Automatic Control Group
Professor D.R.Broome BSc(Eng), PhD, Ceng, FIMechE, FIMarE
David Broome is Professor of Automatic Control, and head of the Automatic Control Group in Mechanical Engineering Department at University College London. He obtained his BSc(Eng) from UCL in 1965, spent 5 years as a development engineer in industry before returning to UCL in 1970 to take up a Lectureship and begin his PhD studies. Subsequently he has held posts as Senior Lecturer and Reader in Automatic Control. His teaching specialities include Design, Dynamics, Applied Mechanics, Computing and Automatic Control to UG level. Automatic Control, Ship Dynamics and Marine Systems to M.Sc. level, and he has been director of the UCL Marine Engineering MSc since it began in 1977.
His research interests involve Dynamics and Control applied mainly to the Marine and Offshore environment, but he has also worked extensively in the Nuclear, Defence and Biomedical areas. Research topics include Autopilots for ships and submersibles, Computer Control, Simulation, Computer Graphics, Robotics, Intelligent Sensors. He has lead a number of large R&D projects with extensive industrial and/or EU support such as the Mobil funded ARM project for automated underwater inspection. Professor Broome has published extensively in the technical literature and has over 150 papers and articles attributed to him, and he has supervised over 20 PhD students.
Automatic Control Group Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
Torrington Place
London WC1E 7JE
Tel. +44 (0)171 380 7178 Fax. +44 (0)171 388 0180