Chapter 13

Spatial Evolution:

Clines and Hybrid zones


So far we have covered only anagenesis, or evolution within populations and species. In this and subsequent chapters, we will be applying the same principles to evolutionary diversification.  The first case to consider is spatial evolution across the geographic ranges of single species.  Subsequent chapters cover the evolution of new species, or cladogenesis.  Finally, we will apply these ideas also to higher forms of evolution, macroevolution, or evolution above the species level.

Spatial evolution of populations

Genetic divergence can be classified into two major geographic modes:

1. Local disruptive selection - sympatric divergence

Although sympatric evolution (within a single local population, while populations remain in contact) is the normal kind of evolution that we have been treating so far, sympatric models of divergence are somewhat controversial, especially with respect to speciation, as we shall see in a subsequent chapter (SPECIATION).


2. Geographically varying selection (or drift)

a) Parapatric divergence

There is plenty of evidence for parapatric divergence (evolutionary divergence between populations found in different areas, but in contact at their boundaries).  Again, what is more controversial is whether speciation can result from parapatric evolution.

b) Allopatric divergence

Allopatric divergence (divergence between geographically isolated populations) has been considered almost the gold standard for evolutionary divergence of populations, and there is plenty of evidence that it occurs. For example, island populations are often genetically differentiated from mainlands.  In the past, this led to the idea that almost all speciation was due to divergence in allopatry, but these ideas are now being challenged.

Geographic distributions and geographic divergence: obviously, allopatric divergence may result in a parapatric geographic distribution via secondary contact after a period of geographic isolation.  This has seemed so obvious and likely that virtually all parapatric distributions and hybrid zones between them were assumed to be due to secondary contact (e.g. Mayr 1970). However, the reverse is also possible, and indeed likely; allopatric distributions could result from extinction of populations in a contact zone between parapatrically distributed forms. Thus, it is not easy to infer the geographical mode of origin of a distribution just from its current status.


Genetic divergence and speciation

Necessarily, speciation must involve genetic divergence. Many newly formed pairs of species have parapatric or allopatric distributions. Parapatric distributions and zones of contact or hybridisation are particularly interesting to evolutionists because they represent a first evolutionary stage leading to local diversification of species coexisting in sympatry. Evolution in parapatry is the subject of this chapter.

Genetic variation across a geographic area

Any consistent change in gene frequency, or in heritable phenotype, across the geographical range is known as a cline. Clines occur because dispersal across a region is limited, because individuals from the whole geographical area do not form a single panmictic population.

[Added for completeness here; in book will be dealt with in Chapter 8] Population geneticists and evolutionary biologists often use the term migration rather than dispersal, though they do not mean the same thing at all as ecologists and behaviourists.  For instance, they are not referring to migratory movements where birds leave for the winter, and then return to near their parents’ nest.  Only the movement from birthplace to place of breeding is considered migration in the genetic sense. Evolutionists also use the term gene flow – movement of genes between populations -- though they usually mean genotype flow, the movement of whole individuals, or genotypes.

Dispersal is never universal across the whole geographic range.  Other processes, especially genetic drift or selection, can therefore outweigh the homogenizing effect of the movement of genes. This can lead to a cline maintained as a balance between local genetic drift and gene flow, or between local selection and gene flow. Genetic diversity may thus be maintained between populations via the spatial uncoupling of selection and drift in different populations, as well as by processes we have already encountered within single populations (see Chapter 4: SELECTION FOR AND AGAINST DIVERSITY):

a) Clines produced by drift/migration balance

Random drift on its own will not, of course, produce consistent directional changes in gene frequency. Locally, however, drift can result in temporary monotonic trends with distance, or clines (see Fig.). Because the effect is not usually very powerful unless local population sizes are very small, drift will usually produce broad, random clines, which are prone to reversal over time.

b) Clines produced by selection/migration balance - EXTRINSIC selection

Extrinsic or environmental selection is imposed directly by the environment. If two types of environment favour different genes or phenotypes, if these two environments are sufficiently widely spaced, and if migration rates are not too high, it is easy to see that this divergent selection will set up a cline in gene or phenotype frequency. We have already met an example of a cline maintained by extrinsic selection (peppered moths in rural North Wales versus urban Manchester and Liverpool). Another example is sickle-cell haemoglobin in malaria-infested vs. malaria-free areas of the world, clines in heavy metal tolerance in plants, and even clines in the frequency of insecticide resistance (see SELECTION AND THE SINGLE GENE).


[Added for completeness here; in book will be dealt with in Chapter 8]

To understand a little about the theory of clines maintained by a balance between selection and gene flow, we will need to use a statistical description of movement.  The simplest method is as follows:












Measuring dispersal

If the dispersal of an individual between place of birth and breeding site is essentially random, it resembles a "drunkards walk". It is called a drunkard’s walk because the approximation is correct if the direction and distance taken during each step is random.  You may have encountered this sort of movement in high-school physics; it has the same distribution as passive diffusion, a two-dimensional normal distribution.

If this is true, dispersal distance can simply measured as the standard deviation, s, of the distribution.

(Strictly, s is only a valid measure of dispersal if dispersal is exactly normally distributed in two dimensions. Many field studies have shown that dispersal is leptokurtic, i.e. non-normal where most offspring breed very close to their parents, but some breed an enormous distance away. But in practice, we can use the normal approximation even if dispersal is non-normal, provided that leptokurtosis is not too extreme.)

Theory of clines under extrinsic selection

If selection favours different alleles in different areas, and if dispersal is not completely universal, it is fairly clear that  gene frequencies may diverge and equilibrate in different parts of the range. The detailed theory of clines requires solving some quite horrendous-looking differential equations  (a useful summary is given by Roughgarden 1998), but we can appreciate the results without delving into the mathematics too deeply.

At equilibrium between gene flow and selection, the width of a cline (w = 1/[maximum gradient in the centre], see Fig.) is proportional to dispersal divided by the square root of selection. In fact:


It is more important to understand this result than to know how we obtain it.

First, it should, in retrospect, obvious that the width of a cline scales directly to dispersal distance; the cline will get wider as the dispersal s increases. Second, it is obvious that stronger selection across an environmental gradient should result in a narrower cline, i.e. w should be inversely proportional to some function of selection. So the equation seems more or less sensible, though the square root and the constant 1.7 comes out of the analytical maths, and assumes weak selection.  You can test the details of this result and its robustness to strong selection by running the CLINE SIMULATION model included for different values of selection s and migration s.

Also more important than understanding the maths, we need to know why we want such an equation! It provides us with a way to understand the evolutionary phenomenon of clines and use it in analysing real data.  

[BOX: Adaptation to patches

The evolution of resistance to insecticides often causes insect control measures to fail (see EVOLUTION AND THE SINGLE GENE). We might be able to use cline theory to help with the problem. For example, if we were treating houses in an African village with insecticides to prevent malaria transmission by Anopheles mosquitoes, and we knew the selection pressures and dispersal distance, we might be able to ensure that we avoid insecticide resistance evolving in a village that is less than about 2w wide. This should work because two back-to-back clines cannot form over a village unless it is the village is very wide compared to the dispersal distance of the mosquitoes. Insecticide resistance will not evolve in small villages because genetic swamping from outside.  Unfortunately for this policy, many insecticides used in malaria control are also used in crop protection outside the villages, so that resistance will evolve there as well.  The technique has frequently been suggested, most recently by Lenormand & Raymond 1998, but has never been tested carefully.  A trial of these ideas is currently under way in the control of Culex mosquitoes near Montpellier in the south of France].

Cline theory was used by Jim Bishop in 1972 to study the cline of melanism in the peppered moth [See picture from Bishop’s paper]. Bishop obtained the cline theory by computer simulation rather than by the above analytical theory, but the principle is the same. He used a mark-release-recapture experiment to estimate selection and dispersal along a transect between North Wales and Liverpool (see SELECTION AND THE SINGLE GENE). He then compared the actual cline in melanism with the predicted cline based on his computer model. Bishop found that the cline width was much as expected from the model, but that the melanics reached further into relatively pristine woodland areas of North Wales than predicted.  Bishop explained this was probably due to higher fitness of melanics during the caterpillar stage; this was not accounted for in the mark-recapture experiments on adult moths.

c) Clines produced by selection/migration balance - INTRINSIC selection

i) Heterozygous disadvantage

Not all natural selection is dependent on the environment; selection may instead be completely intrinsic. We have come across example of this in heterozygous advantage and disadvantage acting on a single locus or a chromosomal rearrangement (see Fig. above, and CHROMOSOMAL EVOLUTION, MAINTENANCE OF GENETIC VARIATION). Heterozygous disadvantage creates a particularly interesting kind of spatial disruptive selection: as we have seen, equilibrium gene frequency, t/(s+t) is unstable, and selection tends to prevent polymorphism. There are two peaks in mean fitness, known as adaptive peaks; fixation for A, and fixation for a.  

Perhaps surprisingly, intrinsic selection will produce clines with very similar shape to those found when extrinsic selection is operating. When A is rare, it is selected against, where it is common, it is the favoured allele, and so areas with different starting frequencies of A will produce patches, separated by clines. At equilibrium between selection and gene flow, the constant of proportionality is found to be different for different models of selection, but the equations describing equilibrium shape and width of clines will be very similar. Under heterozygous disadvantage (Barton 1979),

2.8s/Ös', ... where s' is an average of s and t.

Again, it is fairly easy to understand the general feel of this equation: the stronger the selection, s, the narrower will be the cline. The greater the dispersal distance, the more blurred and broader will be the cline. Once again, the constant 2.8 emerges from the maths, and we can ignore it here.

But there is a big difference. Intrinsic selection does not depend on the outside environment, it depends only on the "internal environment" of each population, or local gene frequency. So this means that there will be no tendency, except for inertia, for a cline to remain rooted to the spot. If one homozygote is more strongly selected than another ( t), the cline will trundle gently around the landscape.

Many examples of patchy distributions of chromosomal variants are known with broad, nearly fixed populations separated by narrow contact zones in which the chromosomes are polymorphic (Fig. from MJD White on grasshoppers).  In these parapatric chromosomal races, intrinsic selection maintains near purity of each race, and enforces a narrow cline connecting the two.

ii) Frequency-dependent selection

Another example of intrinsic selection is frequency-dependent selection. Here, the strength of selection depends on the frequency of alleles in the population. An example is warning colour, where the commonest form is the fittest because it will presumably have already taught more predators to avoid the colour pattern. During learning, rarer colour patterns will be attacked more heavily.  This is true even if the same number of individuals of each colour pattern die while teaching predators, because a higher proportion of the rarer form will die. If colour patterns start off with different abundances in different regions, the geographic range overall will stay patchy for the colour patterns, and clines under intrinsic selection will form between them. This actually happens in warningly coloured butterflies such as Heliconius (see mimicry chapter).

It turns out that frequency-dependent selection will result in almost exactly the same kinds of clines as for heterozygous disadvantage. Heterozygote advantage or disadvantage is, in fact, frequency-dependent at the genic level, when you think about it: the direction and strength of selection depends on gene frequency. 

iii) Epistatic and disruptive selection

If the environment is constant, but selection is disruptive, there is a special case where intrinsic selection may be caused by the environment. Here selection may favour a bimodal phenotypic distribution, that is two adaptive peaks simultaneously within the same area. For example, the Darwin’s finches have available large, tough seeds, as well as small soft seeds, which are hard to get out of their pods or off grass stems. One type of seed selects for stout, deep beaks; the other for narrow pincer-like beaks.

These traits are usually controlled at multiple loci, and bimodal adaptive landscapes usually imply epistasis, or interactions in selection between genes (see SELECTION ON MORE THAN ONE GENE). Suppose A and B both cause larger beaks, whereas alternative alleles a and b both result in smaller beaks. AA BB will have very large beaks, while aa bb will have very small beaks, both of which may be near the bimodal optimal beaks. Intermediates with genotypes Aa bb or Aa Bb, for example, will have beaks that "fall between two stools". Loci A and B depend on each other (which is the definition of epistasis) to produce optimal phenotypes.

Another and very important example is sexual selection and mating behaviour, in which genes for mate choice are strongly epistatic on genes for the traits being chosen. Clearly, epistatic genes in mating behaviour might cause speciation directly by altering mating patterns (see SPECIES AND SPECIES DIFFERENCES).

It may be very difficult, or even virtually impossible for a randomly-mating population to achieve a bimodal phenotypic distribution, even if this is favoured, because Mendelian inheritance and recombination ensures that phenotypes determined by multiple loci will be approximately normally distributed with a single mode - see QUANTITATIVE GENETICS). Specialization on a second type of seed may ruin adaptation to the first, and vice versa. In this case, selection sets up stresses which multiple loci cannot easily resolve. There are three possible outcomes:

Polymorphism. A single locus or "supergene" polymorphism could evolve, such that each morph occupies a different habitat. This is unlikely in the case of a multilocus trait like size However, it is not unknown for size in fish to be dimorphic due to a polymorphism at single growth-hormone receptor genes.  Batesian mimics like Papilio memnon achieve this kind of polymorphism also.

Speciation. If there are actually two different species with little gene flow between them, bimodality is easy to achieve overall by evolution in opposite directions within each.  Competition, in fact, will usually ensure that the populations diverge to form a bimodal distribution overall.  Thus, a possible resolution of the disruptive selection might be to evolve into two separate species (see SPECIATION).

Loss of one adaptive peak. Perhaps the most probable outcome is that populations will evolve towards one adaptive peak or the other. Otherwise the majority of individuals, near the phenotypic mean, would suffer the consequences of poor adaptation if a polymorphism existed covering exploitation of both habitats.

If there is loss of different adaptive peaks in different areas, this will lead to a patchwork of different forms over the geographic range of a species.  Whether the differences are initially determined by the environment, or perhaps by different kinds of sexual selection in different populations (see SEXUAL EVOLUTION), the end result is the same: parapatric contact between divergent populations will result in clines at the boundary that are maintained by a balance between intrinsic selection against intermediates and gene flow.

Clines at epistatic loci are stabilized in a similar manner to clines with heterozygous disadvantage or frequency-dependent selection.  The only difference is that, with more than one locus, the analytical mathematics becomes more intractable, and either new approximations or numerical simulations must be used to study these systems.  Perhaps for this reason, few detailed studies have been done on epistatic clines.  However, such clines are undoubtedly common, and epistasis is an extremely important topic in speciation, as we shall see.


Evolution of clines

Any one of the various extrinsic or intrinsic modes of selection can stabilize clines of gene frequency (in the case of epistasis, at more than one gene). Under Ernst Mayr’s "biological species concept", species are reproductively isolated from one another (see SPECIES AND SPECIES DIFFERENCES). Intrinsic and even extrinsic selection across clines can therefore give a degree of "reproductive isolation", in that crosses between the types produce poorly adapted heterozygotes or other kinds of intermediate phenotypes. Knowing how spatial evolution can produce clines and how to use cline theory is therefore important for understanding speciation.

It should be pointed out at this stage that pure intrinsic or extrinsic clines are unlikely.  Intrinsically selected chromosomal morphs are often differentiated at many loci due to the suppression of recombination; thus they can carry loci which affect extrinsic adaptation as well.  Similarly, ecological or extrinsic adaptations may have pleiotropic effects on mating behaviour or survival of hybrids which have intrinsic effects.


Hybrid zones

Many species and/or races are distributed parapatrically. Hybrid zones are the narrow zones of contact between divergent forms or species in parapatric contact. Hybrid zones may include few hybrids or many, and the hybrids themselves may consist only of F1 only, or of F1, F2 and every kind of backcross.

We have already seen examples in the case of chromosomal races of mammals, and grasshoppers, where heterozygote or hybrid disadvantage presumably maintain the clines. But we also see them for frequency-dependent traits like warningly coloured butterflies, sexually selected birds [see Fig. of parapatric manakin distributions in Colombia and Panama].

Hybrid zones are usually first noticed because they separate morphologically different taxa or chromosomal races.  However, these races often differ at multiple other traits as well. Races separated by hybrid zones usually differ at one or many molecular markers, such as enzyme loci (allozymes) and DNA markers like mtDNA, microsatellites, or nuclear DNA sequences (Barton & Hewitt 1983). Thus hybrid zones consist of clines at multiple genes or genetic elements like chromosomes.

Perhaps the record for character differences across a hybrid zone is held by the European fire-bellied toad, Bombina. There are two forms, Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Fig., Szymura & Barton 1986).

                            Bombina bombina         Bombina variegata
Habitat                     Lowland                 Hilly
Water bodies                Large ponds,lakes       Small ponds, puddles
Skin thickness              Thin                    Thick
Eggs                        Small, many             Large, many
Belly warning colour        Yellow                  Red
Other differences                   Male mating call
                            Hybrids develop less successfully
                                Immunological differences
                              Multiple allozyme differences
                                    [see Fig.]
                                   mtDNA differences

Hybrid zones, then, are just places where narrow clines at multiple loci overlap. In a few cases, however, hybrid zones for morphology or chromosomes are not associated with other genetic differences. For example, in hybrid zones between races of the warningly coloured butterfly Heliconus [see MIMICRY], there are no differences in allozymes, chromosomes, or DNA, and hybrids are apparently as fertile and viable as the normal pure forms on either side of the zone. In Heliconius, the strong selection on colour pattern differences acts at only a handful of gene loci that affect warning colour. 


Summary: importance of clines and hybrid zones

Cline theory is important for understanding the limits to environmental adaptation. In some cases, migration will swamp adaptations to a particular area. But wherever the cline width w is substantially smaller than the environmental patches, there will be no problem for adaptation; adaptation can occur in parapatry.

Cline theory also shows how genes for intrinsic selection will evolve spatially-- that is, very similarly to genes for environmental adaptation. The patchy structure of chromosomal races, mating types, and other kinds of genetic architectures under intrinsic selection can be almost as fine-grained as genes for environmental adaptation.

Furthermore, clines that are maintained by purely intrinsic selection, may be able to move around the landscape, and can, in theory, spread novel adaptations, even if they are disfavoured when rare.  The evolution of these adaptations would have been impossible if the populations were not connected with some spatial structure.  There is evidence that some clines do indeed move rapidly (refs.), but the positions of many clines and hybrid zones seem to have remained stable over long periods of evolutionary history (Szymura & Barton 1991).  Moving clines are an intriguing possibility, but we cannot yet tell whether they are simply a theoretical curiosity or whether they represent a common means by which coadapted groups of genes spread to new populations.

Because hybrid zones consist of multiple clines, cline theory enables us to understand the widespread phenomenon of hybrid zones.

Hybrid zones separate forms, that, like species, usually differ at many genes. Therefore the study of hybrid zones give us a glimpse of an intermediate stage of evolution between simple intraspecific polymorphisms and "good" species. Unlike "good" species, hybridizing forms can be crossed, and we can therefore use clines and hybrid zones study the kinds of genes that lead to incipient speciation.