Guidance and control of a cruise missile flying along a
geomagnetic isoline
Caifa Guo, Hong Cai & G.H.M. van der Heijden
This paper presents a new guidance method for cruise missiles, which makes
use of geomagnetic isolines. The isolines are extracted by using bilinear
interpolation in the geomagnetic contour map. Path tracking is implemented
in the geomagnetic map and takes into account the dynamics of the missile
and its constraints. For this, the dynamic equations for the missile during
its cruise phase are established. Using an inverse dynamics guidance law to
implement the simulation experiments, the simulation results show that
missile flight along a geomagnetic isoline is theoretically feasible. As the
path made up of isoline points is determined, the missile can follow the
isoline with a path tracking controller.
keywords: cruise missile, guidance, isoline, path tracking, inverse dynamics
Proc. IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 228,
1215-1224 (2014)