Admissions Tutor (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) in Italian
Dr John Took,
Department of Italian
University College London,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT.
Tel. 0171 380 7784
Fax. 0171 209 0638
Secretary: Miss Sue Carr
Admissions secretary: Mrs Patrizia Oliver
Address, telephone number and fax as above.
University College London,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT.
Tel. 0171 380 7365
Fax. 0171 380 7380
Address as above
Tel. 0171 380 7765
UCL Student Residences Office,
117, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6AP.
University of London Accommodation Office,
Senate House,
Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HU.