Comments - Symmetry
This section is intended to briefly describe how symmetry is used in DMAREL.
Firstly we will discuss some of the problems that can arise if symmetry
is not used.
If no iterations
are carried out there will be no problems. However, if perfect lattice
iterations are carried out a number of problems can arise. In principle,
the perfect lattice calculation will conserve the space group symmetry
of the input unit cell. In practice, rounding errors can permit the symmetry
to change, although this rarely happens. Secondly, the perfect lattice
relaxation is always carried out keeping the first molecule centre of
mass fixed. This is to remove the translational invariance of the force
constant matrix. The fixing of the first molecule centre of mass has important
consequences for the symmetry. For example, this position may be related
to a second by a two-fold axis. Relaxing the perfect lattice will relax
these two positions keeping the first one fixed, so that the two-fold
axis will move. It is possible that this two-fold axis initially passes
through the point group origin.