
 B250 exam paper 2005





1. Describe the structure and function of the Bithorax and Antennapedia complexes in fruit flies.  How do they relate to the Hox gene clusters in vertebrates?



2. Discuss the role of the Spemann organiser in frog head development.



3. Describe the features of pre-implantation mouse development that facilitate the derivation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. Discuss how manipulating gene function by homologous recombination in ES cells has added to our understanding of vertebrate development.



4. Write an essay outlining how dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior patterning occur in the vertebrate central nervous system.



5. Discuss how the vasculature in vertebrates develops?



6. Discuss the role of Pax6 as a master regulator of eye development and what characterizes a developmental master regulator or selector gene. Explain the structural components needed for recruiting a gene into a novel developmental pathway during the course of evolution.



7. Discuss how limbs develop in vertebrates?



8. Answer both parts (each part is of equal value):


a) The vasculature, the lung, and the nervous system are all branched structures. Compare the fundamental mechanisms by which they develop. What are the differences and what is shared? The names of individual genes are not required but don't limit yourself just to vertebrates.

b) Compare the roles of branchless in Drosophila tracheal development and VEGF in vertebrate vascular development.



9. Compare and contrast the mechanisms of sex determination in humans and Drosophila.  

