home bio cv research teaching writing


Cambridge | 2007-12


11 September 2022, 12:43


The course uses the principal-agent framework to analyse the information problems associated with lending to the poor. You will find that the lecture notes deal with issues in greater detail and complement the lecture slides. There are suggestions for an essay and a problem based supervision below.

Lecture Slides

Lecture Notes


Reading List

Aleem 1990 | Aniket 2007a | Aniket 2007b | Besley & Coate 1995 | Dercon 2004 | de Mezza & Webb | Eswaran & Kotwal 1990 | Ghatak 1999 | Ghatak 2000 | Ghatak & Guinnane 1999 | Ghosh Mookherjee & Ray | Jain & Mansuri 2003 | Morduch 1999 | Sjostrom & Rai 2005 | Stiglitz 1990 | Stiglitz & Weiss 1981 | Udry 1990 | Chapters by Besley and Aghion & Morduch are chapters available from Camtools Counter Papers


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