Crystal Structure Information. CSD Reference Code: BAWNIW01 Crystal System: Monoclinic Space Group No: 4 Space Group: P21 No. of atoms per molecule: 14 No of molecules per unit cell: 0 Year of publication: 19 0 Other Information R = 0 . 0 0 0 0 C R E A T E D B Y W M I N 2 F D A T K . S . W I B L E Y 1 9 9 5 Unit Cell Parameters (Angstroms and Degrees) a= 8.695 b= 6.029 c= 9.252 alpha= 90.00 beta=116.13 gamma= 90.00 Crystaldataraphic Coordinates of atoms in asymmetric unit cell Label x/a y/b z/c CLR1 0.60474 0.00000 0.05645 CLR2 0.44232 0.00000 0.55307 CLR3 0.05165 0.00000 0.31303 CLR4 -0.05658 0.00000 -0.05801 NIT1 0.18755 0.00000 -0.28595 NIT2 0.82226 0.00000 0.49149 CAR1 0.27943 0.00000 0.01946 CAR2 0.45225 0.00000 0.12720 CAR3 0.50198 0.00000 0.29204 CAR4 0.37764 0.00000 0.34888 CAR5 0.20435 0.00000 0.24220 CAR6 0.15609 0.00000 0.07752 CAR7 0.22802 0.00000 -0.15143 CAR8 0.68129 0.00000 0.40360