements and recommendations.
2004 Invited speaker at international conference on computers in teaching and replacement of animal experiments, Isparta, Turkey.
2005 Invited speaker at Euromedlab conference in Glasgow, speaking on antioxidant supplements.

Supervision of graduate students:

1979-82 Bahieldin Magboul, PhD 1982. Supported by a scholarship from the Government of Sudan. When last contacted he was Deputy Director of the Food Research Institute in Khartoum, Sudan.
1982-85 Jean-François Bowden, PhD 1985. Supported by an SERC studentship. Worked until 2007 as a consultant to the Government of British Columbia on information technology in clinical chemistry laboratories; died November 2007.
1982-85 Gwyn McCreanor, PhD 1985. A member of technical staff of the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, and partially supported by a grant from ISFE the International Foundation for Nutrition Education and Nutrition Research. Now Consultant Clinical Chemist at Kettering Hospital.
1983-86 Martyn Page, MPhil 1988. Supported by an SERC studentship. Current whereabouts and activity unknown, although he went into school teaching after leaving the department.
1987-90 Eliud Njagi, PhD 1990. Supported by a British Council studentship. Currently Professor of Biochemistry at the Kenyatta University, Kenya.
1986-88 Stephen Coppinger, MS 1997, supported by a grant from Baxter Healthcare Ltd. Currently Consultant Surgeon in Telford.


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Teaching activities

My main teaching activities are in the following courses:

Phase 1 course for medical students (from 2000/01)

As Sub-Dean for Education and Director of Studies for Phase 1 MB,BS, I am in overall charge of organising the delivery and assessment of this course spanning the first two years of the MB,BS degree programme, with an entry of 340 students each year. I am also module coordinator for the Foundations of Health and Disease module (the first module of the course) and co-coordinator of the Fluids, Nutrition and Metabolism module.

I deliver about 30 lectures in the core Phase 1 course, as well as tutorials, problem-solving, computer-aided learning and practical classes. I also run four student selected components.

Biochemistry Bioc2005: Metabolic Processes - Reaction Sequences and Their Control

I gave 5 lectures (out of a total of 24 lectures) on this half course-unit course which is a core course for about 25 second year Biochemistry students, on Nitrogen Economy of the Cell, and take small group tutorials.

Biochemistry Bioc3011: Biochemistry of Health and Disease

Together with Dr D J Williams (Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and Dr N J Marshall (Division of Molecular Pathology) I organised this course unit until 2001/2. I currently give some 6 lectures on the course.

Biochemistry Bioc1007: Experimental Biochemistry

I have a minor role in this core course for first year students in the Department, leading 13 tutorials for my small group of personal tutees.

Basic Medical Sciences part 1: Chemistry of the Cell and Genetics (until 1999/2000)

I was course tutor and organiser for this course for 220 first year medical students. I was therefore responsible for the organisation of the course, and devised many of the tutorial problems that were use, as well as the problem-solving classes, paper-case exercises and computer simulations (see below under teaching innovations). I delivered 25 lectures (out of a total of 53 lectures in the course), as well as tutorials and laboratory classes.

Basic Medical Sciences part 2: Functional and Chemical Changes in Disease (until 2000/01)

I was involved in a minor way in the organisation of this course for 220 second year medical students, as one of three course coordinators. My main input was in organising a series of 5 special study seminars on environmental and nutritional topics, and delivering 3 of them, to a group of 20 – 30 students each year.

MSc in Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey

I am an invited guest lecturer on the modular MSc in Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey, giving the four 90 minute lecture / discussion sessions during the 3 days of the Foundation module Principals of Nutritional Science. Some 25 students take the course each year.


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Innovations in Teaching

I have written and developed a suite of computer programs that are simulations of laboratory exercises in biochemistry; the most recent versions are presented as a Virtual Laboratory, used in the Phase 1 MBBS course, with extensive theory screens. Versions of these programs are used in some 30 universities around the world, and are included in the CD that accompanies the 4th edition of Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism. These programs have been adopted by InterNICHE, the International Network for Humane Education, for use in their international lending library of alternatives to animal experiments in education. See the link to "computer programs" on the left.

I have written and developed a computer program that permits nutrient analysis of foods and diets, to accompany Food Tables and Labelling. It is used by some 3000 schools and colleges in Britain, and was adopted in 2003 for use across Northern Ireland in the Classroom 2000 package used in all schools and colleges in the province. The program has received a very favourable evaluation by Schoolzone for the Dept of Education Curriculum OnLine. An expanded version of this program, with a larger database of foods and nutrients, is included in the CD that accompanies the 4th edition of Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism. See the link to "computer programs" on the left.

I have written and developed a computer program, Testme, that permits students to answer true/false multiple choice questions and see explanations of why they were correct or not. The program presents students with a random selection of questions, each of which is a statement to be marked true or false, from a bank associated with each chapter in the 4th edition of Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism. The total question bank contains some 1600 questions. The program is flexible, and will permit anyone to write additional questions, or edit the question bank, using only word-processing software. For each question the student has not only to decide whether the statement is true or false, but assess his / her confidence in the answer. The level of confidence affects the positive mark for being correct and the negative mark for being incorrect. See the link to "computer programs" on the left.

I have written a series of small programs that allow students to practice common biochemical and physiological calculations, with different values being presented each time the programs are run. See the link to "computer programs" on the left.

I have introduced and developed the concept of “small group teaching for large groups of students”, in a series of problem-solving classes, in which the students work through a problem in groups of 5-6, with 120 students in a single room, and one or two tutors for the whole class. I have written and used some 12 - 15 such problem-solving exercises.

I have introduced a series of problem-solving paper cases that we have used for both assessment exercises and as the basis for tutorial discussions for the medical students; some of these are used in the new core course, and others form the basis of student selected components for the first year medical students. I have developed about 30 such paper cases to date, many of which are included as open-ended problems at the end of chapters in the 4th edition of Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism.

I have developed a set of interactive on-line tutorial exercises in nutrition and metabolic biochemistry, based on case presentations and data interpretation. See the link to "Metabolism on-line" on the left.

Curriculum development

I have been involved in development of the medical curriculum since about 1975, with an increasing input at each major curriculum revision; I was very deeply involved in the development and eventual implementation of the new curriculum for the Royal Free and University College Medical School, and carry much of the responsibility for ensuring the delivery, assessment and quality management of the course. I am currently involved in the review of the MBBS course, and efforts to improve vertical integration throughout the 5 year MBBS programme.

I was involved in the development of the Biological Sciences aspects of the Project 2000 Diploma in Higher Education for Nursing students at UCL, and also the Health Sciences BSc courses for Podiatry and Physiotherapy. I was also involved in the development of the 3 year BSc Podiatric Medicine course, and am still a member of the BSc Podiatry course committee, and am involved in the planning for a new integrated Podiatry course.

I developed the C28 (Nutritional Biochemistry) and C31 (Biochemistry of Human Disease) half course-units, and the C41 (Biochemistry of Health and Disease) full course unit for final honours year students.

Enabling teaching and learning

Non-University Teaching, Learning and Enabling activities

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Research activities

My research career began with studies of aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of catecholamine and indoleamine neurotransmitters. This led on to a more specific interest in tryptophan metabolism, initially in relation to psychiatric disease, and later in relation to the tryptophan / niacin deficiency disease pellagra, and disturbances of tryptophan (and other amino acid) metabolism in schistosomiasis.

My interest in tryptophan metabolism led to an interest in vitamin B6, because of the central role of vitamin B6 in tryptophan metabolism, and then to the interactions between vitamin B6 and oestrogens, initially because of the effects of oestrogens on tryptophan metabolism. This led to the elucidation of the role of vitamin B6 in terminating the actions of steroid hormones.


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Books - sole or joint authorship

  1. D.A.Bender. (1975) Amino Acid Metabolism 221 pp, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. Revised reprint 1978.
  2. D.A.Bender. (1985) Amino Acid Metabolism 2nd Edition, 263 pp, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.
  3. A.E.Bender & D.A.Bender. (1982) Nutrition for Medical Students 380 pp, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.
  4. D.A.Bender (1983) Molecular Aspects of Medicine 6: 103-197. Biochemistry of tryptophan in health and disease.
  5. D.A.Bender & A.E.Bender. (1986) Food Tables 48 pp, Oxford University Press.
  6. A.E.Bender & D.A.Bender (1991) Food Labelling - a Companion to Food Tables, 44 pp, Oxford University Press.
  7. D.A.Bender (1992) Nutritional Biochemistry of the Vitamins, 431 pp, Cambridge University Press.
  8. D.A.Bender (1993) Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism, 350 pp, UCL Press.
  9. A.E.Bender & D.A.Bender (1995) Dictionary of Food and Nutrition, 414 pp, Oxford University Press.
  10. D.A.Bender & A.E.Bender (1997) Nutrition: A Reference Handbook, 573 pp, Oxford University Press.
  11. D.A.Bender (1997) Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism, 2nd Edition, 335 pp, Taylor & Francis.
  12. D.A.Bender & A.E.Bender (1999) Food Tables and Labelling, Oxford University Press.
  13. A.E.Bender & D.A.Bender (1999) Benders’ Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology, 7th Edition, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford.
  14. D.A.Bender (2002) Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism, 3rd Edition, 427 pp, Taylor & Francis.
  15. D.A.Bender (2003) Nutritional Biochemistry of the Vitamins, 2nd Edition, 488 pp, Cambridge University Press.
  16. D.A.Bender (2004) Dictionary of Food and Nutrition, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press.
  17. D A Bender (2006) Benders’ Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology, 8th Edition, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford.
  18. D.A.Bender (2007) Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism, 4th Edition, 427 pp, CRC Press.
  19. D.A.Bender (2009) Dictionary of Food and Nutrition, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press

Books – edited

  1. B.M.Barker & D.A.Bender (Editors) The Vitamins in Medicine, 4th Edition, William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd, London: Volume I: 1980, Volume II: 1982. (I wrote the Chapters on: Requirements, Recommendations and Intake; Niacin; Vitamin B6; and Vitamin C)
  2. D.A.Bender, M.H.Joseph, W.Kochen & H.Steinhart, Editors.(1987). Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research II. Proceedings of ISTRY-86, the 5th meeting of the International Study Group for Tryptophan Research, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
  3. A.D.Smith, S.P.Datta, G.H.Smith, P.N.Campbell, R.Bentley & H.A.McKenzie. Editors (1997) Oxford University Press Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I was Subject Editor (nutrition) and a contributing author.
  4. C.Geissler & H.J.Powers, (2005) Human Nutrition and Metabolism, 11th edition. I was section editor for two sections: Macronutrients and Micronutrients. I wrote chapters on water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, and co-wrote chapters on carbohydrates and protein.

Books - contributed chapters

  1. D.A.Bender.(1973) Chapter 12, Metabolism, pp 144-159 in Nutrition and Dietetic Foods, by A.E.Bender, Leonard Hill Books Ltd, Aylesbury.
  2. D.A.Bender.(1985) Chapter 5, Metabolic and Pharmacological Studies, in The Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Amino Acids, Edited by G.C.Barrett. Chapman & Hall, London.
  3. D.A.Bender & A.E.Bender (1986) Chapter on Niacin in Human Vitamin Requirements, Edited by W.Kübler & G.Brubacher, Verlag Darmstadt.
  4. D.A.Bender (1989) Chapters on: The kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism, pp 3-38, and Clinical and nutritional aspects of tryptophan metabolism via kynurenine, pp 241-62, in The Kynurenines and Quinolinic Acid, edited by T.Stone, Chemical Rubber Co Inc.
  5. D.A.Bender (1993) Contributions to the Academic Press Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition, on niacin, pellagra, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, Academic Press, London.
  6. D.A.Bender (1997) Contributions to Academic Press Encyclopaedia of Human Nutrition, on Vitamin B6, vitamin C, Pellagra, Nutrient Requirements, Academic Press, London.
  7. D.A.Bender (1999) Contributions to Academic Press Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition on niacin, pellagra and vitamin B6, Academic Press, London.
  8. D.A.Bender (2001) Chapter 6, Nutritional and non-nutritional uses of vitamin B6, pp 81-99 in Food and Nutritional Supplements: Their role in Health and Disease, edited by J.K.Ransley, J.K. Donnelly & N.W.Read, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  9. D.A.Bender (2002) Chapter 8, pp 125-176, The Vitamins, in The Nutrition Society Textbook Series: Introduction to Human Nutrition (M.J.Gibney, H.E.Vorster & F.J.Kok, editors) The Nutriton Society / Blackwell publishing, Oxford.
  10. D.A.Bender (2003) Contributions to Academic Press Encyclopaedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition on: Pellagra, Niacin physiology, Vitamin B6 physiology, Glucose metabolism, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Tricarboxylic acid cycle, Academic Press / Elsevier Science, London
  11. P.A.Mayes & D.A.Bender (2003) Chapters 13, Carbohydrates of physiologic significance, 15, Overview of metabolism, 16, The citric acid cycle, 17, Glycolysis and the oxidation of pyruvate, 18, Metabolism of glucose, 19, Gluconeogenesis and control of blood glucose, 20, The pentose phosphate pathway, in Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 26th Edition, (Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA & Rodwell VW, Eds) Lange Medical Books / McGraw-Hill, New York.
  12. D.A.Bender & P.A.Mayes (2003) Chapters 27, Integration of metabolism, 44, Nutrition, Digestion and absorption, 45, Vitamins and minerals, in Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 26th Edition, (Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA & Rodwell VW, Eds) Lange Medical Books / McGraw-Hill, New York.
  13. D.A.Bender (2005) Chapters 10, water-soluble vitamins and 11, fat-soluble vitamins: Human Nutrition, 11th Edition, (C.Geissler & H.J.Powers, editors), Elsevier, Edinburgh.
  14. D.A.Bender (2004) Contributions to Academic Press Encyclopaedia of Human Nutrition, 2nd edition, on Vitamin B6, vitamin C, Academic Press / Elsevier Science, London.
    15) D.A.Bender (2006) Chapters 27, Integration of metabolism, 44, Nutrition, Digestion and absorption, 45, Vitamins and minerals, in Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 27th Edition, (Murray RK, Granner DK, & Rodwell VW, Eds) Lange Medical Books / McGraw-Hill, New York.
  15. D.A.Bender (2009) Chapters 13, Carbohydrates of physiologic significance, 15, Overview of metabolism, 16, The citric acid cycle, 17, Glycolysis and the oxidation of pyruvate, 18, Metabolism of glucose, 19, Gluconeogenesis and control of blood glucose, 20, The pentose phosphate pathway, 27, Integration of metabolism, 44, Nutrition, Digestion and absorption, 45, Vitamins and minerals, 50, Oxidative damage and antioxidants, in Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 28th Edition, (Murray RK, Granner DK, & Rodwell VW, Eds) Lange Medical Books / McGraw-Hill, New York.
  16. D.A.Bender (2009) Chapter 8, pp 132-187, The Vitamins, in The Nutrition Society Textbook Series: Introduction to Human Nutrition (M.J.Gibney, S.Lanham-New, A.Cassidy & H.E.Vorster, editors) The Nutriton Society / Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
  17. D.A.Bender (in press) Chapter -- Water-soluble vitamins, Chapter -- Fat-soluble vitamins, Chapter -- Carbohydrate metabolism, Chapter -- Protein metabolism and requirements in Human Nutrition, 12th Edition, (C.Geissler & H.J.Powers, editors), Elsevier, Edinburgh

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Refereed papers

  1. D. A. Bender & W. F. Coulson (1972) Journal of Neurochemistry 19: 2801-2810. Variations in aromatic amino acid decarboxylase activity towards dopa and 5-hydroxytryptophan caused by pH changes and denaturation.
  2. D. A. Bender, A. J. Armstrong, C. R. Monkhouse & J. P. Richardson (1975) Pflügers Archiv 356: 245-251. Changes in pancreatic tryptophan in the rat in response to fasting: The effect of beta-cytotoxic agents and variation in the oestrous cycle.
  3. D. A. Bender & A. N. Bamji (1974) Journal of Neurochemistry 22: 805-809. Serum tryptophan binding in chlorpromazine-treated chronic schizophrenics.
  4. D. A. Bender, R. M. Pigache, J. Gruzelier & N. Hammond (1975) Psychological Medicine 5: 397-403. Changes in serum tryptophan and albumin binding of tryptophan in chlorpromazine treated chronic schizophrenics on withdrawal and restoration of drug therapy.
  5. D. A. Bender (1976) Biochemical Pharmacology 25: 1743-1746. The effects of chlorpromazine on serum tryptophan, brain tryptophan uptake and serotonin synthesis in the rat.
  6. A. E. Bender & D. A. Bender (1976) British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 30: 60-65. Maintenance of weight loss in obese subjects.
  7. D. A. Bender, W. R. D. Smith & R. P. Humm (1977) Biochemical Pharmacology 26: 1619-1623. Effects of Benserazide on tryptophan metabolism in the mouse.
  8. D. A. Bender, C. J. Earl & A. J. Lees (1979) Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine 56: 89-93. Niacin depletion in Parkinsonian patients treated with L-dopa, Benserazide and Carbidopa.
  9. D. A. Bender (1980) Biochemical Pharmacology 29: 707-712. Inhibition in vitro of the enzymes of the oxidative pathway of tryptophan metabolism and nicotinamide nucleotide synthesis by Benserazide, Carbidopa and isoniazid.
  10. D. A. Bender (1980) Biochemical Pharmacology 29: 2099-2104. Effects of Benserazide, Carbidopa and isoniazid administration on tryptophan-nicotinamide nucleotide metabolism in the rat.
  11. W. F. Kelly, S. A. Checkley & D. A. Bender (1980) British Journal of Psychiatry 136: 125-132. Cushing's syndrome, tryptophan and depression.
  12. W. F. Kelly, S. A. Checkley, K. Mashiter & D. A. Bender (1983) British Journal of Psychiatry 142: 16-19. Cushing's syndrome and depression - a prospective study of 26 patients
  13. D. A. Bender & D. Wynick (1981) British Journal of Nutrition 45: 269-275. Inhibition of kynureninase by oestrone sulphate: an alternative explanation for abnormal results of tryptophan load tests in women receiving oestrogenic steroids.
  14. D. A. Bender, C. E. Tagoe & J. A. Vale (1982) British Journal of Nutrition 47: 609-614. Effects of oestrogen administration on vitamin B6 and tryptophan metabolism in the rat.
  15. D. A. Bender, B. I. Magboul & D. Wynick (1982) British Journal of Nutrition 48: 119-127. Probable mechanisms of regulation of the utilization of dietary tryptophan, nicotinamide and nicotinic acid as precursors of nicotinamide nucleotides in the rat.
  16. D. A. Bender & G. M. McCreanor (1982) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 717: 56-60. The preferred route of kynurenine metabolism in the rat.
  17. J. Holley, D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson & E. K. Symes (1983) Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 18: 161-165. Effects of vitamin B6 nutritional status on the uptake of [3H]oestradiol into the uterus, liver and hypothalamus of the rat.
  18. D. A. Bender, A. E. Laing, J. A. Vale, L. Papadaki & M. Pugh (1983) Biochemical Pharmacology 32: 843-848. Effects of oestrogen administration on tryptophan metabolism in rats and in menopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy.
  19. B. I. Magboul & D. A. Bender (1983) British Journal of Nutrition 49: 321-329. Effects of a dietary excess of leucine on the synthesis of nicotinamide nucleotides in the rat.
  20. D. A. Bender (1983) British Journal of Nutrition 50: 25-32. Effects of a dietary excess of leucine on the metabolism of tryptophan in the rat: a mechanism for the pellagragenic action of leucine.
  21. D. A. Bender (1983) British Journal of Nutrition 50: 33-42. Effects of oestradiol and vitamin B6 on tryptophan metabolism in the rat: implications for the interpretation of the tryptophan load test for vitamin B6 nutritional status.
  22. G. M. McCreanor & D. A. Bender (1983) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 759: 222-228. The rôle of catabolism in controlling tissue concentrations of nicotinamide nucleotide coenzymes.
  23. E. K. Symes, D. A. Bender, J-F. Bowden & W. F. Coulson (1984) Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 20: 1089-1093. Increased target tissue uptake of, and sensitivity to, testosterone in the vitamin B6 deficient rat.
  24. D. A. Bender & L. Totoe (1984) British Journal of Nutrition 51: 219-224. Inhibition of tryptophan metabolism by oestrogens in the rat - a factor in the aetiology of pellagra.
  25. D. A. Bender & L. Totoe (1984) Journal of Neurochemistry 43: 733-736. High doses of vitamin B6 in the rat are associated with inhibition of hepatic tryptophan metabolism and increased uptake of tryptophan into the brain.
  26. M. Salter, D. A. Bender & C. I. Pogson (1985) Biochemical Journal 225: 277-281. Leucine and tryptophan metabolism in rats.
  27. M. A. M. Salih, D. A. Bender & G. M. McCreanor (1985) Pediatrics 76: 787-793. A lethal familial pellagra-like skin lesion associated with neurological and developmental impairment and the development of cataracts.
  28. J-F. Bowden, D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson & E. K. Symes (1986) Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 25: 359-365. Increased uterine uptake and nuclear retention of [3H]oestradiol through the oestrous cycle and enhanced end-organ sensitivity to oestrogen stimulation in vitamin B6 deficient rats.
  29. G. M. McCreanor & D. A. Bender (1986) British Journal of Nutrition 56: 577-586. The metabolism of high intakes of tryptophan, nicotinamide and nicotinic acid in the rat.
  30. D. A. Bender (1986) Biochemical Education 14: 17-22. Combining a laboratory practical class with a computer simulation: studies on the synthesis of urea in isolated hepatocytes.
  31. D. A. Bender & R. Olufunwa (1988) British Journal of Nutrition 59: 279-287. Utilization of tryptophan, nicotinamide and nicotinic acid as precursors for nicotinamide nucleotide synthesis in isolated rat liver cells.
  32. D. A. Bender, K. Gartey-Sam & A. Singh (1989) British Journal of Nutrition 61: 619-628. Effects of vitamin B6 deficiency and repletion on the uptake of steroid hormones into uterus slices and isolated liver cells of rats.
  33. D. A. Bender (1989) British Journal of Nutrition 61: 629-640. Effects of a dietary excess of leucine and of the addition of leucine and 2-oxo-isocaproate on the metabolism of tryptophan and niacin in isolated rat liver cells.
  34. A. Burns, A. Marsh & D. A. Bender (1989) Psychiatric Medicine 19: 383-391. Dietary intake and clinical, anthropometric and biochemical indices of malnutrition in elderly demented patients and non-demented subjects.
  35. A. Burns, A. Marsh & D. A. Bender (1989) International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 4: 333-338. A trial of vitamin supplementation in senile dementia.
  36. D. A. Bender (1989) Computers in Education 13: 235-243. Combining a computer simulation with a laboratory class - the best of both worlds
  37. M. G. Page, V. Ankoma-Sey, W. F. Coulson & D. A. Bender (1989) British Journal of Nutrition 62: 245-253. Brain glutamate and g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolism in thiamin deficient rats.
  38. D. A. Bender, E. N. M. Njagi & P. S. Danielian (1990) British Journal of Nutrition 63: 27-36. Tryptophan metabolism in vitamin B6 deficient mice.
  39. E. N. M. Njagi & D. A. Bender (1990) Experimental Parasitology 70: 43-54. Schistosoma mansoni: Effects on tryptophan metabolism in mice.
  40. P. Clayton, N. A. Bridges, D. J. Atherton, P. J. Milla, M. Malone & D. A. Bender (1991). European Journal of Pediatrics 150: 498-502. Pellagra with colitis due to a defect in tryptophan metabolism.
  41. D. A. Bender & S. W. V. Coppinger (1992). Urological Research 20: 67-69. Estimation of irrigant absorption during transurethral resection of the prosstate.
  42. E. N. M. Njagi, D. A. Bender & G. B. A. Okelo (1992). Parasitology 104: 433-441. Tryptophan metabolism and vitamin B6 nutritional status in patients with schistosomiasis mansoni and in infected mice.

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Abstracts and Communications

  1. W. F. Coulson, D. A. Bender & J. B. Jepson (1969) Biochemical Journal 115: 63-64p. Multiple electrophoretic peaks of rat liver decarboxylase for 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and 5-hydroxytryptophan.
  2. D. A. Bender (1971) Biochemical Journal 126: 25p. An interactive programme for teaching the use of computers to medical students.
  3. D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson, P. Feherty & D. M. Robertson (1971) Biochemical Journal 126: 24-25p. Computer handling of radioactive isotope counting data for competitive binding and enzyme kinetic studies.
  4. D. A. Bender & W. F. Coulson (1973) Biochemical Society Transactions 1: 140-141. The electrophoretically separable forms of dopa decarboxylase.
  5. D. A. Bender (1974) Biochemical Society Transactions 2: 144-146. The response of serum and pancreas tryptophan to starving and refeeding in the rat.
  6. D. A. Bender & W. F. Coulson (1977) Biochemical Society Transactions 5: 1353-1356. Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase: pH dependence of substrates and inhibitors.
  7. D. A. Bender (1975) Biochemical Society Transactions 3: 115-117. The effect of single and repeated administration of chlorpromazine on serum tryptophan and albumin binding of tryptophan in the rat.
  8. D. A. Bender, A. P. Boulton & W. F. Coulson (1975) Biochemical Society Transactions 3: 193-194. A simple method for the study of tryptophan binding to serum albumin by small-scale equilibrium dialysis: application to animal and human studies.
  9. D. A. Bender (1975) Lancet 2: 278-279. Serum amino acids and brain tryptophan uptake. (letter)
  10. D. A. Bender (1975) Biochemical Society Transactions 3: 704-706. 5-Hydroxytryptamine synthesis in the rat brain after chlorpromazine administration.
  11. D. A. Bender (1976) Biochemical Society Transactions 4: 98-100. Changes in serum tryptophan, tryptophan binding to serum albumin and serum total amino acid concentration following administration of neuroleptic drugs to rats.
  12. D. A. Bender, J. Gruzelier, N. Hammond & R. M. Pigache (1975) Paper to 1st European Neurosciences Meeting. Serum tryptophan and albumin binding of tryptophan in chronic schizophrenics.
  13. D. A. Bender (1976) Lancet 2: 427. Tryptophan and serotonin in schizophrenia. (letter)
  14. D. A. Bender & P. M. Cockcroft (1976) Paper to 1st meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry. Serum tryptophan and brain serotonin in schizophrenia-action of anti-schizophrenic drugs.
  15. D. A. Bender & P. M. Cockcroft (1977) Biochemical Society Transactions 5: 155-157. Increase in brain tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptamine on administration of phenothiazines to rats.
  16. D. A. Bender (1977) Paper to 2nd meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research. Effect of phenothiazines on brain 5HT synthesis - a clue to the biochemistry of schizophrenia
  17. A. E. Bender & D. A. Bender (1975) Recent Advances in Obesity Research 1: 299-300. Maintenance of weight loss by dietary control.
  18. D. A. Bender (1976) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 35: 146-147. Variations in serum chemistry in normal subjects without changes in diet.
  19. D. A. Bender & W. R. D. Smith (1977) Paper to 2nd meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research. Benserazide effects on tryptophan metabolism in mice.
  20. D. A. Bender & W. R. D. Smith (1978) British Journal of Pharmacology 62: 454p. Benserazide effects on tryptophan metabolism in mice.
  21. D. A. Bender & W. R. D. Smith (1978) Biochemical Society Transactions 6: 120-122. Inhibition of kynurenine hydrolase by Benserazide, Carbidopa and other aromatic hydrazine derivatives: evidence for sub-clinical iatrogenic niacin deficiency.
  22. D. A. Bender & R. Russell-Jones (1979) Lancet 2: 1125-1126. Isoniazid-induced pellagra despite vitamin B6 supplementation.
  23. D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson, L. Papadaki & M. Pugh (1981) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 40: 20a. Effects of oestrone on apparent vitamin B6 status in peri- and post-menopausal women.
  24. D. Wynick & D. A. Bender (1981) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 40: 21a. The effect of oestrone sulphate on the activity of kynureninase in vitro.
  25. B. I. Magboul & D. A. Bender (1981) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 40: 16a. The effect of dietary leucine excess on nicotinamide nucleotides in the rat.
  26. B. I. Magboul & D. A. Bender (1981) Paper to 12th International Congress of Nutrition. Nicotinamide nucleotide depletion in rats fed on diets containing an excess of leucine.
  27. D. A. Bender, B. I. Magboul & D. Wynick (1981) Paper to 12th International Congress of Nutrition. Regulation of the utilization of dietary precursors of nicotinamide nucleotides in the rat.
  28. D. A. Bender, O. W. Hill, L. Papadaki & M. Pugh (1981) Paper to 8th meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry. Parallel changes in serum tryptophan and mood in peri- and post-menopausal women during oestrogen replacement therapy.
  29. B. I. Magboul & D. A. Bender (1982) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 41: 50a. The nature of niacin in sorghum.
  30. D. A. Bender (1982) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 41: 120a. The tryptophan load test is inappropriate for women receiving oestrogens.
  31. J. Holley, D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson & E. K. Symes (1982) Paper to 4th meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry. Effects of vitamin B6 nutritional status on the uptake of oestradiol into the hypothalamus, liver and uterus.
  32. D. A. Bender (1983) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 42: 142a. Inhibition of kynureninase by oestrogens: evidence that the tryptophan load test in unreliable as an index of vitamin B6 nutritional status in women receiving oestrogens.
  33. D. A. Bender (1983) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 42: 141a. Inhibition of tryptophan metabolism by leucine: an explanation for the pellagragenic action of excess dietary leucine.
  34. D. A. Bender, J-F. Bowden, W. F. Coulson, E. K. Symes and N. Baah (1983) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 42: 151a. Effects of vitamin B6 deficiency on the nuclear uptake of [3H]testosterone in the prostate of the rat.
  35. D. A. Bender & B. I. Magboul (1984) Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research (Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research), H. G. Schlossberger, W. Kochen, B. Linzen & H. Steinhart, Eds. Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin. pp 603-606 The pellagragenic action of a dietary excess of leucine - effects of a high-leucine diet on tryptophan metabolism.
  36. D. A. Bender (1984) Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research (Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research), H. G. Schlossberger, W. Kochen, B. Linzen & H. Steinhart, Eds. Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin. pp 637-640 Effects of oestrogens on the metabolism of tryptophan: implications for the interpretation of the tryptophan load test for vitamin B6 nutritional status.
  37. J. Holley, D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson & E. K. Symes (1983) Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 141A: Chemical and Biological Aspects of Vitamin B6 catalysis, (Proceedings of Symposium number 121 of the International Union of Biochemistry), A. E. Evangelopoulos, Ed. Alan R Liss Inc, New York. pp 55-60 Oestrogen uptake into target tissues and biological actions in vitamin B6 deficiency.
  38. D. A. Bender (1984) Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 141A: Chemical and Biological Aspects of Vitamin B6 catalysis, (Proceedings of Symposium number 121 of the International Union of Biochemistry), A. E. Evangelopoulos, Ed. Alan R Liss Inc, New York. pp 351-354 Inhibition of kynureninase by oestrogen conjugates: evidence that oestrogens do not cause vitamin B6 deficiency.
  39. J-F. Bowden, D. A. Bender, W. F. Coulson & E. K. Symes (1984) 7th International Congress of Endocrinology, Abstract number 220. Enhanced end-organ sensitivity to steroid hormones in vitamin B6 deficiency.
  40. D. A. Bender & G. M. McCreanor (1985) Biochemical Society Transactions 13: 441-443. Kynurenine hydroxylase: a potential rate-limiting enzyme in tryptophan metabolism.
  41. J. A. Vale, A. Kapila & D. A. Bender (1985) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 44: 38a. Colour vision, balance and impairment of the senses of taste and smell do not predict children at risk of vitamin A deficiency.
  42. D. A. Bender (1986) Bibliotheca Nutritio et Dieta 38: 82-86. Uptake of tryptophan into the brain: dietary influences on serotoninergic function.
  43. Abdelaziz Deng Bior & D. A. Bender (1986) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 45: 59a. Aspartate aminotransferase activation by pyridoxal phosphate as an index of vitamin B6 nutritional status: validity in the presence of oestrogen conjugates.
  44. D. A. Bender, E. Clifford, G. M. McCreanor & A. D. Smith (1987) Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research II, Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, (Bender, D. A. , Joseph, M. H. , Kochen, W. & Steinhart, H, Eds), Walter de Gruyter Ltd, Berlin & New York. pp 171-174. The metabolism of a high intake of nicotinamide in choline deficient rats.
  45. D. A. Bender (1987) Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research II, Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, (Bender, D. A. , Joseph, M. H., Kochen, W. & Steinhart, H, Eds), Walter de Gruyter Ltd, Berlin & New York. pp 159-164. The relative importance of dietary tryptophan and preformed nicotinic acid and nicotinamide as precursors of nicotinamide nucleotide coenzymes.
  46. G. J. Lavis, V. Ofei & D. A. Bender (1987) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 46: 59a. Differences in the zinc content of different regions of the toe-nail.
  47. D. A. Bender, E. Clifford, G. M. McCreanor & A. D. Smith (1987) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 46: 74a. The metabolism of a high intake of nicotinamide in choline deficient rats.
  48. D. A. Bender, J-F. Bowden, W. F. Coulson, M. R. Dewji, J. Sutton & E. K. Symes (1987) Biochemistry of Vitamin B-6 (T. Korpela & P. Christen, Eds) Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. pp 395-398. Vitamin B6 deficiency enhances end-organ sensitivity to steroid hormones.
  49. D. A. Bender, J-F. Bowden, W. F. Coulson, M. R. Dewji, J. Sutton & E. K. Symes (1988) Clinical and Physiological Applications of Vitamin B-6 (J. E. Leklem & R. D. Reynolds, Eds) Alan R. Liss Inc, New York. pp 45-49. Vitamin B-6 deficiency enhances end-organ sensitivity to steroid hormones.
  50. D. A. Bender, E. N. M. Njagi & P. S. Danielian (1991). Kynurenine and Serotonin Pathways, Proceedings of ISTRY-89, the 6th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, (Schwarz, R. , Young, S. N. & Brown, R. R. , Eds), Plenum Press Inc, New York. pp 359-368, Comparison of tryptophan metabolism in vivo and in isolated hepatocytes from vitamin B6 deficient mice.
  51. D. A. Bender & E. N. M. Njagi (1991). Kynurenine and Serotonin Pathways, Proceedings of ISTRY-89, the 6th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, (Schwarz, R. , Young, S. N. & Brown, R. R. , Eds), Plenum Press Inc, New York. pp 497-500, Tryptophan metabolism in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni.
  52. D. A. Bender (1991). Kynurenine and Serotonin Pathways, Proceedings of ISTRY-89, the 6th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research, (Schwarz, R. , Young, S. N. & Brown, R. R. , Eds), Plenum Press Inc, New York. pp 501-504, Inhibition of tryptophan -> niacin metabolism by dietary leucine and by leucine and 2-oxo-isocaproate in vitro.
  53. D. A. Bender & E. N. M. Njagi (1992). Advances in Tryptophan Research, 1992, Proceedings of ISTRY-92, the 7th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research (Ishiguro, I. , Kido, R. , Nagatsu, T. , Nagamura, Y. & Ohta, T. Eds). Fujita Health University Press, Toyoake, Japan. pp 157-160, Tryptophan metabolism in patients with bilharzia and in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni.
  54. D. A. Bender & P. S. Danielian (1992). Advances in Tryptophan Research, 1992, Proceedings of ISTRY-92, the 7th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research (Ishiguro, I. , Kido, R. , Nagatsu, T. , Nagamura, Y. & Ohta, T. Eds). Fujita Health University Press, Toyoake, Japan. pp 265-268, Induction of tryptophan dioxygenase by dexamethasone in vitamin B6 deficient mice.
  55. D. A. Bender (1992). Advances in Tryptophan Research, 1992, Proceedings of ISTRY-92, the 7th meeting of the International Study Group on Tryptophan Research (Ishiguro, I. , Kido, R. , Nagatsu, T. , Nagamura, Y. & Ohta, T. Eds). Fujita Health University Press, Toyoake, Japan. pp 273-275, Factors affecting the equivalence of dietary tryptophan and niacin.
  56. D. A. Bender & E. N. M. Njagi (1993). Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 52: 7a. The metabolism of amino acids in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni.
  57. D. A. Bender (1993). Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 52: 315a. Lack of concordance between two biochemical indices of vitamin B6 nutritional status.
  58. D. A. Bender (1996) Tryptophan and niacin nutrition - is there a problem- Advances in Experimental Biology and Medicine 398: 565-9.

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Reviews and invited contributions

  1. D. A. Bender. (1978) Tryptophan and serotonin in schizophrenia: a clue to biochemical defects - pp 87-98 in The Biological Basis of Schizophrenia, Edited by G. Hemmings & W. A. Hemmings, MTP Press, Lancaster.
  2. D. A. Bender (1978) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 37: 159-165. Regulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis.
  3. D. A. Bender (1984) Neurochemistry International 6: 297-321 B vitamins in the nervous system.
  4. D. A. Bender & A. E. Bender (1986) Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, series A, 56 695-719. Niacin and tryptophan metabolism: the biochemical basis of niacin requirements and recommendations.
  5. D. A. Bender (1987) World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics 51: 140-189. Oestrogens and vitamin B6 - actions and interactions.
  6. D. A. Bender (1989) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 43: 289-309. Vitamin B6 requirements and recommendations.
  7. D. A. Bender (1994) Novel functions of Vitamin B6. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 53: 625-30.
  8. D. A. Bender (1999) Non-nutritional uses of vitamin B6. British Journal of Nutrition 81: 7-20.
  9. D. A. Bender (1999) Optimum status: thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 58: 427-33.
  10. D.A.Bender (2002) Daily doses of multi-vitamin tablets. British Medical Journal 325: 173-4 (invited editorial).
  11. D.A.Bender (2003) Invited commentary: Megaloblastic anaemia in vitamin B12 deficiency. British Journal of Nutrition 89: 439-40.
  12. D.A.Bender (2003) Do we really know vitamin and mineral requirements for infants and children. JRSH: Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 123: 154-8.
  13. D.A.Bender (2005) The promise of metabolomics Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85: 7-9.

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Popular and general writing

  1. D. A. Bender (1970) Home Economics Quarterly Review of Nutrition and Food Science 21: 12 - 14. Enzymes in the kitchen.
  2. D. A. Bender. Articles for Intake, published by Abbott Laboratories Ltd as a supplement to the British Medical Journal. Each article was some 1500 - 2000 words long:
    · 1977 How fresh are the foods on your table -
    · 1978 Why do people eat what they do -
    · 1978 Drug-induced malnutrition
    · 1979 The effects of foods on drug action
  3. D. A. Bender. (1979) 16,000 words on general topics in nutrition in Start Living Now !, Lyric Books Ltd, London.
  4. A. E. Bender & D. A. Bender. (1980) 20,000 words on general topics in nutrition in The WHO Encyclopaedia of Health, Salvat Editores SA, Barcelona and Editions Grammont SA, Lausanne.
  5. D. A. Bender & P. J. Edwards. (1981) Wildlife in the Suburbs 2nd Edition, Published privately by The Selborne Society Ltd with a grant from the London Borough of Ealing Arts Lottery Fund.
  6. D. A. Bender (1983) New Home Economics 29: 7 - 10. The what and why of sweeteners.
  7. D. A. Bender (1984) Pharmaceutical Journal 237: 637-639. Who needs vitamins - - a guide for pharmacists.
  8. D. A. Bender (1989) Booklets on nutritional topics for Elite Medical / Health Information Network (each about 12 pp):
    · Vitamins: all the facts clearly explained
    · High dose vitamins: do they help-
    · Minerals: all the facts clearly explained
  9. D. A. Bender (1996) Wildlife in the Suburbs, 3rd Edition, published privately by the Selborne Society Ltd.
  10. D. A. Bender (1997) Vitamin B6, Nutrition and Food Science 128-33.
  11. D. A. Bender (1994 – 2003) Editorial consultant and contributing author on nutrition and agriculture, Encarta International English Edition, Microsoft. The Microsoft Encarta International English Edition contains articles I have contributed on: food additives, food hygiene, food labelling, food legislation, food poisoning, genetic modification of foods, chocolate, dairy products, reference nutrient intakes, dietary fibre, UHT treatment, Listeria, E. coli.
  12. HealthWatch position paper on multivitamin supplements ( supplements.pdf)
  13. HealthWatch position paper on trans-fatty acids ( fatty acids.pdf)


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Copyright © 2009 David A Bender : this page was updated on August 31, 2009