This is a temporary site - sorry for the total lack of design/content!!!
If you'd like to help construct a website for MedSIN-RUMS please email me!

MedSIN-RUMS Seminar

Tuesday 22nd January, 6.30pm
Middlesex Hospital Boardroom (directions below)
Come along to find out what our plans for this term are, including a big awareness campaign about Access to Water in developing countries, homelessness projects, Marrow, and teaching BLS to kids in schools.
Directions: Nearest tube=Goodge Street. The Middlesex Hospital is on Goodge Street, which is a road leading onto Tottenham Court Road. Go in the main entrance, and the boardroom is directly in front.

What is MedSIN-RUMS?

MedSIN-RUMS is the branch of the Medical Students International Network UK (MedSIN-UK) at the Royal Free & University College Medical School of UCL.
MedSIN's mission is to raise action and awareness for global humanitarian health issues. We believe that by educating ourselves and our peers, and by organising and participating in voluntary projects, conferences and workshops, we will be able to contribute to a more globally aware and humanitarian set of future doctors who care about the inequalities which shape the world's health.
Our focus issues include poverty, refugees, homelessness, sexual health, human rights, conflicts, cultural issues, Third World debt, and many more. We also believe in the value of working abroad as a medical student and doctor.
Locally, we run voluntary projects in the community, and organise seminars, awareness campaigns, workshops and conferences. As part of a national network we're in contact with MedSIN groups at almost all the UK medical schools, and we have national conferences, workshops and projects. Internationally we're part of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA), giving us access to they're international projects, conferences, workshops, summer schools, and the international network that's in our name!
For more information, see our national website at www.medsin.org or email me on rums@medsin.org.

What do we do?

We have the following projects...
- ACCESS TO WATER: Our big event this term will be a big Access to Water campaign, which aims to publicise the vast problem of severe lack of access to water in the devloping world. We'll have water fights, wet t-shirt competitions, and hand out free sterile water sachets to raise awareness and get names on a petition to lobby the United Nations! Contact Liz for more info - we need all the help we can get!
- MARROW: Aims to recruit students onto the Anthony Nolan Trust national bone marrow register, which is always desperate for as many people from as many different cultures as possible. The project involves fundraising (you must have seen the RUMS Uncovered calendar!), publicity, and running clinics where volunteers receive counselling on the process before giving a small blood sample. Please contact Saz for more info.
- HOMED: We hosted the first ever MedSIN national homelessness conference for medical students last December, which was a huge success! Now the Homed team is working on various possible projects working woth the homeless of London. Contact Neil for more info.
- REFUGEES: There are some possibilities for refugee projects, which need some people to get off the ground. Contact Jay for more info.
- BLS: Aims to train a small group of medical students to go into local schools to teach kids Basic Life Saving skills, like ABC, CPR etc. In very early stages... contact me for now.
- ANY MORE? If you have ANY ideas for new projects, then don't hesitate to email us and I'd be happy to discuss it with you!

Website written by Chris Hopkins, MedSIN-RUMS President.
Last updated 14/01/2002.
MedSIN-RUMS is a society of UCL Union, and part of the Medical Students International Network UK.