
Quiz on the ATLAS Site

Go on, have a go!

Test your languages by answering the quiz below. You might like to grab paper and a pen to jot answers as you look through the site. Good Luck!

Where are the answers?

The answers to all these questions can be found on the ATLAS website.



1. In what area of employment do most language graduates work and what’s the percentage given here?

Jobs with Languages

2. Is the number of jobs advertised for work, using Danish, nearer 10 or 100? Where do you want to go tomorrow?
3. What's the Portuguese for "A Portuguese custard tart?" Getting started in Portuguese
4. What do the Danes mean when they say, literally, "to have one's bum on fire"? (Please answer in English!) Odd expressions in Danish
5. What five Russian letters are identical to letters in English, in sound as well as shape ? Russian Language
6. If you're shopping in Prague, using Czech, what does the work 'tasky' refer to? Let's go shopping
7. Who wrote the story on which the film 'The Matrix' is based? Poland goes to Hollywood
8. What was the slogan for the 2008 Olympics held in Beijing? Mandarin: Sports
9. Which Greek goddess is associated with Wisdom? Greek: Mythology
10. What English word is derived from the Arabic for "a sweetener"? The Arabic Language
11. Which city in Turkey is situated on two continents? About Turkey
12. What is the first name of a young female footballer with a Yoruba name? Yoruba Famous names

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