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Domain Analysis


Human HSP90 A1 and B and representative protein FASTA sequences were used to indentify domains in the sequence using Pfam.

The protein sequence domains show huge similarities and support the idea of homology between species and the conservation of sequences for Hsp90. Each isoform has the H ATPase c domain as well as the actual domain which sequences the Hsp90 protein. This ATPase domain plays an important role in the structure of the protein, and comes to no surprise that the domain is present in each isoform as it is necessary for the activity of Hsp90.

For each species domain, the amino acid range for the particular domain HATPase_c and HSP90 is given.

Homo A1

Amino acid range of domains: HATPase_c 162-315, HSP90 318-854

Homo Beta

35-188, 191-724


40-193, 196-733


40-193, 196-733


41-194, 197-729


27-183, 209-624


More information about the structure and function of each HSP90 domain can be found in the Structure section of the website.


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