Mogao Caves

Photos during activities

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What I want to say.

Mogao Grottoes, situated at the western end of the Hexi Corridor in Dunhuang, spans approximately 1000 years, an unparalleled phenomenon among Chinese grotto art. It stands as a brilliant artistic treasury of ancient Chinese civilization. The Mogao Grottoes currently house 735 caves, preserving over 45,000 square meters of murals, more than 2400 colored sculptures, and five Tang and Song wooden-structured cave ceilings. It serves as a microcosm reflecting the evolution of Chinese grotto art.

Due to the immense difficulty in preserving the sculptures and murals due to adverse weather conditions and an unfavorable geographical location, photography is not permitted inside. The photos presented here were sourced from the internet, aiming to convey the captivating essence of the Mogao Grottoes.

Despite the exquisite perfection of the murals and sculptures in the Mogao Grottoes, challenges such as significant temperature differences between day and night, sandstorms, and fluctuating humidity pose substantial difficulties in preservation. Therefore, I hope people cherish every moment of these artistic treasures, appreciating them before expressing regret only when they are lost.