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Cambridge Supervisions

Old Supervision Sheets


Mathematics and Statistics, Trade - Part 1, Paper 3

Supervision 1: Differentiation
Supervision 2: Constrained Optimisation

Economics of Underdeveloped Countries - Part 2A, Paper 4, 2012-13

Supervision 1: Development and Growth
Supervision 2: Dualism, Industrialisation and Agriculture
Supervision 3: Inequality, Poverty and Development
Supervision 4: Political Economy and Public Goods
Supervision 5: Human Capital Supervision 6: Trade & Development
Supervision 7: Savings Credit & Investment
Supervision 8: Property rights, Contracts & Development

Macroeconomics - Part 2A, Paper 2

Microeconomics, Trade - Part 2B, Paper 1

Supervision 1: International Trade and Trade Policy I
Supervision 2: International Trade and Trade Policy II

Microfinance, Economic Development - Part 2B, Paper 8


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