Thank you for using accessapp and contributing to scientific research!

This project has UCL ethics approval with Project ID: 7111/001

What am I contributing to?

The project you are participating is titled: Maintaining mobility in disruptions. Evaluating the capability of disabled people to completing their activities with respect to their mobility. The overall aim of the project is to examine how people with different mobility requirements interact with the environment (e.g. public transport) in order to complete their day to day activities and how this might change in case of a disruption. As such, people with different mobility requirements are welcome to contribute.

What's in for me?

  • Personal analytics - data related to our mobility patterns are becoming increasingly important in decision making. We provide new ways to view and analyse your mobility patterns. All data are available for downloading from this website, or by contacting the student researcher by email. Since all your data is automatically anonymised please use the unique identifier located at the bottom of Project Information tab in the app
  • A copy of the final report will be available to you on request

What is collected?

  • Your location. Depending on your preferences (e.g. GPS) this could be as coarse as 300m or as accurate as 10m
  • The information related to the questionnaires in the app
  • Aggregated, anonymous information related to your call history. This is to determine the role of social activity in case of disruptions in your mobility patterns.

All data are collected and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998

Please take a moment to download and read the informed consent and information sheet