Education support

Photos during activities

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What did I do?

At the end of 2020, I went to Lingyun County, Baise City, China for volunteer teaching. It is a very remote area with rugged mountain roads, and most locals lack stable living guarantees. Often, they are vulnerable to natural disasters such as mudslides. Although many families have received assistance from the Chinese government, their lives are far from those in developed regions.

I volunteered at a small primary school in Baise City, and the journey to the school was perilous and steep, making me feel apprehensive. The children there all live in dormitories, with older students taking care of the younger ones because their homes are too far away. Most have to walk for an hour on mountain roads to reach the school, and their parents need to work in the county town, leaving them with no time to look after their children.

I taught them music and brought flutes to the class. Every student was delighted, and regardless of whether they were first graders struggling to cover the flute holes with their fingers or sixth graders playing beginner tunes, they all learned very earnestly.

After classes, we stayed there for a few days, sharing meals, attending physical education classes, playing basketball, singing together, and discussing things beyond their school. In the end, though we had to part ways, we took group photos together, and saying goodbye was tough for both us and the students.